I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 392: Rites and music collapsed

Chapter 392 The collapse of rituals and music

Pan Duo said, "That's what the prince said."

Lin Yi said, "Wen Zhaoyi is gone, and Sanhe has no masters in charge. Who can be arranged for the personal protection of this good man?"

A Yuguo is ambitious. Although he was defeated before, he may not be willing to give in. Now that Sanhe's army is out, A Yuguo will be in trouble if he wants to take advantage of the situation.

Pan Duo said, "Two disciples from the Shanyin family and the Shan family have entered the ninth rank. The three of them are closely guarding Lord Shan. In addition, I, Sanhe, have a prosperous martial arts style and are like a cloud of masters. Even if Ayuguo invades the border, he will not be afraid. "

 There was one sentence he did not say.

Wang Xing, the militia captain, is a loser, but he still has four to five thousand people under his command. Now there are five and six ranks everywhere, and there are also many seventh and eighth ranks.

 Unless Ayuguo is crazy, he really doesn’t have the guts to invade Sanhe.

They were lucky enough to invade Baiyun City. I guess the old man and old lady in Sanhe were crazy with joy. This was a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds. If you get military merit, you can exchange it for money even if you don't need it!

 Under the influence of Prince He, the entire Sanhe people are basically obsessed with money.

Many great scholars seized the opportunity to scold Sanhe people, saying that "little people are shameless and value profit over death" and "have eyes on their buttocks and only recognize clothes but not people."

 They only care about money!

 Only respect the rich!

 In short, in the eyes of outsiders, the collapse of Sanhe's rituals and music, and the emphasis on business and neglect of agriculture, is a way to die.

 However, Prince He never cared about this and even brought this trend into Ankang City.

 A few days ago, people painted slogans such as "Everything depends on money" and "Development is the last word" on the walls of Ankang City, which made the great Confucians grind their teeth.

The great Confucians wrote many satirical and princely poems in the spirit of being able to conquer the powerful.

With the anger with Wang Ye, regardless of the discourages of the Ministers of the DPRK, Lumi, who was prison, was stopped.

  I made it very clear to the prince that those who eat me or drink from me should not scold me.

This prince and I really don’t rub sand in my eyes.

 For these old masters, losing Lumi is a trivial matter. After all, every family has a big business and needs this Lumi.

It is also very famous. Not only does it cost no money to go to the land of fireworks, but it is also paid by courtesans.

 The worst thing is that the prince and the prince have canceled the entry level for imperial students. Imperial students can no longer directly become officials as before.

If you want to be an official, you must learn arithmetic and numerology all over again, and finally take the so-called "civil service examination."

 This edict came out, and the whole world was in an uproar.

It’s useless to learn poetry, lyrics and songs. Who will worship them as their teachers in the future?

 Without students, this income will not be guaranteed in the future.

 Everyone dares to be angry with Prince He but dare not speak out.

Prince He didn't take it seriously. He stood at the door of the Meridian Gate and said directly to the students and old masters of the Imperial College who were petitioning: I just like the way you can't stand me and can't kill me. Don't think that the sky is unfair. The sky is not unfair at all. Know who you are.

How shameless does one have to be to say this?

 But Lin Yi had his own ideas. This was a feudal society supported by agriculture. Even the best economists and political scientists had to act as an afterthought.

What he can do now is to allow everything to grow "barbarically" upward on the basis of social stability, and to water it occasionally.

To put it bluntly, as long as he doesn’t kill people and set fire, he will turn a blind eye, no matter what the law prohibits.

Of course, there is also the fact that you cannot evade taxes. He will definitely not agree to taking money from his pocket.

“There is still no whereabouts of the eldest princess?”

Lin Yi thought of his good aunt again, "We still can't find anyone, shouldn't we?"

 “I am incompetent, I hope you will forgive me.”

Pan Duo knelt down and said, "I will definitely send more people to find the eldest princess."

Lin Yi said, "Since you know that you are incompetent, why don't you hurry up and take over your shopkeeper?"

Pan Duo smiled bitterly and said, "The shopkeeper is not happy, and his subordinates can't tie him over."

"Why not?"

Lin Yi asked in surprise.

ˆ “.”

Pan Duo was stunned. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "I obey."

This time, their shopkeeper can get it even if he doesn't come, and no one can refuse He Wangye's order.

Seeing Lin Yi waving his hand, he cautiously stepped back.

Hong Ying waited for him to go away, then smiled and said, "Your Majesty, these dog slaves are becoming more and more ignorant. The younger one must be trained. Your Majesty, don't worry."

Lin Yi said, "You are too sensitive. There is no need to think of everyone as a bad person."

