I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 410: troubleshooting

Chapter 410 Investigation

 He knew very well that when talking to the prince and Princess Huaiyang, he hated others standing aside.

 The only thing these people need to do is: be quiet.

After saluting Princess Huaiyang, he stood under the eaves of a corridor and stopped approaching.

 “See Brother Huang.”

Lin Ning came to Lin Yi's side and bowed.

Lin Yi looked at the thin Lin Ning and said distressedly, "What's wrong these days? Have you suddenly become thinner?"

 He found that since he came to Ankang City, he had neglected his sister.

Thinking of this, I feel even more guilty.

 You have only one biological sister, how can you treat her like this?

 “Thank you, Brother Huang, for your concern,”

Lin Ning said softly, "I'm fine."

 “Why are you so different again?”

Lin Yi pretended to be angry and said, "You used to call me brother, but if my mother and concubine are not here, you won't call me emperor brother."


Lin Ning hesitated for a while and then said, "You never called her mother-in-law before."

 “Are you blaming me?”

Lin Yi raised his brows unconsciously and said, "You know, I'm in a very difficult position. If she is allowed to continue like this, neither mother nor son will be able to do anything."

He can still understand that if he is poorer than five servers, it is quite normal for a poor person to not be able to find a partner and simply die out.

He can only be rich for three generations. He has never quite understood that rich people will only get richer and richer, completing the solidification of class. Just like the royal family, children will beget grandchildren, and grandchildren will beget children. There is no limit to the number of children and grandchildren!

 But since he knew what my mother had done, he suddenly thought of some things about the Liang Kingdom.

 Daliang Kingdom was founded more than 200 years ago, and I am the fifteenth emperor.

 Out of the fifteen emperors, six emperors had no descendants.

 Most of them died on the way.

Even the lineage of Emperor Yongguang came from King Poyang of Hongzhou.

 The only thing that remained unchanged in the Liang Kingdom was that all the emperors still had the surname Lin.

 It is not nonsense to say that a gentleman's brilliance can be cut off in five lifetimes.

 So, the richer you are, the higher the risk factor for your heirs.

Not only did the royal heirs fight among themselves, but there were even courtiers with double-minded intentions.

I have been studying hard for decades, why should I lose to someone like you who just sits back and enjoys the results?

 Even in a so-called civilized society, is it safe to have trusts and funds?

 I’m afraid I’m overthinking it.

Just for a while, Lin Yi's view of his father, Emperor Delong, changed again.

He can survive to this day not because he has been patient since he was a child, nor because his maternal family is powerful or because his mother has taken good care of him.

But like the prince, King Jin, King Yong, and King Xin, he received the protection of Emperor Delong.

If Emperor Delong hadn't been so resourceful and only relied on his silly sweet old lady, how could he have survived?

 “Brother, don’t blame the mother-in-law, she is also doing it for your own good.”

Lin Ning lowered her head and said seriously, "Cousin Zijun is as beautiful as a fairy, and she is also very talented in literature. She and the emperor are a perfect match."


Lin Yi was very surprised and said, "Did the mother-in-law ask you to say this?"


Lin Ning nodded sincerely.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Okay, don't get involved in this kind of thing."

After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave, when he suddenly heard Lin Ning calling him again.

 “Emperor brother.”

Lin Ning was about to speak but stopped.

"what happened again?"

Lin Yi said curiously.

Lin Ning hesitated for a moment and said, "Throughout the dynasties, all scholars in the world have been treated kindly, so they may not be the pillars of the imperial court in the future.

Brother, by doing this now, I am afraid of chilling their hearts. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Who taught you this?"

 In fact, what he regretted most was copying so many poems and giving them to his sister.

Unknowingly, Lin Ning turned into a literary young woman.

Becoming a literary and artistic young man is not a big deal. The key is that it is a bit otherworldly.

Especially when she was taken out of Ankang City and brought to Jinling City, she began to hold frequent poetry meetings with the talented people from the south of the Yangtze River.

Now that she is back in Ankang City again, he is her biological sister. No one dares to stop her when she goes in and out of the palace, so she and Shilin move around more frequently.

Lin Yi only wants her to be happy and has never restricted her.

 Now that he was telling himself these words, he thought that his sister had been bewitched by someone.

 “Brother Huang has misunderstood,”

Lin Ning leaned back again and said, "This is all my own idea and has nothing to do with anyone else. It is said that the emperor is going to open a new school to recruit scholars. I personally think that the emperor wants to recruit talents from all over the world, so he should be gentle. Jiahui Shilin, Xian and Reform."

