I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 426: There is a real inheritance

Chapter 426: True Mine Inheritance

Although the shriveled eye sockets can no longer see the light, they are no longer troubled by ulcers and infections.

According to Lin Yi's simple and crude understanding, the function of "zhen qi" is probably high-temperature sterilization.

 However, what is infected in the land of fireworks is the virus!

 Viruses parasitize in living cells, so it’s useless no matter how powerful the Qi is, right?

 So, to this day, he always feels that Chen Xilian is developing in the direction of a goddess.

But let’s not debunk it. Medicine in the feudal era originally had the attribute of comfort medicine. Kowtowing has a temple gate, and burning incense has a goal. If you don’t know a little bit about the tricks of native doctors, witch doctors, goddesses, etc. to exorcise ghosts and ward off evil spirits, it will be difficult to get along. .

 When he came to this era, he also believed in science and even developed science in Sanhe.

But as the king of the Sanhe clan, he must participate in activities such as worshiping, offering sacrifices to the sky, and praying for blessings every year.


 Not participating?

 You, the vassal king, clearly don’t want the people to be well!

 It’s easy to be embarrassed!

 No amount of good deeds can make up for the "fragile" hearts of the people.

 It is not easy for him as a vassal king to do anything. He has always been cautious, cautious, and cautious.

 Absolutely not touch the core principles of the people.

His current attitude towards feudal superstition is that he does not advocate, oppose, encourage or support it.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty,”

Hu Shilu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Lin Yi said, "Although Chen Xilian is a woman, she is very talented, even better than me. I have already taught you all the knowledge about germs, obstetrics, gynecology, and pediatrics that I learned from the prince." Gave it to her.

I can boldly say that the blue is better than the blue! "

 The more he spoke, the louder his voice became!

 After all, it all comes from the heart.

If the princess had not suffered from dystocia, he, the miracle doctor, would have had no chance to take action.

 In terms of delivering babies naturally, his disciple is the best in the world!

 “It turned out to be a real gynecological master,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "There is no reason why women cannot be officials here. Now that the matter is done, you two apprentices can be assigned positions in the Ministry of Health. I don't care what kind of officials they are. They must be at least fourth grade."


Hu Shilu was startled, "I'm afraid this is against the rules."

●Today’s officialdom is different from the past. The policy of “taking exams for all official duties” is strictly implemented!

Even Mr. He can’t promote anyone he wants!

This kind of policy benefits vested interests!

Yesterday he also saw Wang Xiaoshuan saying proudly: I am thankful that I became an official early.

In the past, with Wang Xiaoshuan's conditions, not to mention being a ninth-grade fence chief, even a horseman could not do it!

Now, if he directly promoted his two female apprentices, without the officials telling him, even Master He Jixiang would not be able to pass the test!

 Everything has rules, and you cannot break the rules.

Lin Yi waved his hands and said, "I set the rules. If I say we agree, we will agree. If I say we disagree, we will not agree. You should stop talking nonsense. Let's leave it as it is. I hope they can contribute to the obstetrics industry in Daliang." Make your due contribution.”

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Hu Shilu knelt down again and kowtowed three times.

 What the prince said is right!

 It depends on who sets the rules!

The screams in the room became louder through the closed doors and windows.

Lin Yi looked nervously at the maids who opened the door from time to time and came in and out. His clenched palms were already sweating nervously.

“Your Majesty, your Majesty, your Majesty does not need to worry too much because she has worked hard and is very strong.”

Mingyue said cautiously, "Besides, the queen and the good girl have their own destiny. You'd better rest nearby and drink some tea first."


Lin Yi glanced at the stone bench in the yard, walked to the shade of the tree, sat down directly, took the teacup handed over by Mingyue, and while blowing the tea leaves, he said, "This time the princess has suffered a lot."

 He once heard a friend say that painlessness is the light of mankind!

 It’s a pity that it’s simply not possible in this era!

Whether you are a commoner or a high-ranking official, there is basically no big difference in lifespan.

It is simply a miracle that so many princes like him can survive to take over the throne.

 “Your Majesty,”

Hu Shilu said cautiously, "Chen Xilian is good at using zhenqi. The empress has her own zhenqi to protect her body, which can alleviate some pain."

 “Zhenqi is not omnipotent,”

Lin Yi sighed, "Didn't you hear her cry?

 After such a short period of time, the pain will probably be excruciating. "

 Faintly, Lin Yi felt a little regretful.

Hu Miaoyi is really being ignored these days!

  She is a pregnant woman, and it is normal to have a temper during pregnancy, and it is not a big deal.

 What would it be like for his dignified regent to argue with her?