 “What the prince taught is,”

Hong Ying took the saucer from the servant next to him, and after Lin Yi took the tea cup away, he continued, "Your Majesty, I want to go to the Western Wilderness myself."

Lin Yi said in surprise, "What are you doing all the way there?"

Hong Yingdao said, "The little one suspected the eldest princess and went to the Western Wilderness."

 “Star sinks into the sea”

Lin Yi remembered that the reason why the eldest princess ran away last time was because she heard the news about the sinking of stars in the sea.

Hong Ying said, "That's right. Pan Duo has a lot of people, but their abilities are limited. I want to go and investigate in person so that I can be prepared in the future."

Lin Yi frowned and said, "It is said that Xingchenhai is even more mysterious and terrifying than Jizhao'an. You can't even figure out Jizhao'an, so you still want to go to Xihuang?"

Hong Ying said confidently, "Your Majesty, don't worry, even if you can't defeat the small ones, it's more than enough to protect yourself."

If he wants to leave, no martial arts master in the world can stop him.

Lin Yi pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, go and come back quickly."

This guy has become a wild cat now. It seems that he can't be locked up even if he wants to, so Lin Yi simply lets him go.

 The news that Hong Ying was going out spread throughout the house within two days.

Jiao Zhong was the first to express his concern. He Hong would go to Beijing to take up his post in the next day. This and the selection of the commander of the royal guards had not yet been decided, so he could not be anxious.

If he fails to ascend this time, he will really have to go home to retire. From now on, the stars and the sea that the prince mentioned will have nothing to do with him.

 At this moment, I was anxiously circling back and forth in the yard of the horse house, not in the mood to do anything.

 “You are still so uncertain.”

 “To lead.”

Jiao Zhong turned around and saw He Hong, and was overjoyed.

He Hong said angrily, "I just came back from the manager."

 “Then what did the manager say?”

Jiao Zhong asked eagerly.

He Hong said, "Why are you so anxious? Can you please let me have a sip of tea first?"

 “I’ll pour it for you,”

Jiao Zhong hurriedly ran into the room to pour tea, then brought it to He Hong respectfully, and said with a flattering smile, "Commander, please have tea."

As soon as Ho Hong touched the tea bowl, he spat it out and cursed, "You **** want to burn me to death."

Jiao Zhong said with a smile, "I really didn't mean it."

He Hong smiled and said, "Damn you, you are really tolerant. To be honest with you, the position of commander this time is definitely yours, and it won't be anyone else's turn."

Jiao Zhong breathed a sigh of relief and thanked him loudly, "Thank you very much, Commander. Your kindness to me will be something I will never forget."

 “Stop being so **** hypocritical,”

He Hong glared at him and said, "I don't know what your temper is."

Jiao Zhongdao said, "The leader is wise."

He Hong said seriously, "We have been old brothers for many years. Before I leave, I have to tell you something."

Jiao Zhongdao said, "Please give me your advice. I am here to listen attentively."

He Hong stretched his head towards Jiao Zhong and said in a deep voice, "You have become familiar with some things over the years. I don't need to say more. Just two words: be cautious.

It's no different now than it was back then. People come in and out of the house. The old brothers have almost left. Now they are basically new ones, and many people still need to be reviewed.

As for you, you cannot be careless and must be smart. Those who harbor evil intentions should be killed and buried. If you are a little bit soft-hearted, you may endanger the prince in the end. "

 “Don’t worry, sir,”

Jiao Zhong patted his chest and said, "I know all these."

He Hongdao, "That's good. You also have a family of young and old. If something goes wrong, be careful not to harm your family."

Jiao Zhong nodded and said, "Yes."

 Hong Kong and Wang Ye have had a good time because of people like them who are carrying the burden forward.

He Hong patted him on the shoulder and said, "Han Deqing and Ma Gui will return to Ankang City in a few days. Then I will make an appointment for everyone to have a drink and let them give you lessons."

Jiao Zhong said, "This is better."

Just as he was about to say something else, he immediately shut his mouth when he saw Ye Qiu coming in.

Ye Qiu snorted coldly at him and went out directly.

 Entering Prince He's Mansion, after turning left and right, he stopped at the door of Hong Ying's room, cupped his hands and said, "Manager, I'm here."

"come in."

Ye Qiu heard that the voice sounded like a blind man, so he opened the door directly and said, "Are you alone?

 Where is the steward? "

The blind man sitting on the chair said, "The prince is walking the birds in the yard, and the steward is waiting on him. It will probably take a while."

Ye Qiu smiled and said, "According to me, the prince's bird can't survive such a cold weather. I didn't expect it to survive."

