Chapter 375 Credit

 Originally fighting outside the city, the fighting power of the Sanhe people was enough to make them incredible. Unexpectedly, the Sanhe people attacked the city even more cleanly!

 “I am getting old.”

Yuan Qing suddenly couldn't help but sighed.

He has been guarding the border for twenty years and has fought countless battles with the Wadan people. He has a deep understanding of the Wadan people. The Wadan people are not just cats and dogs who can be easily defeated!

 Every battle he fought against the Wadan people was arduous.

 The so-called saturation attack of the Sanhe people pushed directly into the city, leaving the Wadan people unable to fight back, making him feel that everything he had done in the previous twenty years was a joke.

  He has been fighting side by side with Shen Chu until now, and he has always been self-righteous, and they have been hiding their true combat power!

 “General Yuan,”

Shen Zhanao raised the hook gun in his hand and said, "The fighting is starting at the north gate. Let's go and build up our momentum."

Looking at the brave Sanhe people who are not afraid of death, he now has no hope of killing the enemy and generals.

I can only hope that I can help the Sanhe people gain a little more momentum. When people ask me where you were when the horse platform was broken, I can shamelessly reply that I took the lead at that time and led the people into the city. The Wadan people were chased until they had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

 With the help of the northwest wind, the fire in the city became even bigger, with no intention of stopping.

Many people were scolding Mo Shun for setting off too much gunpowder. Not only were all the tiled roofs and houses near the south gate burned, but many of the Wadan people's cattle and sheep were also burned to death.

“I’m not sure if this trip will be a loss-making business, damn, what the **** is this?”

 Kang Bao cursed at Huang Daoji, "It's better to leave quickly, otherwise you will burn yourself to death without getting your **** money."

“Fuck you, this is the most powerful pass in Saibei. Although it is not as good as Ankang City and Jinling City, it is still a big city. It would be a pity to burn it down.”

Huang Daoji said angrily, "Arrange the soldiers from the guard station to demolish the middle street, otherwise it will spread to the whole city and burn down the treasury. This will be a real loss."

As he was talking, he saw Pang Geng driving his horse over.

 “Big man!”

 “It turns out to be Mr. Huang.”

Pang Geng was originally the commander-in-chief of Wuzhou, but now he is the governor of the grain road in Saibei.

Although this position is not high-level, it is just like the transporter. It is a lucrative position no matter where it is placed.

What's more, the war between Daliang and Saibei is in full swing now, and countless grains and rice pass through his hands every day.

This position can't be obtained no matter how many people compete for it.

 However, only he himself knows the grievances involved.

Facing the white money, he must dare to move.

 Putting yourself as a military attache in such a position is forcing yourself to make mistakes!

 He was originally a surrendered general, and he didn’t know how many pairs of eyes were staring at him in the dark.

If one day your head gets hot and you take money that you shouldn't take, your head may not be saved.

  No matter how much money you have, your life is not at stake!

 He is very sober about this.

 So, seeing and not being able to eat made him suffer very much every day.

 As for the land south of the Yangtze River, it has been prosperous since ancient times. As the commander-in-chief of the place, he eats well and drinks spicy food, and lives a fairy life.

At this time, in a bitter and cold place like Saibei, life is like a year, and life is worse than death.

 It's a pity that he didn't have the courage to say no, so he could only obediently give up the position of chief soldier to Tao Yingyi.

What's puzzling is that Tao Yingyi didn't do it right and casually handed it over to the unknown He Shundi. He also came to Saibei crying and shouting.

 He had a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, and he still hasn't spit it out.

Mom, if you don’t want to be a part of it, you should have told me earlier!

 I’m so sorry for this!

The most frustrating thing is that I obviously hate Tao Yingyi to death, but now I have to smile with him every day when I see him, hoping that one day the Tao Yingyi will find his conscience and say something nice in front of General He and General Shen, so that he can be transferred back to Jiangnan.

 Even if he was just a small family leader, he would accept it.

 As long as you don’t continue to suffer here.

 It means that every day you live your life carefully.

 Today it was dark, and the sound of the trumpet suddenly came to mind.

He saw the Sanhe Army busy last night, but he didn't expect that they would be attacking the city today!

And it’s all in the dark!

Whether it is Sanhe officers and soldiers or civilians who come out together, as the food supervisor, it is not easy for him to stay in the camp, not to mention that he is also a military commander.

 At least pretend, right?

As for whether the Sanhe Army can capture it, he is not worried at all. As the commander-in-chief of Wuzhou, he has seen with his own eyes how the Sanhe people climbed to Jinling City.

 In the words of Shen Junru, these Sanhe people are all monkeys.

 And his commander-in-chief is a rat.

However, it’s not his fault for being timid!

 The only thing to blame is that these Sanhe soldiers are too powerful.

