I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 354: Unforgiving

 Chapter 354: Unforgiving of hatred

He Lian stood at the door, stretching his neck, looking at Jiao Zhong's retreating back like Xiao Xizi. He inadvertently glanced at Xiao Xizi's expression and said with a smile, "This person has no rules. He entered the palace with a knife in a swagger, as usual. When beheaded.

Father-in-law, you indulged him too much, and he will become more and more aggressive in the future. "

“You take care of what you should take care of, and take care of what you don’t have to take care of,”

Xiao Xizi said coldly, "Be careful that trouble comes from your mouth. When the time comes, no one can save you."

Seeing that Xiao Xizi had no intention of getting angry, He Lian continued to speak boldly, "I am also complaining about my father-in-law. This little guard does not take my father-in-law seriously and does not give him any pain. You think we are easy to bully."

“The prince is right, a humble person can even breathe wrongly.

Our family has been through all the hardships, and from now on, no one can bully our family at will."

Xiao Xizi said with emotion, "Our family must repay kindness and never spare hatred."

 Thinking back to the time when he was in the palace, everyone could scold him and hit him.

 Now, no one can treat him like before!

Everything owed to him will be taken back by him!

 “What the father-in-law said is,”

He Lian complimented, "Now the father-in-law has the final say in everything in this palace. A **** like Jiao Zhong is no different from an ant in front of the father-in-law. As long as the father-in-law just says a word, the little one will be tied up." I'll make sure he can't get out."

Xiao Xizi said calmly, "No matter what, he is the person next to the prince. If the prince doesn't speak, no one can move him.

You remember, our prince is nostalgic. Don’t mess with anyone in front of him, including these two idiots Yu Shih and Cui Gensheng. Be careful of getting angry.

 These two idiots got angry and beat you to death. Your death would be in vain. "

They are obviously two idiots who can't get on the stage, but they and the prince take care of each other, which sometimes makes him a little jealous.

The prince obviously hates fools very much!

According to their prince's opinion, fools don't seem to deserve to live, especially those who are self-righteous.

He Lian was unconvinced and said, "In terms of closeness, who can be better than you, my father-in-law? I cannot leave you even an inch."

 When your father-in-law gets promoted in the future, don’t forget to remind your younger brother. "


 Xiao Xizi's face suddenly fell.

 “Small conviction of sin.”

He Lian saw his expression and immediately understood something.

He knelt down and turned pale with fear.

He wished he could slap himself on both ears!

 This flattery is a bit too much!

 He forgot about Hong Ying.

Although Xiao Xizi is currently sitting as the Chief of Ceremonies, anyone with a little bit of brains knows that the position of Chief of Ceremonies and the position of **** is reserved for Hong Ying.

 In the future, he will definitely be the chief chamberlain in the palace!

 To put it bluntly, no one can replace Hong Ying's position in the prince's heart.

 As for Xiao Xizi’s position in the palace, it all depends on Eunuch Hong’s wish.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

 Did you take effect too early?

 What's the matter, we have to wait until Manager Hong comes back, right?

 Xiao Xizi will be unlucky in the future, and he will inevitably be affected.


Xiao Xizi snorted coldly, "Don't think that our family doesn't know about your little thoughts. If the manager was here, a guy like you would have been fertilized long ago so that you could keep company with your godfather.

Our family will give you a way to survive just because of our previous friendship. Don't be ignorant of the good and the bad.

 If you don’t know what to do, our family can’t help you. "

 “My father-in-law’s kindness will be unforgettable even if I am young.”

He Lian was so frightened that he banged his head three times again, "I will do my best to saddle my father-in-law."

  “You’re a fool again, aren’t you?”

Xiao Xizi suddenly laughed, "Our family also does things for the prince. How can we slaves dare to have selfish motives? Everything is naturally for the prince."

"Yes, I understand. I will definitely die for the prince."

He Lian said quickly.

 “Humph, it’s good to know,”

Xiao Xizi turned her back, walked to the large chair and sat down again. She picked up the tea cup and said, "If you are not waiting on the Holy Master, what's the point of coming here?"

He Lian said cautiously, "The Holy Emperor asked the imperial doctor to prepare some medicine. After taking some medicine last night, there was nothing serious, except that the cough became more severe.

I just asked the younger one to call Qiu Zhenxian to come into the palace. The younger one didn’t dare to respond, so he came directly to his father-in-law. "

“Qiu Zhenxian, that alchemist?”

Xiao Xizi frowned and said, "Is this person still in the city?"

He Liandao said, "Lord Pan Duo has been sending people to keep an eye on him. I'm afraid I have to ask Lord Pan where he is now. I really have no way of knowing."

"You trash, you have to ask others for everything. What do we need from you?"

Xiao Xizi said with a gloomy face.

I was really angry, so I threw the cup in my hand directly at He Lian.

He Lian didn't dare to hide, he was hit in the middle of the head, and it suddenly swelled up.

Seeing that he was motionless, Xiao Xizi became angrier and yelled, "Why are you still standing there! Go and find out more."


He ran away in a hurry, rolling and crawling.

 After he left, a young **** immediately came in to clean up the broken porcelain pieces and water stains.

 “Waste, waste, all waste.”

Xiao Xizi was still cursing, which frightened the little **** next to him so much that he knelt down and kowtowed continuously, with blood dripping from his forehead.

  The sun shining in through the window lattice made the blood stains shine brighter.

 It is another sultry day in Ankang City.

“The heat is over and autumn has arrived.”

Wang Xiaoshuan kept wiping the sweat from his head and said angrily, "I can't stand this hellish place, so I have to go back to Sanhe."

Zhu Rong smiled and said, "You come and go again and again, and it's gone in half a year. How many days can you withstand such wandering?"

You are still young and cannot endure such hardships. The prince will definitely be in Ankang from now on, and all the big and profitable businesses will be here. Do you still want to stay in Sanhe? "

Wang Xiaoshuan snorted coldly, "Let's talk about the future later. At least the life we ​​live now is not for humans. If you can't eat well and sleep well, how can you feel happy at home?"

Liang Qingshu said, "What Zhu Rong said makes sense. No matter how unaccustomed we are, we have to adapt slowly. If others can endure it, we can do the same. If it doesn't work, just slap yourself twice. This is a grudge against Qianzi." ah?"

Wang Xiaoshuan said nothing.

Han Dongsheng next to him said, "It seems that the prince is unlikely to return to Sanhe. If we want to make money, we still have to follow the prince. No matter how hard it is, it is better than being poor. Do you think this is the truth? "

 “I’m not afraid of poverty!”

Kangbao jumped down from the elephant and shouted loudly, "I'm not afraid of freezing to death, but elephants can't do it. It's winter and they don't even have anything to eat. It's definitely not going to work. We'll go back to Sanhe next month." .

 Just do whatever you love. "

 (End of this chapter)

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