I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 335: thick-skinned

Chapter 335: Thick-skinned

Furthermore, having seen the Sanhe army attacking the city, he did not doubt the ability of his Jiuhuang brothers to fight against the Wadan people. After all, there were five and six ranks in the army everywhere. In a real fight, one could fight a hundred.

Lin Yi yawned and said, "When doing things, sometimes you don't need to use your brain. You must be reckless when you should be reckless. People are not frivolous and waste their youth."

 It doesn’t matter if you’re sparse, or if you’re crazy, don’t you think so? "

 Lao Twelve said bravely, "My brother is stupid, I hope my brother will speak clearly."

 According to what his Nine Emperors brothers want, he must kill Chen Jingzhi, the minister of Honglu Temple!

 But he is afraid!

 Chen Jingzhi is from the third grade!

What if he was killed at will and caused public outrage, and his brother Jiuhuang pulled him out to sacrifice the flag to anger the people?

He died unjustly!

 You can’t die so unclearly!

“You kid, why can’t you understand what I’m talking to?”

Lin Yi said angrily, "Just tell me if it's okay. If it doesn't work, I'll replace him immediately. No matter how many people ask for a good job like confiscating a house, they can't get it."

 “My brother understands.”

 Lao Twelve knew he couldn't escape, so he had no choice but to respond.

Lin Yi said, "Look at how poor you are. You have done all the errands in this village. You have a little money and you go out to restaurants every day. Isn't it delicious?"

 “That’s what the emperor said.”

 As soon as he heard about money, Lao Twelve finally remembered what he had forgotten today.

Last time he left the city in a panic and didn’t have a penny on him.

 When he returned to Ankang City yesterday, he secretly returned to his Yong'an Palace at night, but it turned out that his residence had been raided by the prince!

Now that the gate was closed, he climbed over the wall and found that in just a few days, the grass in the yard had grown as tall as a person.

 It makes people sad.

 When he entered the palace today, he originally planned to ask his mother and concubine for some money.

 As a result, he is so stupid!

  I have somehow forgotten such an important thing!

 Otherwise, what does it have to do with him whether he turns off the stove or not in the palace kitchen?

As long as he has money, wouldn’t he be allowed to go to the big restaurants in Ankang City?

As for having no money to pay on credit, who else but his Nine Emperors Brother would be willing to do that?

 From my own perspective, the only thing his Nine Emperors brother is better than him is his face!

With his Nine Emperors brother doing what he has done now, is it really as his Nine Emperors brother said that a man without shame is invincible, and a tree without bark will definitely die?

 He is thin-skinned, so he really can’t eat it!

"This is done. Brother, I will have your mansion cleaned. Go home and live there."

Lin Yi said with a kind expression, "Wealth can be gained through risk. Without risk, there is no reward."

 “Brother, don’t worry!”

Hearing that Lin Yi was going to return the mansion to him, Lao Twelve's eyes lit up, "My brother, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

After Lao Twelve left, He Jixiang came over and handed over a letter saying, "This is a letter sent to Qizhou Commander-in-Chief Shen Zhan'ao and General Yuan Qing. Please read it."

Lin Yi took it, glanced at it casually, and then put it on the table and said, "It's too much to write, so I can be more concise. If you submit to the king, the soldiers will be paid directly, and the food will be transported directly to Saibei by sea.

 The hundreds of thousands of troops are not immortals, they still need food and drink.

Eating and drinking enough, preventing the Wadan people from continuing to go south, and preventing the people of Daliang from suffering, is true loyalty.

 To be loyal to only one person is to be foolishly loyal and to be a sinner of our Daliang Kingdom. "

 “The prince is wise,”

He Jixiang tore up the letter and said, "I will draft another letter and ask Wang Tuozi and Pan Duo to send it over."

 After nightfall, the room was stuffy and hot, and Lin Yi couldn't fall asleep repeatedly in bed.

I simply walked to a chair in the garden and lay down, taking a sip of wine from time to time.

 “Your Majesty,”

He Hong bowed and said, "Ye Qiu and Wang Dong are back with the eldest princess.

Lin Yi said, "Let them come over."


He Hong nodded towards Jiao Zhong at the side. After Jiao Zhong retreated, he arranged for more than a dozen lanterns to be hung. The small garden was brightly lit for a while.

Lin Yi stood up and stretched, then lay down again. He looked at the eldest princess who was getting closer and closer, and said with a smile, "Auntie, I didn't expect to meet again so soon."

 “You are really my good nephew,”

The eldest princess looked pale and looked at the lazy Lin Yi. She still smiled and said, "You are better than the prince. It seems that I chose the wrong person."

Lin Yi said, "Auntie, please sit down. Come and bring some food and drinks. I want to have a drink with my aunt."

The eldest princess sat on the side of Lin Yi, glanced at the blind man and Ye Qiu on the left and right, and said with a smile, "Are you so worried about me?"

 “My nephew has no power to tie a chicken,”

Lin Yi poured wine for the eldest princess and said, "It's always right to be careful."

After a while, some pastries and side dishes were delivered, and he personally served the eldest princess with dishes.

The eldest princess said without hesitation, "You also want to know the whereabouts of the bank?"

Lin Yi said, "My nephew is short of money right now, so being able to suddenly become rich is something he can only dream of."

 “What if I say no?”

The eldest princess never drank a sip of wine or ate a bite of food.

 Lin Yi slowly drank the wine in the glass, then looked at the eldest princess and said, "This silver belongs to Jizhao'an. I must have known that the people from Jizhao'an are looking for you everywhere.

If they were to find you, their aunt, they would not be as easy to talk to as their nephew. "

“Good nephew, will you let them find me?”

The eldest princess and Lin Yi looked at each other without fear at all.

“If my aunt insists on refusing, my nephew can’t force me, so I can only let my aunt fly freely.”

Lin Yi bit the cucumber in his hand and said while chewing, "I hope my aunt will run far away and never let Jingyi from Jizhao'an find her.

It is said that her kung fu is no worse than that of the Vajra Stage Wuxiang Elder. "

The eldest princess snorted coldly, "You finally found me, but how can you let me go so easily?"

“My aunt was wrong. My nephew found you without any effort at all.”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Although my nephew values ​​money, he also values ​​family ties."

The princess said, "You have even imprisoned your father, so what can you do to me?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "My aunt is wrong again. My nephew is very filial and cannot bear to have my father continue to worry about the country of Daliang. The dragon body is the most important thing."

The eldest princess shook her head and said nothing.

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Come here, take my aunt down to rest and take good care of her. If she wants to leave, remember to send me some money."

Looking at the eldest princess following He Hong down, Lin Yi's face suddenly fell.

Ye Qiu said, "Your Majesty, when my subordinates were looking for the eldest princess, the abbot of the White Horse Temple deliberately blocked the way. The blind man acted carelessly and his efforts were ruined."

 “He has a grudge against the blind man?”

Lin Yi said in surprise.

General masters can send and receive freely. He won't believe anyone who misses.

Ye Qiu laughed and said, "The blind man said that the abbot was a fake monk who had polluted the pure land of Buddhism and deserved a small punishment."

ps: This is the update for today. There are many guests at home during the Chinese New Year, so I’m very sorry.

 (End of this chapter)

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