 He has an old man above him and a young man below him. If his life is lost, what will happen to the whole family?

 When he got dressed and came out of the tent, he found that the gate of Liangmatai had been broken open.

In a hurry, he hurriedly gathered dozens of people and hurried into the city.

 After entering the city, he saw a sea of ​​fire and corpses. He was like a headless fly and didn't know where to go.

 Hearing Huang Daoji's voice at this moment, he was naturally very happy.

 When the credit is calculated in the future, at least there will be witnesses, right?

I also entered the city. It's not that I didn't fight the enemy bravely, but the enemy ran too fast!


Huang Daoji smiled and said, "I won't gossip. You have seen the intensity of the fire. It would be better for you and me to gather the guardsmen from Jingzhou, Yuezhou, Wuzhou and other places everywhere and work together to prevent the fire from spreading. "

Originally, these guards officers and soldiers did not need to enter the city, but unexpectedly they all came in at once, and now they could not find anyone.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Huang, I will take care of this matter.”

Huang Daoji was a ninth-grade official, and Pang Geng could have ignored him. However, after all, he was someone whom the prince valued, and he had a close friendship with the generals of Sanhe. He had better not offend him casually. He kept taking pictures. He held his chest and said, "I'll go right away."

As he said that, he led dozens of people under him, turning left and right in the city. When they saw the guards officers and soldiers who looked like headless flies, they stopped them directly.

After the sky became completely bright, the fire gradually extinguished.

 The sound of fighting in the city stopped completely, and there were only the sounds of herds of cattle, sheep, and livestock.


Outside the North City, Shen Chu, who was covered in blood, looked at Ye Qiu with a look of disbelief on his face, "The two young masters are world-class in martial arts, and they are just a Bodu."

 He couldn't understand how it was possible that two great masters could not retain a Bodu!

The other party is just a ninth grade!

 And it hasn’t reached its peak yet!

He was actually allowed to escape with four to five thousand cavalry!

 “Are you questioning me?”

 Ye Qiu said coldly.


Shen Chu looked directly into Ye Qiu's eyes and said calmly, "I just don't understand. With the skills of the two of you, there is no reason why Bodu can't be retained.

 Have you ever thought about it, now that he has run away, it will be difficult to catch him again. "

The blind man smiled and said, "General He's order is to protect the safety of you and other generals, but we are not allowed to assassinate Bodu and Xulegu."

If the two of us had just left, I'm afraid you, Bao Kui and others would be gone. "

 “Ali is here?”

Bao Kui was shocked when he heard this.

Ye Qiu scoffed, "Does the Grand Master still need to take action to take the heads from your neck?

 What kind of waste are you? You don’t know what you are doing? "


 Bao Kui sneered.

  The words are rough and the reasoning is not rough.

 In such a chaotic situation as at night, he, Shen Chu and others really couldn't resist the assassination of several ninth-level people.

 “Thank you both.”

Shen Chu didn't realize that Ye Qiu was telling lies, so he bowed down and handed over his hands respectfully.

Ye Qiu left without saying a word or looking back. The blind man smiled, cupped his hands towards Shen Chu and others, and followed slowly.

Tao Yingyi waited for the two men to go away, then looked at Shen Chu and said, "General, I killed more than 20,000 enemies and captured more than 20,000 prisoners. I don't know what to do with these prisoners."

Shen Chu said with a gloomy face, "It's an old rule. From now on, we'll all deal with it this way. There's no need to ask me again."

“General, these are 20,000 people, many of whom are Liang people who were coerced by the Wadan people, and are also people of Daliang.”

 Bao Kui was frightened.

Since they entered the northern part of the fortress, they have only killed a thousand people at most!

Now that 20,000 people were killed at once, he couldn't imagine the reaction of Liang Guochang.

Furthermore, once the killing starts, the Wadan people will not surrender easily in the future, and will definitely fight to the end!

 At that time, maybe they and the three soldiers will suffer more casualties!


Shen Chu still answered without hesitation, "From the day they recognized thieves as their fathers, they were no longer citizens of the Liang Kingdom."


Tao Yingyi agreed quite simply and almost jumped with joy.

Liangmatai has been captured, and fifteen miles further ahead is Hulagu's camp.

 The sun rises.

Lin Yi was wrapped in his coat, squatting beside a charcoal basin, holding a stick and burying a sweet potato in it.

Jiao Zhong walked in and said, "Your Majesty, the prince is here, and he has brought Shan Ruyi with him."

 “Shan Ruyi?”

Lin Yi said in surprise, "Why did he bring this girl here?"

Jiao Zhong shook his head and said, "The king didn't say anything."

 “Let him in.”

Lin Yi thought for a while and said.