 Because he affected her mood, which in turn affected the child in her belly. If another fool appeared, he wouldn't even have time to cry!

 In such a short moment, he really thought about a lot.

If there is a second child, he promises to be more patient and caring for Hu Miaoyi.

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Hu Shilu hesitated for a moment, but in the end he did not refute.

 In terms of medical skills, Prince He is half of his teacher. Without Prince He, he would not have what he has achieved today.

He didn’t believe that He Wangye didn’t know that without the true energy to protect her body, the princess’s screams would have been several times louder than now!

 It doesn’t even stop.

The prince knows everything, and he is just deliberately making things difficult for him at this moment.

 If he dares to talk back, based on his understanding of the prince, he will not have a good life.

 “Ordinarily the princess’s due date is exactly right,”

Lin Yi put down the teacup, pondered for a moment and said, "When the melon is ripe, it can't be better."

 “Thank you, Miss Mingyue,”

Hu Shilu deliberately stood up and took the tea handed over by Mingyue, saying, "I'm busy, girl."

 He boldly glanced at Mingyue's brows again.

 I can’t help but cry secretly in my heart.

 This girl is obviously no longer a virgin!

Who can seize his body?

If it were an outsider, it would be impossible for this woman to stay with Prince He. Obviously, the one who is close to Prince He will win first!

 He glanced at Mingyue's belly pretending to be casual, and felt even more uneasy.

I guess I will have to come over and check this girl’s pulse in a few days.

 I was thinking about whether these things should be reported to He Jixiang, Chen Desheng and others.

 After all, they are the ones who most look forward to having children with the prince as soon as possible.

However, after just a brief thought, he threw this idea out of his mind.

Whether it is Mingyue or Zixia, they are just girls.

Even if the prince loves you a lot, what will happen?

 As for whether the prince will ascend to the throne in the future?

 Three thousand beauties, let alone their affairs.

After much deliberation, he couldn't get involved in this kind of thing.

“Master Hu, I don’t like to hear what you say. You were never so polite when you were in the government before.”

Mingyue smiled and said, "You are a world-famous miraculous doctor. If I am unhappy in any way in the future, I will have to ask for help from you."

 “Young lady’s words are serious, I don’t dare to take them seriously.”

Hu Shilu lowered his head and went through Mingyue's words in his mind several times again.

 What does this mean?

 You are the pinnacle of the ninth rank!

 How is it possible to get sick so easily?

 If you have a bad day, there is only one reason for it, and that is pregnancy!

 The pinnacle of the ninth rank, a current warrior!

As long as you are pregnant, you are basically no different from an ordinary woman. You cannot eat, you will vomit after eating, and you will have inexplicable pain in your body. You also need to be stable on the day of delivery.

Or is this just a kind word from Mingyue?

 Are you overthinking it?

 In the house, Hu Miaoyi's screams continued from noon to the evening.

The sun is almost setting.

As the sunset shone on the glazed tiles of Hewang's Mansion, a loud cry came from the third courtyard of Hewang's Mansion.

 “Congratulations to the prince, congratulations to the prince, you are a princess!”

Chen Xilian, who was sweating profusely, knelt on the ground and held up the swaddling clothes in her hand.

  And everyone in the palace was silent.

He is actually a princess!

 How disappointed were the ministers of the DPRK and China?

 How disappointed were the military and civilians of Sanhe?

How disappointed you and the prince are!

 Many people did not dare to look up at He Wangye's face.

They can imagine how uncomfortable Prince He must be at this moment.

 They were afraid of being angry with the prince.

 Although they have never seen the prince really angry.

"Ha ha."

Everyone suddenly heard a burst of laughter.

 This is the voice of Prince He, and they cannot mishear it.

 They only heard Prince He murmuring, "Daughter, how could I, Lin Yi, be so virtuous that I would have a daughter of my own!"

This sounds weird.

 But only Lin Yi himself understood what was going on.

 He himself was just a paralyzed waste in his last life!

It feels unreal to live my life again and actually have a daughter.

 He doesn’t deserve it!

 It’s really not worthy!

How can a man like him who is not worthy of living be worthy of a daughter?

With trembling hands, he carefully took the swaddling clothes with Mingyue's help. He looked at the wrinkled and red face inside and said with a smile, "It's so ugly."

 As people on the Internet said, children are like monkeys when they first come out.

 “Your Majesty,”

Chen Xilian trembled like sifting chaff and said, "Princess, it hasn't bloomed yet. It will be fine in two days."

"Ha ha."

Lin Yi’s laughter became even louder, “She is willing to be my Lin Yi’s daughter, it’s really a great honor.

