I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 36: Everyone who sees it has a share

Chapter 36 Everyone who meets you has a share

The leading man had a rough face and a beard. His mask was taken off at this moment. The look of displeasure only stayed on his face for a moment, and then he smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you're welcome."

 “Liao Jinfeng, it turns out to be you.”

Ye Jinyu, who had not spoken a word from beginning to end, came over and said, "You guys, you are nothing more than worthy of being hidden."

 “You killed three of my brothers, but you were very fair and aboveboard,”

Liao Jinfeng gritted his teeth and said, "Your martial arts are really great. I didn't keep you here tonight because my brother is incompetent."

Ye Jinyu snorted coldly, "I can also kill you now."

Liao Jinfeng cupped his hands and said, "Who dares to make a mistake in front of Prince He?"

 “It turns out you are old acquaintances.”

Lin Yi was happy to hear Liao Jinfeng's words, unlike that girl Ye Jinyu who not only couldn't say nice things, but also put on a bad face, as if someone owed her money.

Liao Jinfeng said, "Your Majesty, the evil lady killed three of my brothers. This is an irreconcilable hatred!"

Ye Jinyu said, "You want the evil spirits of the Yi sect to pervert your ways, and everyone will find them and kill them!"

“You Jizhao’an claims to be a well-known and upright family, so you can kill people at will!”

Liao Jinfeng ignored the sword on his neck, stood up and glared at Ye Jinyu.

"Calm down, calm down, you go ahead. Don't forget it tomorrow morning."

Lin Yi smiled at Liao Jinfeng and then turned to look at Ye Jinyu, "You should give this face to me, right?"

He was too lazy to care about the affairs between the two people. That was what the police were supposed to do, so what did it have to do with him?

However, if Liao Jinfeng and others wanted to give him thirty thousand taels tomorrow, but were intercepted by Ye Jinyu on the way, who would he ask for the money?

 Liao Jinfeng stared at Ye Jinyu, expecting her to say "no".

How great it would be if you offended the prince and lost your life!

Unexpectedly, Ye Jinyu turned his back and said nothing.

 “If you can’t speak, what’s the use of having a tongue.”

Mingyue walked straight to Ye Jinyu.

 The tendency to get into a fight if there is a disagreement.

Ye Jinyu said, "Are you and so many people in the palace going to bully a weak woman like me?"

 “I am enough on my own.”

With a clang, Mingyue's sword was unsheathed.

"Okay, okay, I'm trapped to death, so don't be nagging."

 Lin Yi waved his hand and glanced at Ye Jinyu. Such an injured person, if he bleeds too much and dies here, it will really attract the old man as Wen Zhaoyi said. It's really a big deal.

 In a mixed society, it is really important to have a background.

Even in Journey to the West, the three great immortals who have no background, such as the White Bone Spirit, the Spider Spirit, the Scorpion Spirit, the Rhino Spirit, and the Deer, Tiger and Sheep, all end up in a miserable state.

 As for those with backgrounds such as Black Bear Spirit and Nine-Headed Insect, they can at most be taken back and punished.

Liao Jinfeng cupped his hands and said, "My lord, please don't worry, this evil **** can't do anything to us.

If the prince has nothing to do, I will leave first and I will send you the banknote early tomorrow morning. "

 “That’s excellent.”

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction, "Goodbye, I remember your appearance."

 “The grass-roots people retire.”

 Liao Jinfeng led seven of his men backwards out of the house.

Ye Jinyu looked at their backs coldly and said, "In three days, I will definitely visit the Xiyi faction in person."

 “Always waiting.”

Liao Jinfeng turned around, snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Lin Yi coughed, and then said, "Girl, do we also have to discuss the issue of compensation? Look at how easy it is for me to be frightened all night."

He has now refreshed his understanding of the underworld. Since the Xiyi sect is so rich, can Jizhao'an be too poor?

 “How much do you want?”

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ye Jinyu would never have imagined that a dignified vassal king could be so greedy for money!


Lin Yi slowly stretched out three fingers.


Ye Jinyu gritted his teeth and said, "We in Jizhao'an have never cared about worldly affairs. We are not the evil sect of the Xiyi sect. We don't even have 300 taels, let alone 300 taels."

 “Thirty taels.”

Lin Yi sighed and said, "I will also give you a medical treatment course. You can't go out and get a few taels of money for treatment on your arm."

 What's more, it's so late and I can't find a doctor even if I want to.

 If you wait until tomorrow, you may not be able to save your arm.

 The most important thing is that it was this king who saved your life today. Otherwise, if you were one against eight, you might end up here.

 Can you give me thirty taels more? "

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Thirty taels is just thirty taels!


Ye Jinyu took out a red sachet and a banknote from his arms, and said calmly, "Change."

Lin Yi took a closer look and saw that it was a one hundred tael silver note.

 Sigh, this is going to be less!

 Ye Jinyu proudly took the seventy taels of silver notes that Hong Ying found.

Lin Yi said to Hu Shilu who was waiting at the door to watch the excitement, "Heal her injuries."

“Girl, please come with me.”

After Hu Shilu raised his hands to Lin Yigong, he took Ye Jinyu away.

Lin Yi took out two silver notes from Hong Ying's hand, handed them to Mingyue and said, "Take them and divide them. You and Zixia each have fifty taels, and the remaining one has ten taels."

Ming Yue bowed and said, "Yes."

This is another rule of their princes: those who see it will be rewarded.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!”

All the guards knelt down and said in unison.

I had already expected it, so I was very excited to actually get the money.

 Their prince is an unconventional and unreliable person, but one thing is very satisfying, that is, he does not force "the capable to work harder", but pursues "the more work, the more reward".

They and the palace guards only earn two taels per month, which is similar to the income of other palace guards, but their extra income is much higher than that of other palace guards!

 After all, their prince is a master of making money. As long as they participate, he will not treat them badly.

 At the end of a year, who doesn’t earn a few hundred taels?

When ordering food at a restaurant with the palace guards, they never look at the menu. The table is full, so it’s fine if they don’t repeat the same thing.

At first I thought that traveling south with the prince would be a hard job, but I didn't expect that their prince was very good at making money. He walked around relatives' houses and money came pouring in.

 Each of them took at least forty or fifty taels.

After Lin Yi and others retreated, he said to Hong Ying, "Remember to pay compensation to the shopkeeper. This group of people is really not good at fighting anywhere, but they fight in the inn."

 Shaked his head and fell asleep again.

 No words all night.

 When I woke up the next day, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

After washing up, Hong Ying came over and said, "Your Majesty, thirty thousand taels have been delivered."

Lin Yi said while eating the cake, "You are quite discerning. If you don't give it, I will go to this Xiyi sect myself to find trouble."

Where is that girl? Is she still there? "

Hong Ying understood that Lin Yi was talking about Ye Jinyu, so he said, "We treated the injury at night and left.

However, Song Cheng and Shen Chu came back. "

Lin Yi said, "No one was hurt, right?"

Hong Yingdao said, "No one was injured, and one hundred and thirty-seven bandits were brought back."

Lin Yi said in surprise, "Why are there so many people?"

Hong Yingdao said, "There are family members of the bandits among the princes, most of whom are old and young."

"You really don't know what to do. Why did you bring so many back? I'm not afraid of being a burden."

Lin Yi sighed.

ps: You guys are so awesome, we already have 90,000 recommendation votes, and there will be another 900,000, let’s round up the number

 (End of this chapter)

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