Chapter 399 Challenge

 Cao Xiaohuan, Zhou Xun and others led nearly a thousand police officers from Ankang Fuyin and Dali Temple yamen respectively to arrest the rebels.

Cao Xiaohuan stood at the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion, dressed in black, letting the rain fall on him. He glanced at the closed door, waved his hands to the left and right, and said, "Surround us, don't let anyone go!"

Those who dare to disobey will be killed without mercy! "


The police officer behind him responded, and immediately someone started knocking on the door.

There was a banging sound, but there was no response inside, and the door was still closed.

Cao Xiaohuan waved his hand again, and the two detectives jumped directly over the high wall, and then there was a sound of swords clashing inside.

This time Cao Xiaohuan didn't need to say anything, and more than a dozen police officers rushed directly into the hospital.

After a while, accompanied by several screams, the door opened from the inside.

 The detectives kicked aside the corpses blocking the door and swarmed in.

The servants and guards of the Prime Minister's Mansion were pinned to the ground. Cao Xiaohuan didn't even look at them and went straight into the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The middle hall of the third courtyard was brightly lit. Qi Yong was sitting upright on a chair. He looked at Cao Xiaohuan who was getting closer and closer. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Then he said lightly, "You know what you should do if you break into my mansion privately?" What's the crime?"

Cao Xiaohuan unfolded the imperial edict in his hand and showed it directly in front of Qi Yong's eyes. He smiled and said, "Sir, we have complied with the emperor's decree and invited the prime minister to drink tea in Dali Temple."

 “Drink tea?”

Qi Yong snorted coldly and said, "Is this what the prince said about ruling the country according to law?"

Cao Xiaohuan smiled and said, "You know what you have done."

Qi Yong said without moving, "Since you and the prince want to deliberately frame me, I really have nothing to say."

Cao Xiaohuan said, "Sir, please, don't force me to take action. If you have any questions, let's wait until the Dali Temple Yamen."

 Qi Yong straightened his sleeves and Shi Shiran walked out of the middle hall.

 Cao Xiaohuan followed him with a long knife.

Wang Tuozi came over and whispered, "Sir, Qi Zhong is missing. The entire mansion has been searched, but no one can be found."

Cao Xiaohuan stopped and said with a cold face, "Look again, dig three feet into the ground and find it for me."

This is the Prime Minister’s only son!

 If he runs away, He Wangye will have one less card in his hand!

Wang Tuozi said helplessly, "Sir, I looked for it myself and there is no place I missed."

He used to be a gentleman in Liang Shang. He knew all kinds of institutions. When he saw a house, he knew where there was a secret passage or a wall.

After hearing this, Cao Xiaohuan was stunned. Even Wang Tuozi couldn't be found. It seemed that Qi Zhong was really not in the house.

She gritted her teeth and said, "This Fang Pi is also a freeloader, but he can't even keep an eye on a person, so he lets people run away so easily!"

Wang Tuozi said, "Sir, what should we do now?"

 Cao Xiaohuan said, “How about other places?”

Wang Tuozi said, “All suspects have been arrested.”

 Cao Xiaohuan nodded and said, "Then we'll go back to the government office first."

 After leaving the Prime Minister's Office, she personally asked Qi Yong to get into the carriage, and she rode on horseback to guard the left and right sides.

A team of one hundred and ten people walked along the wide street to the Dali Temple Prison.

 In the dead of night, the clatter of horse hooves was particularly loud on the street.

 Cao Xiaohuan suddenly reined in his horse and shouted, "Protect the carriage!"

Then bursts of crackling sounds rang in my ears.

Arrows visible to the naked eye fell from the sky, and everyone drew their swords to block the arrows.

 Cao Xiaohuan led the troops of Ankang Prefecture Yin, most of whom had mediocre skills, so he went to the capital camp to invite Wang Tuozi and other 11 people, all of whom were fifth grade or above.

Facing the sudden enemy attack, she, Wang Tuozi and others did not panic at all, but those ordinary police officers did not have this ability, and many of them had been hit by arrows and fell to the ground.

Some people were so frightened when they saw their fallen companions that they hid on both sides of the street.

 The focus of all arrow attacks was Qi Yong's carriage. Although Cao Xiaohuan and others shot down a lot of arrows, many of them still hit the carriage.

The two horses were frightened, spread their hoofs, and were about to run forward. Cao Xiaohuan slashed the carriage frame with a knife.

The horse ran away. She lifted the carriage frame with one hand, placed it firmly on the ground, and immediately cut off the arrow with her sword.

 Cao Xiaohuan was so anxious that she had already blown the whistle, but there was no movement at all!

 She regretted that she was too careless!

I thought that there were so many experts in Ankang City, and now they were just going out to perform a mission. Who would have thought that they would be attacked!