 I certainly can’t teach her to be disappointed.

From now on, whatever she says will be right. If she goes east, I will not go west. If she talks about catching chickens, I will not chase away dogs. "

After hearing what Lin Yi said, everyone hurriedly said, "Congratulations to the prince, congratulations to the prince, the prince is a thousand years old, and the princess is a thousand years old!"

 They don’t understand.

 Just a daughter!

Why are you and the prince so happy?

 It was not as angry as they imagined!

 “Come here!”


  Everybody said in unison.

Lin Yi looked at the sleeping child in his arms and said without raising his head, "This king is happy to have the apple of his eye, and your Majesty is happy to have a great-grandson. We should celebrate with the people.

 Send the order and grant amnesty to the whole world!

The princess is here for the first time, and I will try to save her luck. "

He disliked the child's ugly appearance, and he couldn't bear to let it go.

 “Your Majesty!”

 The person who responded to this was actually He Jixiang. The prince had already granted amnesty once when he first took charge of the court!

 What use is the law in these days of capriciousness?

Lin Yi still looked at the child in his arms and said with a smile, "Don't think that I don't know how many unjust, false and wrongful cases there are in this prison. Your abilities are limited and you can't always tell them apart.

 Instead of doing this, we should not continue to imprison people.

 This also gives you a step down from the Sansi Yamen. "

 He thought that he was a wise king and would create a society with clear governance.

 As it turns out, he was wrong.

 Neither He Jixiang nor Xie Zan or Chen Desheng are good people.

No matter how much he talks about the status of the people, it is all for the feudal rule of the Lin family.

 It is unbelievable to say that people can carry a boat but also capsize it.

 Essentially speaking, ordinary people can only be “dogs”.

  It is a tool for utilization.

Therefore, in the prison of Ankang City, any words or actions that are not conducive to his rule as the "regent" will end up in prison.

Lin Yi didn’t like this very much.

 His newly revised "Liang Lv" has simply become a decoration.

 “Your Majesty!”

He Jixiang suddenly spoke out, but when he saw the look in Lin Yi's eyes, he could only say quickly, "Your Majesty is wise!"

 Their prince is very talkative.

 But the premise is not to make anyone angry.

It's really annoying. It's no different from the black donkey in Wangfu.

Lin Yidao, "What should we do?"

 “I obey your orders!”

Seeing He Jixiang, they were all subdued, and everyone said in unison.

 “Your Majesty,”

 Chen Xilian, who had been kneeling on the ground, said, "It's windy outside, please allow the princess to come into the house."

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Lin Yi was reluctant to let go of the child in his arms, but finally handed it over to Chen Xilian, "Wash it well, Princess. It smells bad."

 He thought that he might have been soaked in the amniotic fluid for too long.


 Chen Xilian Nuonuo dared not speak.

 The door to the wing is closed again.

Lin Yi looked at He Jixiang who was kneeling on the ground, smiled and said, "Get up, I don't know when you came here."

Then he sat on the stone bench and drank several sips of tea.

 “I heard that the empress is going to give birth today, so I don’t dare to slack off,”

After He Jixiang stood up, he helped Chen Desheng beside him, sat opposite Lin Yi, and said with a smile, "It is really gratifying that the empress and the princess are safe now."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at the two of them, and said with a smile, "As you know, I don't like guessing riddles. If you have any nonsense, tell me as soon as possible to save everyone."

 He Jixiang said nothing.

Chen Desheng said with a smile, "Your Majesty still has no heir, so we can't help but worry. We hope that your Majesty will make plans in advance."


Lin Yi said calmly, "I just got the princess, but you said I have no heirs. What does this mean?"


Chen Desheng looked at He Jixiang, and saw confusion and confusion in each other's eyes.

  When does a woman become an heir?

 Let’s not talk about the royal family, it’s just an ordinary family. As long as there are no sons, it is impossible to succeed!

To put it harshly, it means that the family is extinct!

 In the folk, the most unpleasant word to curse someone is: extinct!

 Compared with this, greeting eighteen generations of ancestors is nothing at all!

 Having no heirs is the greatest insult to our eighteen generations of ancestors!

“The King has repeatedly emphasized equality between men and women in Sanheyi,”

Lin Yi squinted his eyes and looked at the two of them, "Have you all turned a deaf ear?

The daughter lost to the man?

You are also people who are well-read in poetry. How many men can compare with the brilliance of Queen Yi in the past and present? "

Although I have a throne and a mine that I need to inherit, I don’t necessarily need to be a son to inherit it, right?

The daughter can’t inherit?

 He really couldn’t understand the thinking of these people!

 (End of this chapter)

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