Jiao Zhong retreated, and soon Dai Wang and Shan Ruyi entered the room.

 “I bow to the regent.”

 “The daughter of the people came to see the regent.”

 “Get up, please sit down,”

Lin Yi said without raising his head, "Serve tea."

 “The Prince Regent is in good spirits.”

The king said with a smile.

 “If you’re idle, you’re idle, so why not bake some sweet potatoes?”

Lin Yi stood up and as soon as he raised his head, he saw the charming Shan Ruyi. He smiled and said, "Miss Shan is still as beautiful as before."

 “Your Majesty has given you too much praise.”

Shan Ruyi said with a full smile.

 “It’s not a compliment, it’s not a compliment, I tell the truth.”

Lin Yi became more and more happy as he watched.

 Looking at it is really greedy.

  Why would you bring a beautiful woman like this to him and tease him?

Is this intentional to show off?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at King Dai resentfully.

The king was flustered when he saw it, and hurriedly said, "I heard that General Shen Chu destroyed the Liangma platform, and I haven't had time to congratulate the regent."

 “It’s something that’s expected, nothing to be surprised about,”

Lin Yi said nonchalantly, "It's best to end it before winter, otherwise the road will be blocked by heavy snow and food will not be transported in. Nearly 200,000 people will either freeze to death or starve to death."

 “The regent is strategizing, I really admire him very much!”

The king said with a smile, "The regent has to eat and drink every day, and I feel extremely guilty for not being able to take care of the regent's worries.

Miss Shan is a great musician in the world. I thought that the regent would be so tired that it would be easy to relieve his fatigue when the hall is full of silk and bamboo. "

Lin Yi was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses and said, "Brother Huang is really thoughtful!"


This is the first time someone gave him a woman!

He almost thought he heard wrongly.

 “This is my wish, and I hope the regent will accept it.”

The king said with a smile.

 “This is my intention, and it is really hard for me to reject it.”

Lin Yi said happily.

 “I retire.”

Seeing that Lin Yi's eyes were no longer on him, he stood up and left on behalf of the king.


Lin Yi smiled and said, "Send one to the king for me."

Lin Yi sat on a chair, took a sip of tea and said, "It's cold and the water will cool down quickly. Let's give Miss Shan a cup of hot tea."


Mingyue brought out a tea tray and walked to Shan Ruyi. As soon as she put down the tea cup, she suddenly tapped Shan Ruyi's left and right shoulders twice.

Shan Ruyi looked at the bright moon in astonishment.

 She didn't react at all, and her acupuncture points were sealed.

Mingyue smiled and said, "Miss Shan is a master of martial arts, and her hands and feet are a bit heavy. The tea bowls in our house are light and cannot withstand the girl's bumps.

Girl, please save some energy. The energy I put in is different from others. The more you move, the more powerful the energy will be. Who knows, you will lose all your energy. "

"What you said is too serious, girl,"

Shan Ruyi said coldly, "Although I, Shan Ruyi, am a little girl, I have been traveling around the world for many years and I know a little bit about it. I have never heard or seen this girl."

Mingyue smiled and said, "Girl, you can give it a try."

 Her Yuan Gong practice is quite good, but she has been stagnating before the seventh rank and cannot advance to the eighth rank.

She never thought that she would eventually break through the eighth level and reach the ninth level because of practicing the star-absorbing method.

As Wen Zhaoyi said, if you find the right method, you can get a glimpse of the door.

Shan Ruyi's face was expressionless. Although her meridians were empty and there was no trace of true energy, she still forced the circulation of the sky. Suddenly a mouthful of blood gushes out of her throat and slowly seeps out of the corner of her mouth. She looked at the bright moon in disbelief.

 “Girl drinks tea slowly.”

Ming Yue covered her mouth and smiled, then stood behind Lin Yi holding the plate.

Rank nines like Yu Shi and Dui were hit by her acupuncture points, and they couldn't untie them on their own, let alone a mere fifth grade!

 “Make the girl laugh,”

Lin Yi pretended not to see the blood on the corner of Shan Ruyi's mouth, and said with a smile, "Ming Yue just likes to joke, you will get used to it in the future."

 He loves beauty, but he cherishes his own life even more.

 He does not have the consciousness that "it is romantic to die under the peonies and become a ghost".

 “Your Majesty, you’re welcome.”

Shan Ruyi took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and slowly wiped the corners of her mouth. Looking at the bright red blood on the handkerchief, hatred flashed across her face.


 “The slave is here.”

"I think Miss Shan is tired. Let's take her down to rest."


Mingyue walked up to Shan Ruyi again and said with a smile, "Girl, please come with me."

 “The daughter of the people retires.”

Shan Ruyi glanced at Lin Yi resentfully, bowed towards him, and followed Ming Yue down.

 (End of this chapter)

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