“I have taught you since you were a child that you should look at things dialectically,”

Lin Yi looked at Lin Ning and said calmly, "I can't be too nice to them and make them rebel, nor can I be too bad to them and do everything right, so don't worry, I will He won’t kill people easily.”

Then he waved his hand towards Lin Ning and said no more.

Looking at Lin Yi walking farther and farther away, Lin Ning burst into tears.

"she cried?"

Lin Yi sighed as he walked.

Xiao Xizi said cautiously, "Let me tell you, Prince Qi, the princess seems to be sad."

Lin Yidao, "What can be sad?"


 Xiao Xizi said in embarrassment, "I don't know."


Lin Yi said angrily, "You guys, I'm too generous to you, and you don't know anything about it. So what do you know?"

This time, he was really a little angry.

 The intelligence system that he was originally so proud of is now leaking like a sieve and looks like a joke.

 “Your Majesty, forgive me!”

Xiao Xizi has been with him for many years and knows Lin Yi very well!

 The situation in front of me is really making me angry.

Moreover, this prince does not get angry easily, but once he gets angry, it will be a big deal, with millions of corpses lying on the ground and blood flowing in the oars.

At this moment, he was kneeling on the ground, trembling with fear.

"If you continue to fail to live up to your expectations, don't blame me for being rude."

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said, "When the time comes, you can go home and plant sweet potatoes, and make your due contribution to the food security of Daliang."

Just as Xiao Xizi was about to shout, "I will do my best, even if I die," to show her loyalty, she heard Lin Yi continue, "I heard that someone recently stole the palace treasures and resold them.

I really ate Xiongxin Leopard. The king was still there. "

 He can tolerate other things, but he can't tolerate stealing treasures from the palace and putting his hands into his pockets!

 When he ascends the throne in the future, all the treasures in this palace will be his!

 “Your Majesty.”

As soon as Xiao Xizi shouted this, she found that Lin Yi had already gone away and disappeared.

 I suddenly collapsed on the ground, covered in sweat.

 This is the real confrontation between them and the prince!

 The summer is hot.

Even at noon, the northwest gate of Ankang City is still busy with people coming and going.

 The army set out for Jinzhou, and the fire was in full swing before them, and the supply of food and grass could not be interrupted for a day.

Zhou Xun, wearing a policeman's jacket, stood in the city gate, looking at the people coming and going, and said calmly, "We have been here for ten days, and we still don't have any clues. Could there be something wrong with the news?" "

 After finishing speaking, he reached out and wiped the sweat beads from his head.

Fang Pi on the side said with a frown, "I don't know, this is the order from shopkeeper Qi. We can only accept what he says."

Zhou Xundao said, "It is said that Liu Chaoyuan has already left Ankang City, so why would he take the risk and stay here?"

Fang Pi shook his head and said, "He is a great master. If we meet him, we won't be able to keep him. We still have to rely on Ye Qiu and the blind man hiding in secret.

We just need to check carefully and blow the whistle immediately if there is anything wrong. When Ye Qiu and the others arrive, we can watch the excitement from the sidelines. "

 Zhou Xun sighed, "Since both of us are useless, Master He didn't arrange for one more person to come over."

Fang Pi said, "Master He Jixiang said, sit alone without leaning on the railing, two people without looking into the well, and three people without carrying the tree."

Zhou Xun smiled and said, "What do you mean by this?"

Fang Pi said, "It's easy for a person to be lonely, but for two people, if one of them falls into the well and dies, the other one will be suspected.

If three people lift a tree together, one of them may not be able to contribute. "

Zhou Xun said angrily, "We are two people."

Fang Pi said with a smile, "If you die, no one will believe that I killed you."

 Because he doesn’t have that ability!

 I think back then, he and the monk were on the same level!

 By now, what kind of "innate" is the monk already?

 And he is still not at the fifth level!

Facing Zhou Xun, who is almost at the peak of the eighth rank, even if he went out and said that he killed Zhou Xun, no one would believe it.

 The gap between the fifth grade and the eighth grade is almost that of an ant or an elephant.

"If you can't speak, just speak less. Why didn't you die?"

 Zhou Xun rolled his eyes at him.

Fang Pi smiled and said, "Even if I die, no one will doubt you."

 Zhou Xun asked curiously, "Why?"

Fang Pi said, "Because I am from the Imperial Guard."

 Shopkeeper Qi Pengqi said it himself, today's imperial guards are nothing but the prince's companions.

Whoever dares to kill the prince's **** is tantamount to treason.

 Zhou Xun is a native of Sanhe.

 No matter how courageous she is, she will not betray Prince He.

