I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 332: This is what a man should be like

Chapter 332 This is what a man should do

If any sect relies solely on one or two great masters, it is basically a dream to hover among various complicated forces and remain standing for a hundred years.

 Sure enough, everything follows social laws and the scientific concept of development.

After listening to Lin Yi's words, Lao Twelve pondered for a while and said, "What the emperor said is that being strong and brave is not a long-term solution."

Lin Yi turned around and looked at Lao Twelve and said, "I'll give you something, will you be happy with it?"

 Lao Twelve bowed and said, "Brother, please give me your orders, but I will do my best."

Lin Yi said, "If you have nothing to do, go to the palace and look at the prince and father for me. I hope they don't do anything stupid."

“Brother, don’t worry, I will not disappoint my expectations.”

After finishing speaking, Lao Twelve knelt down and said, "I have another unkind request. I miss my mother and concubine."

 “If you think about it, go and take a look, no one will stop you,”

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Go, He Hong, you are responsible for escorting King Yong'an. Ankang City has just been decided. It is inevitable that there will be young people who take the opportunity to do evil and accidents happen. You are the only one to ask."

He Hong said loudly, "I obey my orders."

 “My younger brother retires.”

 King Yong'an followed He Hong away. When he left the mansion, the carriage was ready and there was a team of more than 20 guards behind him.

On the street, unlike yesterday's deserted scene, Ankang City has returned to its former prosperity, with pedestrians bustling and rubbing shoulders.

 There was constant chatter, laughter, and hawking, and it was very lively.

Since yesterday evening, the vendors on Hewangfu Street began to come out one after another, and then when it got dark, there were densely packed heads everywhere.

 As of daybreak today, residents of Ankang City, centered on Hewangfu Street, who had been holding back for half a month, came out in droves.

People from Nancheng dare to come out, why shouldn’t they?

 When they saw the palace guards headed by the twelfth prince, they stayed away from them.

 In the past half month, everyone has known that Prince He came back under a rat flag.

As long as anyone is carrying the rat flag, he or she belongs to the prince.

The prince and I are occupying the capital in front of us, so we definitely can't afford to offend him, so we might as well hide.

 Lao Twelve was riding on a tall horse, looking down from a high position, looking at the passers-by who were walking around, and felt a feeling of emotion in his heart again: Wow, this is what a man should be like!

It's not like before, even though he is a prince, everything is regulated and nothing should be done out of the ordinary, otherwise the officials will be involved in the performance and the confrontation in the court will not go well.

 So I was very low-key when I went out, and it was not as glamorous as it is now.

 When I walked through the familiar streets and walked to the palace gate, I looked at the Sanhe officers and soldiers standing on both sides, and I felt in a trance, feeling that things are right and people are different.

He really couldn't understand how the Nine Emperor Brothers, who were obviously more confused than him, could achieve such a momentum!

 Winning is baffling.

After getting off the horse, he handed the reins to the guards and walked directly into the palace. When passing by Qilin Palace, he saw Yu Wenshe patrolling with the guards.

 “See Prince Yong’an.”

 When the two looked at each other, they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Yu Wenshe was curious as to how he and the prince could allow King Yongan to come and go freely in the palace!

 “It turns out to be Commander Yu.”

 Lao Twelve was surprised that how dare his Nine Emperors brother continue to retain Yu Wenshe!

This guy is completely untrustworthy, he is just feeding a tiger into trouble!

If it were him, he would definitely chop him in half with one knife and not give the other person a chance to stand in front of him.

He was thinking about whether he should give advice to his Jiuhuang brother after he returned. Yu Wenshe couldn't keep him!

It doesn’t matter whether his Nine Emperors brother dies or not.

 However, we cannot implicate him. He is now one with his Nine Emperors brothers, and has even been regarded by outsiders as being on the same side as the prince.

If his Nine Emperor Brother is unlucky, no one will let him go.

Yu Wenshe glanced at Ho Hong and then said, "I have important matters to attend to, so I won't accompany you. Your Majesty, please do as you please."

 Lao Twelve said to his retreating back, "Commander He, if I were you, I would chop him down with one knife to eliminate hidden dangers for your prince."

He Hong smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I won't bother you with such a small matter. Please come over here."


 Old Twelve sighed.

Unconsciously, he arrived at the West Sixth Palace. He Hong led people to guard the door, and a young **** led Lao Twelve in.

 Lao Twelve said calmly, "Which empress did this father-in-law be with before? I have never seen her before?"

Of course he knows all the people in his mother's palace.

 However, he had no impression of the little **** in front of him at all.

 “Reply to the prince,”

The young **** smiled apologetically and said, "I used to serve the Queen. Since the Queen passed away, she has been working in the imperial garden. Last night, according to Eunuch Xi's wish, the guards in the palace were rotated, so I came here to serve the Queen."

 “Happy father-in-law?”

 Lao Twelve frowned and said, "Are you talking about Xiao Xizi?"


The little **** smiled and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the royal concubine's expenses are the same as usual. She even went to the Imperial Garden to enjoy the flowers this morning."

 After Lao Twelve nodded, without waiting for the eunuch's announcement, he walked straight into the door and shouted, "Mother Concubine, Mother Concubine!"

After seeing a woman sitting in front of the couch drinking tea, he quickly knelt down and said, "Greetings to my mother and concubine."

 “What kind of behavior is there for those who shout loudly?”

Tang Guifei did not apply any powder, but her color was like morning glow reflecting snow. Even if she frowned, she could not hide her charming temperament.

 Lao Twelve smiled and said, "So that my mother and concubine will know that my son misses you."

Tang Guifei glanced at him and said, "The situation is different from before. You should be more careful and don't act so recklessly."

 “Mother, don’t worry,”

 Lao Twelve stood up and said happily, "Brother Jiuhuang allowed me to come in."

Tang Guifei said calmly, "I just heard that the prince lived in Changqing Palace?"

 Lao Twelve said honestly, "This is what Brother Nine Emperors wanted. My son was at the side at the time, and the prince directly agreed."

Tang Guifei asked curiously, "Have you met the prince with the prince?"

“Yes, the prince has been detained in Dali Temple. Not only has he lost his previous grace, but his temper has also changed a lot.”

 Lao Twelve kept talking, "Concubine, you know, this eldest princess."

 “No need to elaborate,”

Concubine Tang decisively interrupted him, put her hand on her forehead and said, "You still haven't made any progress."

 Lao Twelve looked around and realized that he had made a mistake. He hurriedly said, "Son, I know I was wrong."

 The conversation between Brother Jiuhuang and the Crown Prince cannot be spread outside!

If the Nine Emperor Brothers knew that he would talk to people when he met them, would it be good for him to fall in love?

Tang Guifei sighed and said, "There is no good place for the prince to live, but he lives in Changqing Palace."

 “Changqing Palace was originally the place where the queen lived.”

 Old Twelve vaguely understood something.

ps: That’s it for today. I wish you all a happy job, a satisfactory salary, and a warm bed in the new year.

 (End of this chapter)

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