Chapter 345 Night Banquet

 From the Crown Prince to Lao Jiu and then to Lao Liu, are they still his sons?

He no longer knew any of these people.

Lin Yi looked at his father's disappointed expression and asked seriously, "Brothers and brothers are respectful to each other, aren't you happy?

Father, don’t forget, you are still the co-lord of the world, and the Sixth Emperor is disarming you, not your son. "

 “Happy, of course happy,”

Emperor Delong smiled and said, "Since you are going to hold a banquet, I will go and take a good look at my sons."

Lin Yidao, "Thank you very much, father."

  Occasionally, it’s actually quite useful to drag him out as a signboard. At least you can stand on the moral high ground and kill those **** who like to talk nonsense.

He will not let go of anyone who accuses him.

 If he cannot win public opinion, he will beat to death the people who create the public opinion.

 These days, "rumors" are quite powerful in confusing the public.

The banquet was held in Tai'an Palace and was organized by Ma Jin, the Minister of Rites and the cabinet scholar. However, he was still startled when he saw the prince suddenly appearing here.

 I was a little at a loss for a while. I didn’t tell the prince that the prince would come!

  Until the emperor entered the room again, everyone was a little dazed and just waited to kneel down and shout three times, long live the emperor.

Emperor Delong was sitting on the throne, looking coldly at the prince who was under his control, and said resentfully, "You evil son."


The prince stood up, cupped his hands towards Emperor Delong and said, "I am very happy to see my father. My father's voice is still so loud."

Hearing what the father and son said to each other, all the ministers felt very strange.

 “Your Majesty has arrived!”

 “Prince Yong’an has arrived!”

With a shout from the chamberlain, the banquet hall became quiet. Everyone sat down and stared at the acting prince and the twelfth prince who walked in together.

 “See my father, long live my father! Long live my father!”

 Wang Dai and King Yongan knelt down together and shouted.

Emperor Delong said, "Get up and sit down."

 “Thank you, Father.”

 Dai Wang thought that he would be calm when facing the toothless Emperor Delong again, but he found that he was still wrong.

Even though he no longer has authority, every word and every gesture of Emperor Delong carries a sense of majesty and power, making it impossible for him to resist.

 In his heart, he had scolded Lin Yi ten thousand times.

 Let’s have a banquet. What’s the point of inviting Emperor Delong and the Crown Prince?

 Isn’t it shameful enough to dislike him?

 Want to bring these people together to watch him make a fool of himself?

 Or, this is a warning to myself, if you have bad intentions, Emperor Delong and the Crown Prince will be your fate!

 “Thank you, Father.”

 Lao Twelve saw the prince beside him and was suddenly stunned for a moment. His brother Nine Emperors actually invited the prince over.

Hence the reply was a little slow.

However, it doesn’t matter. I guess I won’t care too much about such details.

  I don’t have the ability to care anymore.

 Now he is following Brother Nine Emperors. Unless Brother Nine Emperors speaks out, no one can punish him.

After Dai Wang and Lao Twelve finished their replies, they sat down next to the prince.

 After a while, the chamberlain shouted again.

Lin Yi entered the main hall with his hands behind his back.

  Everyone stood up and saluted at the same time, saying, "Your Majesty, a thousand years old, a thousand years old."

 Lao Twelve was very helpless.

 The same Chitose, why is the gap in entrance so big?

Lin Yi walked up to Emperor Delong, cupped his hands and said, "See you, my father, long live my father. Long live my father."

Emperor Delong was speechless, and Lin Yi kept bowing.

 The main hall suddenly became quieter, and you could hear a pin drop.

“It’s really gratifying that Brother Sixth Emperor is back today. Why should my father get angry with Lao Twelve? My son will definitely give him a slap in the face for you later.”

Lin Yi finally got a little impatient and didn't want to play these little tricks with his father. He continued to put his hands behind his back and said, "Let him listen to my father more in the future."

ˆ “.”

 Lao Twelve has troubles that he cannot express.

 What does this have to do with yourself?

 Can't you even sit still?

  Anyway, I am often dragged out by the Nine Emperor Brothers to take the blame, so I seem to be used to it.

 Emperor Delong snorted coldly.

 “Serve the food, play music, and make it lively,”

Lin Yi clapped and said, "Today, you are allowed to drink as much as you want, and you will not come home until you are drunk."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

 The ministers shouted.

Silk and bamboo are rising, singing and dancing are endless.

 Emperor Delong only drank one glass of wine and coughed non-stop.

Lin Yi waved his hand, and He Lian helped Emperor Delong down.

 He sat directly in the position of Emperor Delong, high above him.

After three rounds of drinking, he walked up to the king with a cup in hand and said with a smile, "Brother Liu Huang is still as charming and suave as ever. I am very envious of you, brother."

 “See Prince Regent,”

The king said with a smile, "The regent has given you too much praise."

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Aren't you afraid that your brothers will be separated if you say these things?"

The king said solemnly, "There is a difference between the king and his ministers, and I dare not be disrespectful."

“Sixth Brother, it will be boring if you continue to talk like this,”

Lin Yi patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Tell me. You must have your own ideas when you lead troops into the capital. Let's talk about it."

Tired of standing, he kicked Lao Twelve away and sat next to King Dai.

 Lin Yi was sitting in Emperor Delong's seat. Lao Twelve didn't have the guts to sit down, so he could only stand behind Lin Yi and watch others eat and drink eagerly.

 “I dare not,”

The king said calmly, "Thunder, rain, and dew are all your kindness."

 “What if I let you die?”

Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw that he was still like this.

The king knelt down and shouted, "If you want me to die, I have no choice but to die!"

The singing stopped, the music also stopped, the singer was so frightened that she knelt down and became as silent as a cicada.

 All the ministers also put down their wine glasses, stopped using their chopsticks, and did not dare to continue talking.

 The main hall was silent again.


Lin Yi said in a tone that he thought was very kind, "What do you mean? You should talk to your brother about it?"

The prince said loudly, "Everything depends on the regent!

I dare not speak nonsense. "

The people present finally made some sense.

This king is indeed a smart man. He decided on the title of "king and minister" in public, and everyone was counted as a witness.

Henceforth, future kings will no longer compete with Prince He, and will be ministers of the regent.

“Actually, it doesn’t have to be like this. You have underestimated my brother’s magnanimity.”

Lin Yi also understood what Dai Wang meant, "From now on, I have a younger brother to eat with, and an older brother to wash the bowl with!"


 The ministers were stunned.

Is this what the **** you are talking about?

Unexpectedly, the acting king shouted, "Thank you, Prince Regent!"

He has his own understanding. Since he has become a minister, does he still want to drink soup and eat meat with the emperor?

 As ministers serve the king, they naturally have to wash the dishes.

 (End of this chapter)

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