Now that we have brought out so many losers, we are unable to resist them.

The number of arrows in the sky was gradually decreasing. Of course she would not think that the enemy had retreated. Just when she was curious about what was going on, one after another lumpy objects fell from the roofs on both sides of the road.

She was surprised when she saw the sparks sparkling on the baggage. She was so familiar!

 Charge of dynamite!

 An explosive pack that only exists in the Sanhe Army!

 Damn Mo Shun!

How could such a murderous weapon be leaked out?

Sitting in Qi Yong's carriage, there were explosive packets on the front, back, left and right. Cao Xiaohuan wanted to throw away the explosive packets one by one, but it was too late.

At the critical moment, she roared, exerted force with both hands, and the carriage was pushed directly to the side of the road. Then, with the loud explosion of the explosive pack, she blew the whistle louder, and finally turned to Wang next to her. Tuozi said, "Go and ask for help!"

 The monk has been promoted to Grand Master.

 Now, in Ankang City, Wang Tuozi can be said to be the best in Qinggong under the great master!

Even in this world, there are only a few people who can catch up with him!

 “Hold on for a while!”

Wang Tuozi is not nagging, if he had stayed, both of them would have died together!

If he leaves, maybe he can save two people!

 In the sky full of fire, more and more explosive packets fell on the ground, and the noise became louder and louder.

After Cao Xiaohuan knocked down a few crackling explosive packets, he was about to turn around and continue to protect the carriage when another large group of men in black appeared in mid-air.

 Charges of explosives continued to fall indiscriminately between friend and foe.

There were only three companions left with Cao Xiaohuan. They were surrounded by a group of men in black and no one had time to look after the carriage.

In desperation, Cao Xiaohuan, who is an eighth-grade man, tried his best to kill one by one without any politeness!

 In one breath, he turned around again, horrified to see that the carriage in which Qi Yong was sitting had been surrounded by fire.

 “Master Qi!”

 With a sudden change, he hurried to the carriage and split the carriage open with a knife. Qi Yong was not seen.

 The assassin in black ran away.

 Only corpses on the ground and fire in the sky were left.

“Like all movies, the police don’t come until after the person is dead.”

Lin Yi was woken up in the middle of the night. He was unhappy at first, but when he heard that Qi Yong had been kidnapped, he became even more furious.

Pan Duo, Zhang Mian, Ma Jie, Chen Jingzhi, Wei Yishan, and Cao Xiaohuan, who were all kneeling on the ground, as well as Cao Xiaohuan who was covered in blood, could not understand Lin Yi's words and just kept kowtowing.

Lin Yi continued, "I usually hear the loud noises made by you guys, the fifth and sixth grades are as numerous as dogs, and the ninth and grand masters are walking sideways. I thought you were the king, but in the end you were just a bronze."

Cao Xiaohuan kowtowed and cried, "I know I'm guilty! Please punish me!"

Jiao Zhong looked at Cao Xiaohuan, whose head was bleeding, and his heart twitched with distress.

 “This was a premeditated and organized crime,”

Lin Yi snorted coldly and said, "Qi Yong could have left directly, but he was defeated in front of you, and he came like this in the middle of the way. What is this?

 This is a demonstration and a declaration of war!

 You are **** on my head! "

 He was used to walking with the wind, but when he encountered an occasional blow, he actually felt a little uncomfortable.

Pan Duo said in a deep voice, "My subordinates' intelligence errors led to today's disaster!

I am willing to shoulder the responsibility! "

Zhang Miandao said, "As a commander of the Army and Horses Division, it is an unforgivable crime for me to allow Xiaoxiao to run rampant!"

Wei Yishan also followed, "The Beijing camp did not coordinate well and failed to rescue in time, which caused the bandits to flee, my subordinates."


Lin Yi interrupted directly, "Now is not the time to settle accounts with you, dig out these **** for me!"

You want to see people alive, and you want to see corpses when dead!

 Also, how did the gunpowder get out?

 Find it out! "

Pan Duo said, "I checked the Ordnance Bureau and the Beijing Warehouse overnight and checked all the entries and exits. They are all normal. I am afraid that the method of making explosives has been leaked."

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Then why are you still standing there?

 All the craftsmen who master gunpowder technology, one by one, will find out the details for me!

 Let’s see who is so brave!

  Turn a deaf ear to what I said! "


 Everyone responded with a roar.

 This time, men and horses from the Beijing Camp, the Imperial Guards, and the Military and Horse Division were dispatched to attack the entire city.

Ankang City was in chaos for a while, and everyone was in danger. Even on the day when he and the prince attacked the city, Ankang City had never been in such chaos.

Zhu Rong was woken up in his sleep. He opened the door and saw that the officers and soldiers standing in front of him were unknown to him. He reluctantly handed over the household registration of his fellow butcher, and then allowed himself to be searched.