The blind man said calmly, "The manager has to transfer his energy every day. Not to mention keeping him alive, I'm afraid he will become a spirit soon."

 “That’s true.”

Ye Qiu's tone was sour, and he was actually a little envious of the bird. He thought that if the manager could help him transfer his energy every day, would his skills be improved to the next level?

The blind man's ears twitched, and he stood up from the chair and said toward the door, "Manager."

 “General manager.”

 Ye Qiu also quickly turned around and saluted Hong Ying.

 I felt deep in my heart that compared to the manager, my skills were in the sky and on the earth. Now, compared with the blind man, I was still far behind.

When the steward came in, he didn't hear any sound, but the blind man heard it clearly.

Hong Ying ignored the two of them and sat down directly. Then he looked at the two of them coldly and said, "I will go to Xihuang tomorrow. You two know it."


 The two said in unison.

Ye Qiu continued, "Manager, I heard that Pan Duo said that Xing Chenhai is very evil. You should be careful in everything."

Hong Ying looked at the blind man and said, "What do you think?"

The blind man smiled and said, "When I heard the prince tell the story of Tian Long Ba Bu, I was surprised that Wu Yazi could have the skill of Beiming Magic in the world. Later, the superintendent taught me to learn this star-absorbing technique, so I It feels like it is similar to the Beiming Divine Art.

When I first heard about the so-called initiation skill of Xing Shen Hai, I thought it was similar to Beiming's magical skill. Take one point, store one point, and never let it go. How can those evil demons and heretics practice? "

Hong Ying snorted coldly, "You are quite discerning, so it's not in vain that our family has put so much thought into you."

 “Thank you, General Manager, for cultivation.”

 The blind man bowed respectfully.

Ye Qiu asked in confusion, "Then what is this initiation skill?"

Hong Ying said, "We will have a result when we go and take a look."

Ye Qiu hesitated for a moment, then looked at Hong Ying eagerly and said, "Manager, the student is brave and wants to learn this Beiming magic skill."

Hong Ying shook his head with a smile and said, "Everything has its own destiny. I am not the only one who has the talent. Others' internal strength belongs to others. I have high hopes for you two, so don't go astray."

After hearing this, Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment, as if he had gained something. After a while, he said, "The student understands."

Hong Ying said, "I don't know how long it will take me to go to Xihuang this time. I don't need you to take care of the affairs in the palace. You just need to take good care of the house. Anyone who doesn't know the bounds of heaven and earth will be killed directly." "

 The blind man nodded and said, "I understand. Don't worry, manager. As long as we are here, no one can enter the palace."

 Ye Qiu also said, "This sword of mine is not easy to deal with either."

Hong Ying continued, "You two still need to be more diligent, and you need to know that there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world."

 “Follow the instructions of the Chief Superintendent.”

 After the two of them finished speaking, they left the room.

Ye Qiu took a step forward and said, "Who do you think is more powerful, Xingchenhai or Shangjizhao'an?"

The blind man said lightly, "Xing Shen Hai is just a rumor. I have never met a disciple so far. How can I know?"

 Ye Qiu said, "Forget it if you don't say anything."

He had a vague feeling that the blind man had the answer in his heart, but he just didn't want to tell him.

 After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the ice and snow began to melt slowly, and green shoots gradually began to appear in the dead grass.

The monk stood under the south gate of Ankang City, looking at the tall walls of Ankang City. After proclaiming the name of the Buddha, he took Xie Xiaoqing directly into the city.

 “I thought you were dead.”

 The blind man stood opposite the monk, and for a moment he felt that something was wrong.

 “Even if you die, he will not die.”

Xie Xiaoqing said dissatisfied.

 “He is my good friend,”

The monk quickly stopped Xie Xiaoqing, then looked at the monk apologetically and said, "She didn't mean to do it."

The blind man didn't take it seriously and just smiled and said, "I'll tell you, a monk like you can't do it.

The monk blushed and said, "I"

The blind man smiled and said, "Manager Hong is out. Now that your skills have improved greatly, just stay in the palace. As for this girl."

Xie Xiaoqing frowned and said, "Wherever he is, I will be there. You can't even try to separate us!"

 The monk reluctantly announced the name of Buddha again.

 The blind man smiled and said, “Do you have any money?

 Want to buy a house? "

The monk said, "I'll ask Fang Pi to pay back the money."

The blind man said, "Hurry up then. He made a small fortune a few days ago and is now living in the Imperial College. Go quickly. If you go late, he will really spend all the money and he will have no money to pay you back."

Xie Xiaoqing hurriedly said, "Hurry up then, don't be stunned."

The monk nodded, and the two of them headed towards the Imperial College together.

 (End of this chapter)

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