“Hmph, you’re such a bastard,” Zhou Xun changed the subject, “Is there any news from the eldest princess?”

Fang Pi said with a smile, "Shopkeeper Qi has invited the monk. Even the blind man said that there are probably not more than three people in the world who can escape from the monk's grasp!"


 Zhou Xun said in surprise, "Including the manager?"

 “The blind man didn’t say anything,”

Fang Pi said to him, "The monk is very powerful anyway. Don't mess with him if you have nothing to do."

"I understand what you mean,"

Zhou Xun was shocked. She and the monk were not strangers, but very familiar with each other. However, she did not expect that the monk's skills would be so terrifying. "If the eldest princess is found, the eldest princess will not be able to escape."

Fang Pi spread his hands and said, "These things are beyond our control!"

 He is a member of the Imperial Guard.

 No one in the court had ever dared to talk to him like this.

If it weren't for Zhou Xun being his classmate, he really wouldn't have so much patience.

Lin Yi lay in the garden, unfolded the note handed over by Qi Peng, threw it away, and said with a tea cup, "The eldest princess went to the Western Wilderness, what is the purpose of it?"

Qi Peng said, "If what I expected is correct, it is for the so-called immortality technique."

Lin Yidao, "Is there really a method of immortality in this world?"

He is a scientific materialist, but time travel and rebirth have happened, so what else is impossible?

 After his rebirth, he also saw many exercises that violated Newton's laws!

 There is no absurdity, only more absurdity.

 So, now that he hears about immortality, he doesn’t find it that strange.

 Qi Peng said, "There is a Yin-Yang Eight Desolation Technique in Xihuang Star Sinking Sea, which is similar to the star-absorbing method taught by the General Manager."

 “Absorb people’s internal energy?”

The so-called star-absorbing method was spread by himself, how could he not be familiar with it!

Qi Peng said respectfully, "Exactly."

Lin Yi said, "But as far as I know, this star-absorbing method cannot make people immortal. At most, it can make people increase their power."

Qi Peng said, "Your Majesty is wise, this is where the Yin-Yang Eight Desolations Technique is different from the Star-Absorbing Technique. The Yin-Yang Eight Desolations Technique is introduced by demons into the Tao, and it is said that it can restore the soul and seize the body."

 “The heart of the Tao is sown with demons.”

Lin Yi blurted out directly.

Qi Peng said, "This is also what my subordinates are suspicious of. The Yin and Yang Eight Desolations Skill is most likely the same skill as the Star Absorbing Technique and the Dao Heart Demon Planting Technique."

 He is familiar with all the stories Lin Yi has told.

And what impressed me the most was this inner demon.


 Check carefully! "

Lin Yi felt very uneasy.

If someone like Xiang Yutian really appeared in this world, he really wouldn’t have to live anymore.


 Qi Peng bowed and stepped back.

   Hu Miaoyi’s belly is getting bigger and bigger when she is pregnant.

 At night, when Lin Yi saw the food delivered to her in the kitchen, she immediately ordered people to remove it.

There are even pastries dipped in sugar!

 It’s okay to eat it occasionally, but if you eat it every day, you will really get gestational diabetes!

Furthermore, if you eat so unscrupulously every day, you will be overweight and will most likely have difficulty in giving birth.

 “Please give me your instructions, Your Majesty.”

Hu Shilu knelt on the ground, at a loss for what to do for a moment.

Lin Yidao, "The nursery hall that I ordered you to build has not come to fruition yet. What do you mean?"

 These days, the mortality rate for pregnant women and young children is too scary.

 Sometimes he really wants to do something.

 It is a pity that his own abilities are limited, and the people below him are more than conservative but not enterprising enough.

 It made him very embarrassed.

 “I know the crime!”

Hu Shilu’s head was drooped and he did not dare to raise it.

 He must admit that all his medical knowledge was obtained from Prince He.

 From blind doubt to today’s blind worship, it only took seven or eight years.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "The nursery has only one purpose, which is to ensure that pregnant women have scientific and reasonable dietary nutrition. You can just focus on this."

 As for other color Doppler ultrasound, NT, Tang screening, and abnormal scan, they are not something that can be considered in this feudal era.

 As long as people are alive!

 Living is creation!

 “Your Majesty,”

Hu Shilu said aggrievedly, "What I am doing now is in accordance with your instructions."

Lin Yi sighed, "If you really listened to me, you would have understood what real science is, and you would not be so blinded by looking for laws from universal phenomena."

Hu Shilu was stunned for a while and then said, "I understand, my lord, don't worry, I will do my best."

 (End of this chapter)

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