I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 395: Unexpected disaster

Chapter 395 Unexpected Disaster

  Unfortunately, he didn’t know much about the law, and all he was doing was superficial work.

 After all, the vastness of the legal system and the complexity of handling legal affairs are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

At the Judicial Office, he saw with his own eyes that there was an entire room filled with normative interpretations around "mediation of disputes." With just IQ and no patience, jurisprudence could persuade 99% of people to quit.

He still has to invite back the Imperial Academy and the old masters in the court who often scolded him. They are the real experts in law.

  Sometimes, he is also aware of his own shortcomings, which is that he likes to think of himself as a modern person and looks down on the ancients.

 After thinking about it, he realized that he was just picking the weakest persimmons. Are Leibniz, Newton, Schrödinger, Planck and Cavendish considered ancients?

Why doesn’t he dare to look down on them?

 The most important thing is that these great scholars are really not soft persimmons. In terms of level, these people are infinitely better than him.

For example, in the imperial court, those people said, "The importance of legislation will make good people be encouraged to be virtuous and happy with their administration, and evil people will regret their actions because of their misfortunes." He couldn't understand it, but he still didn't understand it.

 In terms of professionalism, these people don’t even know his parents.

Sometimes he still has to be humble and not treat others as fools.

He has the same brain capacity as the ancients, and no one is smarter than the other.

 Civil science is a must, it’s best not to challenge other people’s majors with your own spare time!

 At the same time, you must also understand what the limitations of the times are!


Xiao Xizi followed Lin Yi step by step, "This Liu Chaoyuan is getting more and more unrestrained."

Lin Yi snorted coldly and said, "Then give him a warning. As a human being, you must be responsible. If you are half-hearted, you will not get good results."

Xiao Xizi looked at Ye Qiu, Liu Chaoyuan was a great master, and it took a great master like Ye Qiu to speak harshly.

Ye Qiu bowed and said, "I'm going to give him a warning now."

 After Lin Yi and the blind man gradually went away, Ye Qiu looked at Xiao Xizi coldly, with an unkind look on his face.

Xiao Xizi hurriedly said, "Mr. Ye, our family is doing this for the prince. Don't be angry. Mr. Ye Chen had some conflicts with the Qin family a few days ago. Our family also went there. He even asked you, please ask our family Say hello to you."

Your brother Ye Chen had a conflict with the heirs of the Yushi Qin Yang family, and it was me who settled the matter!

  I’m very proud of you!

 You can’t help but give me face!

 “What does he have to do with me?”

 “Ye Gongzi”

 Xiao Xizi was in trouble and couldn't express it.

 Damn it, don’t be unreasonable!

 That's your brother!

 You act like you don’t care on the surface, but no one knows in private that if someone offends your brother, you kill the whole family!

 However, he couldn't say these words to his face.

 I can only vomit secretly in my heart.

I was annoyed by Ye Qiu, so I was so embarrassed, no need.

 He is going to be beaten and cry in front of Prince He. Prince He will only laugh and will not do justice to himself.

And I will also give myself two words: deserve it!

 In short, there are not many people he can't afford to offend, and this **** is one of them!

Who makes someone a great master?

 I have reached the ninth level, and everyone praises me for my extraordinary talents, but in front of him, I don't dare to breathe, I have to throw away goods when comparing goods, and comparing people with others is very annoying.

 This is a world where the strong are respected.

 “Happy father-in-law”

“Mr. Ye, we are all one family,”

Hearing this call, Xiao Xizi’s legs trembled with fright, “Don’t speak the same language.”


Xiao Xizi only heard a cold snort, and as soon as she raised her head, she could no longer see Ye Qiu's figure.

  Sighed involuntarily.

He Lian walked over cautiously and said, "This is the imperial palace. It's so high up and down. It's so wanton and reckless. I don't take your father-in-law seriously at all."

Xiao Xizi snorted coldly, "Wait until the manager comes back and I will tell you, so that he can leave with nothing to eat."

He Lian said with a smile, "My father-in-law is wise, we must let this guy understand that we are not easy to mess with."

Xiao Xizi said, "Has the Holy Father summoned this Lu Yixiang again?"

He Liandao said, "This Lu Yixiang doesn't know what's good and what's good. How about he be stopped?"

Xiao Xizi said, "Now Qizhou and Jizhou are both under the rule of the prince. Since the prince has not said anything, let them jump around. I understand that they will not be able to jump out of the palm of the prince."

Also, our family has to tell you not to conflict with people like Bao Kui and Ma Gui. They are all from the palace guards, unlike you. If you really make trouble in front of the prince, he will trust them. What do you say? It's no use, it's you who suffers. "

He Lian hurriedly said, "If I know this, I will definitely not deliberately embarrass them again."

