I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 372: Nagging Dumb

Chapter 372 The nagging Dumb

“Oh, you can’t speak anymore. I also know what you want to ask. It must be why you didn’t treat me to a drink today.

Yu Xiaoxiao and I were not on duty today. After we were given the monthly payment, we went out to drink. We drank too much and couldn't drink anymore.

 It’s a bit swollen and it’s quite uncomfortable, but I still like the rain so that no one sees me peeing.”

Sun Chongde's heart felt itchy and painful, but his mind was still a little clear. He really hoped that Ah-Dai could knock him out and make him unconscious.


 Would you die if you don’t speak?

“You’ve practiced the Star Absorbing Technique, but if you don’t practice it well, if you encounter someone you can’t beat, your meridians will be messed up, and it will definitely be very painful.”

“The manager said that you have no talent and are not suitable for martial arts training. You are very good at driving animals. There is no one more reliable than you.”

Ah-Dai didn’t have this realization, so he continued to talk.

It doesn’t matter whether Sun Chongde can hear it or not.

Sun Chengde’s heart hurt even more!

 Of course he knows that he has no talent and cannot practice well!

 He hasn’t even entered the sixth level yet!

 Otherwise, how could you not even be able to withstand that old man's move?

"Okay, stop talking, hurry up and take it to the hospital. Hey, where are you going? Put it on the carriage and hold this horse. It costs a thousand taels, which is enough for you to drink for several years."

After hearing Zhu Zhurong's voice, Sun Chengde finally breathed a sigh of relief. He no longer had to listen to Ah Dai's nagging.

 Then he seemed to be carried into the carriage by Dumb, and then he heard the sound of horse hooves.

 He knew that Jingying was coming.

 Because only the Beijing camp has so many cavalry.

He guessed correctly. It was indeed the Beijing camp. The leader was Wei Yishan, who had just been promoted to garrison. He came over with Baiqi and saw an old man sitting under Yu Shi's butt, whose life and death were unknown.

 “Where is this.”

Pork Rong is holding a rope to tie the old man's hands and feet.

 “Is he the only one?”

Wei Yishan said curiously.

 “No, it’s just this one person,”

Zhu Rong said with a smile, "Don't look at how skinny this old man is, but his skills are very high. If Yu Xiao hadn't happened to be early, Sun Chongde wouldn't have survived today."

  "Huh, that's not like blowing a whistle. What's the big deal for me?"

Wei Yishan was helpless and was about to dismount when Pan Duo came over from a short distance away. He waited for Yu Xiao to move his buttocks, picked up the old man, and took a closer look at his **** face. Everyone was in disbelief. In his eyes, he actually tore off his face.

 It wasn’t until a bit of dark skin was exposed under his face that everyone realized that this man had changed his appearance.

 “People, I’ll take them away.”

 Pan Duo looked at Wei Yishan.

After Wei Yishan handed over to Pan Duo, without saying a word, he turned around and left. He didn't ask why your imperial guards could take care of it, but I, the capital camp, couldn't.

 The only reason is that Pando's official position is greater than his.

Pando can report directly to the prince, but he is not qualified to meet the prince directly.

If you have to care about it, as long as Mr. He Jixiang comes in person.

 “He is not stupid.”

Pan Duo couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the soldiers and horses of the Beijing camp riding away.

A carriage came by, and he threw the old man directly into the carriage.

 “Thank you very much.”

Before getting on the carriage, Pando cupped his hands towards Pork Wing.

"a piece of cake."

 Pork Rong was a little flattered.

Jiang Yi, who also came with the soldiers and horses, stood in front of a stall and watched from a distance. After Pan Duo left, he waved to Pork Rong.

Seeing him like this, Pork didn't want to go, but after some hesitation, he walked over and said, "Master Jiang, are you looking for me?"

 “The people from the Beijing camp are here?”

Jiang Yi said casually.

 “Yes, you are late.”

 Pork Rong was very unhappy with Jiang Yi’s attitude.

Although he is a Bai Ding, Wei Yishan, Liu Kan, Shen Chu, Bao Kui, and even He Jixiang are all polite to him.

How dare you, a surrendered general, be so bossy?

 “Do you know who was caught?”

Jiang Yi continued to ask.

 “How do I know?”

Pork Rongrong couldn't stand his attitude, so he turned around and left, "I drank too much and was sleepy, so I went back to sleep."

  "How dare you be so rude, sir? Go and teach him a lesson."

A Xiaoqi next to Jiang Yi wanted to draw his sword, but Jiang Yi stopped him.

He looked at Pork Rong who had gone away and said, "Although they are all white, the prince values ​​commerce and usually treats them very kindly.

 None of these Sanhe suppliers is simple.

We, it’s better not to cause any trouble to them. Things are different now. If we really push them, they have a place to complain.

 Otherwise, it will be more harm than good to gain a reputation that affects the business environment. "

Nowadays, most of the people in the army are Sanhe people, and they are all related to each other. If you provoke one, it is like poking a hornet's nest.

 In terms of attitude, he can be a little arrogant and not afraid of offending others.

However, he still doesn’t have the guts to really murder people.

 “Business environment?”

 Xiao Qi looked puzzled.

“No matter officials or street gangsters, they cannot influence these merchants at will. Only they can sell goods to the world and pay taxes to Prince He.

The prince himself said that if you are poor, you can live alone, and if you are rich, you have martial virtues. To put it bluntly, they are the ones who support the Sanhe army.

 You said, you have touched the prince's money bag, can you get it back? "

Jiang Yi stroked his dark beard and said.

 “Thank you, sir, for the suggestion.”

 Xiao Qi lowered his head and cupped his hands.

“You guys, you have a lot to learn. Recently, some little **** have started to act like monsters again. It is said that they have started to ask merchants to collect miscellaneous fees. How brave they are.

 Give me the order to stop from today, and I will forget about it. Once I find out, I will severely punish you. "

Jiang Yi sighed, "This is all I can say."

He went to Baiyun City with Wu Lin and others for "further training". Although he scorned the slogan of "serving the people", he could not lag behind in action.

 According to the previous rules, collect money from merchants and vendors under the jurisdiction?

I’m afraid I thought I died too slowly.

Even if he doesn’t die, his position as deputy commander of the Military and Horse Division cannot be kept!

 Is it easy for him to go from a small family to his current position?

 In this life, he has never been so prosperous!

 Don't let some troublemakers hinder his future!

"grown ups,"

Xiao Qi hesitated and said, "That's what I said, but brothers"

 “There is no but,”

Jiang Yi interrupted without hesitation, "I felt that I couldn't support my family in this way, so I just took it off and found another way to make a living. I will not stop my brothers from going out to make a fortune.

 However, in the Army and Horse Department, you must abide by the rules of the Army and Horse Department.

The soldiers at the front are bleeding and sweating in the north of the Great Wall. You people eat delicious food and drink spicy food every day. Don't be dissatisfied anymore. "

 “I understand the humble position.”

Xiao Qi didn’t dare to look at Jiang Yi’s cannibalistic eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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