After the others left, he closed the door again and yawned, "Mom, what's going on?"

After the butcher Gululu poured a large pot of herbal tea, he said, "Do you understand?

 Without any position or power, who would regard you as one of their own?

 Honestly, if people ask you anything, just do it. "

Zhu Rong said angrily, "I'm asking you what happened, what are you talking about?"

He spread his hands to the butcher and said, "You haven't understood yet. We are nothing. If something happens, we will always be blind. You don't know anything."

 “It looks like something big has happened.”

After Zhurong grunted, he suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "It can't be that someone is rebelling, right?"

The butcher said, "It's probably almost like a rebellion. When have you seen this battle?"

They didn’t miss anyone. They knocked on the door and searched every house. Even the sweet potatoes in your cellar were dug out for you. "

As he spoke, he kicked the sweet potatoes scattered on the ground, "Mom, you have to eat them quickly, some of them have sprouted."

Zhu Rong said to himself, "Look at this situation, it's going to be chaotic. No, we can't let my mother-in-law and children come back so soon. We'd better wait for a while."

The butcher rolled his eyes at him and said, "Do you think we Sanhe people are made of clay?

 No matter how capable you are, can you still rebel against us?

 You, you are becoming less and less courageous now. "

“Go away, I’m not afraid of attacking cities and territories with thousands of troops, but those women don’t know martial arts, and the children are small, and I can’t really wear my belt every day, how dare I take risks with them?”

Zhu Rong said angrily, "Mom, I'll go to Qizhou's port first and wait. If the situation in the city is not right, I'll settle outside the city first."

“To put it bluntly, I still have no confidence in Wei Yishan and the others.”

While teasing the butcher, he actually knew in his heart that as long as he was not really stupid, he would not make fun of the lives of his wife and children.

They are good at kung fu and will not be afraid of anything going north or south, but it is a bit difficult to protect their wives and children in a war situation.

While the two were talking, the door was knocked again.

Pork Rong opened the door and cursed, "Check!

 There is nothing to check!

  I am a Sanhe supplier myself, so I can’t trust anyone! "

"Pork Rong, who are you yelling at?"

Hearing this voice, Zhu Zhurong suddenly raised his head and said with a surprised expression, "Master Ye"

 Ye Qiu’s younger brother, why did Ye Chen come to see him?

 No, his eyes were looking at the butcher.

Ye Chen cupped his hands and said, "Greetings to my two uncles."

The butcher smiled and said, "Master Ye, you're welcome. The room is simple. If you don't mind, come in and sit down."

As he spoke, he also raised his hand towards Zhang Shun, who was holding a red gift box behind Ye Chen.

Zhu Rong took the tea bowl and poured the tea. Seeing that Ye Chen was concentrating on talking to the butcher, he stepped aside knowingly.

"Master Ye, if a wise man doesn't speak secretly, what's the point of doing this?"

After chatting for a while, the butcher finally became a little impatient. Although he knew Ye Qiu, he had no contact with the Ye family at all!

 Furthermore, the two businesses are even more unrelated.

 He is just like Pork Rong, he is just a pork seller!

“Uncle is really quick to talk,”

Ye Chen smiled and said, "My nephew does have something to ask for."

 The butcher smiled unnaturally on his face.


  I think highly of him!

It is true that he has made a little fortune over the years, but compared to the Ye family, it is just a drop in the ocean!

 On normal days, it would be great if people could look at him squarely!

 “Young master Ye, you are so polite, I can’t afford it.”

"Zhou Xun thinks his uncle knows it. As the saying goes, a gentle lady is like a gentleman."

 “No, wait a minute, what ball?”

 Interrupt the butcher directly and ask.

Ye Chen was stunned. He had thought about everything except that the butcher would not understand. He could only say again, "I want to ask my uncle to help me find a matchmaker with Zhou."

The butcher smiled and said, "That's a good thing."

Ye Chen cupped his hands and said, "Please pay more for your help. I will give you a big thank you after everything is done."

The butcher shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I really can't help with this."


Ye Chen didn’t expect that the butcher would refuse so quickly.

The butcher sighed and said, "Master Ye, I appreciate your respect, but I can carry a few kilograms and a few taels. They are officials and I am a citizen. How can I speak?"

Ye Chen said unwillingly, "But you and the Zhou family are neighbors, and you have a close relationship with Zhou Xun's father. My uncle can still say a few words anyway."

 “It seems that the young master has inquired about it,”

The butcher smiled and said, "The young master must know that Zhou Xun and his father, Old Man Zhou, are the same as enemies. Are you asking me to talk about this?"

Ye Chen smiled bitterly and said, "Then I won't force you."

 He forgot about this.

 ps: Typos will be corrected in time every day.

 (End of this chapter)

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