 He is not really stupid.

Bao Kui, Ma Gui and others are different from Ye Qiu. Although Ye Qiu is a great master, he is alone in his family. Bao Kui and others are the commanders of the army. They are also extremely powerful both in the army and in the Sanhe faction. Those with power and prestige are really not to be offended easily.

Xiao Xizi said calmly, "It's good to know. Don't keep your eyes open and provoke everyone, otherwise our family really won't be able to save you."

 “Thank you for your father-in-law’s teachings,”

He Lian hesitated for a moment and said aggrievedly, "Where are those two idiots?

In the first moment, the little one just said a few words casually, and then I raised my fist as big as a bowl to beat the little one. As the saying goes, when beating a dog, it depends on the owner, the little one belongs to the father-in-law."

"Shut up,"

Xiao Xizi scolded, "Do you want us to say it again?"

 “The little one knows.”

He Lianxin was unwilling to do so.

Xiao Xizi said bitterly, "If you don't know what's good, our family will let you go to the cold palace to work as a sweeping eunuch."

 “Small conviction of sin.”

He Lian was so frightened that he knelt down.

 Since he and the prince took charge of the court, he has issued a general amnesty to the whole world, including the poor women in the cold palace, no matter what the crime, they have been released.

Even the crazy concubines were picked up by family members outside the palace. Now there is no one in the cold palace, and it has become a veritable "cold" palace.

Let him go to the cold palace to be a cleaning eunuch?

 It’s like he lives alone in the cold palace!

Yu Shi and Ah-Dai accompanied the prince out of the palace. After muttering a few words to the new commander Jiao Zhong, he left the **** and headed for the North City.

The two men were holding hammers and finally stopped at the entrance of a gambling house.

The boy guarding the door saw the two of them and said with a horrified look on his face, "You two, are you from outside the country?"

The two of them raised their legs and were about to go in. The young man quickly stretched out his hand to stop him, pointed to the notice on the wall and said, "Masters, could you please take a look at this notice? Ankang Prefecture, Dali Temple, the Fifth Army Governor's Palace, The Ministry of War and Horses jointly issued a notice that no one is allowed to carry or hide weapons in the city. Do you want me to hand them over on my behalf? "

Yu Xiao opened his big hand like a cattail leaf fan, pressed it on the boy's face, and said angrily, "Get out of the way!"

The boy was pushed to sit on the ground. When he turned around, Yu Shi and Dui had already opened the curtain and entered the gambling house.

 He hurriedly followed behind him and shouted, “You two masters!

Hey you two! "

 The gambling room was full of people, the sound of Pai Gow, the sound of dice, and the sound of shouting could be heard all the time.

Looking at the two people who came in with hammers, the gambling house fell silent.

 Who are these two people?

 How brave!

 With the implementation of the New Liang Law, let alone fighting in Ankang City, it is not allowed to go out with a knife.

It is prohibited for anyone to carry or hide weapons of the 18th class, including swords, hammers, spears, and spears, in Ankang City. The explanation given by the Fuyin Yamen is that these are offensive weapons.

Even if you are an escort, if you want to hold a knife, you have to go to the Fuyin Yamen to apply for a knife permit.

Nowadays, the streets and alleys are full of people from the government. Anyone who does not believe in evil will be arrested by the Fuyin Yamen's agents and soldiers and horses. Not only will they be beaten badly, they will also be sent to Jiangnan Labor Camp. Build roads.


 I am a martial arts master?


The Chief Inspector of Fuyin Yamen is an old woman. She said it directly in front of thousands of people a few days ago: Masters are among the people, but mistakes are in the underworld. Anyone who is not afraid of death can try it.

They saw with their own eyes that several famous knights in the world were covered by government officials with nets. No matter how good you are, you have to be trapped in Ankang City!

 In the past, chivalrous people were called organized, premeditated, and planned underworld by the government.

Just last night, the Caogang branch on the edge of the North Canal was hunted down by the government. Not a single one of the hundred or ten people inside slipped through the net.

 It is said that the helmsman is in the seventh grade!

 That’s all I didn’t run away!

The Haoke of Ankang City, everyone is in danger, and all can run away.

 Where did these two stupid guys in front of me come from?

  Is this life-threatening?

 Haunting around the world carrying such a big hammer?

 Where does the confidence come from?

 “Ge Laoshan!”

Yu Xiao hit the table with a hammer, and the Pai Gow and dice were knocked off the table. "Get out!"

With everyone stunned, the table then split in half.

 “Are you two doing bad things?”

  A charming woman with half-breasted **** came down from upstairs and snorted, "You two have to watch carefully. This is a place where you are not allowed to act wild!"

Everyone looked at the woman, and many people swallowed unconsciously.

A big man hurriedly walked up the stairs and whispered a few words in front of the woman. The woman's face suddenly changed, and she turned to smile and said, "You two are very strong in kung fu, and many little girls are not as good as you, but you two, don't forget the rules of Ankang City. There are no good results from trying to be strong.

Trouble you two, you better go quickly, otherwise as soon as the little girl reports to the official, you two won't be able to leave even if you want to. "

 “Let’s go up.”

After looking around, Ah-Dai walked directly to the stairs with the hammer in hand. The gamblers next to him couldn't help but retreat to both sides.

 “You dare!”

The woman said sternly, "Is there any way for the king to do this?"

 “Don’t do anything, just say it if you have something to say.”

A swarthy face appeared from upstairs. He was getting dressed and running downstairs. It was Ge Laoshan, the former bandit leader of Fulongshan.

When Ah-Dai saw Ge Laoshan, his eyes lit up. Before Ge Laoshan could come down the stairs, he took a step forward, punched Ge Laoshan on the head, and dragged him into the hall.

 “Two Masters”

Ge Laoshan had already recognized the two evil stars from the palace. Before he could ask what was going on, his head was hit on a pillar with a bang, making him dizzy.

 “Pleas guilty or not!”

Ah-Dai grabbed Ge Laoshan's collar and asked fiercely.

Before Ge Laoshan could reply, Yu Shi's fist hit him again. His nose and eyes were swollen for a moment, and blood came out of his nostrils.

 The people next to me feel pain when they look at it.

 At the same time, I am even more curious about who these two silly guys are!

This is Ge Laoshan!

There are ten large ships parked in Qizhou Port, three gambling houses and a brothel in Ankang City, and there are thousands of brothers under their command!

In Ankang City, the people in the government gave him some respect, and no one dared to provoke him easily.

How could Ge Laoshan act like a mouse seeing a cat when he saw these two people, accepting his fate and letting them beat him?

This is not in line with Ge Laoshan's temperament?

This old guy is someone who always says that life and death are determined by fate and wealth!

 More importantly, Ge Laoshan is at the eighth level!

  No matter what, you won’t have no backhand power, right?

 “Pleas guilty or not”

Ah-Dai and Yu Shih-hour were questioning each other while fighting.

 After a long while, he stopped.

Ge Laoshan finally had time to breathe, touched the blood on his face, and said feebly, "You two gentlemen, what crime do I plead guilty to?

 I really don’t know! "

 Ah-Dai and Yu Shih looked at each other.

Yu Shi looked at Ah-Dai and said, "What are you confessing to?"


Ah-Dai was also a little confused.

Seeing the two of them like this, Ge Laoshan burst into tears in front of everyone and grinned, "You two have to let me die, right?"

 He was beaten and he didn’t even know why!

 Injustice is not unjust!

“Shopkeeper, I’m going to report it to the official!”

 Finally someone reacted.


Ge Laoshan shouted with all his strength, "No one is allowed to go out."

 In the midst of everyone's puzzled looks, he smiled apologetically at Yu Shih and Ah Dai, "It's my blessing to be beaten by these two uncles!"

 Can’t afford to offend!

The third son and others in the government knew this, and even the prince himself was helpless towards these two fools!

 It is simply a dream to expect the government to support you!

 Is it possible to really complain to Prince He?

 I feel uncomfortable!

 It is better to turn big things into small things and small things into nothing!

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The woman with half-breasted **** burst into tears looking at Ge Laoshan's miserable appearance.

Ge Laoshan ignored her, looked at the two idiots again, put on a smile with blood stains on his face and said, "You two, you guys have something to say."

Yu Xiao saw everyone looking at him and said loudly, "Fuck you! How dare you say that people in Songyang are not fun!"

 “Yes, that’s what you said!”

Ah-Dai asked anxiously.

ˆ “.”

Ge Laoshan thought about it again and again, and said to Qu, "You two gentlemen, I am from Nanzhou myself, how could I say this!

Yu Xiaohuan said loudly, "What Cao Xiaohuan said you said is what you said!"

 “Two gentlemen!”

Ge Laoshan thought of the dispute he had with Cao Xiaohuan a few days ago and shouted directly, "Cao Xiaohuan framed me, I never said this!

 You cannot trust villains gullibly! "

 I sent greetings to all the eighteen generations of Cao Xiaohuan's ancestors in my heart.

 You bitch, you can't do anything to me, so you tricked two fools into dealing with me!

 (End of this chapter)

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