I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 320: roundworms in stomach

Chapter 320: Roundworms in the Belly

Lin Yi said calmly, "It's just right. People like the Yuan family, Zhu Guo is old, and it's hard for others to take on big responsibilities. If something happens to my uncle again, the Yuan family will really collapse.

This time the Wadan people went south, are there any masters among them? "

Pan Duo said, "My subordinates grew up in Saibei, and the one they heard the most about was Ah Li, the first warrior of Wadan. He and the national Khan Hulagu were sworn brothers. Hulawu was able to unify the north of Saibei, and his contribution was indispensable. without.

But he was cruel by nature. Because his concubine did something wrong, he put her on a steamer and steamed her alive, and ate her thigh flesh.

 It likes to eat babies most and often uses them to entertain guests.

The children in Saibei were disobedient and made trouble, so their parents called Ali, and the children immediately stopped crying.

 According to the estimates of his subordinates, his skill is comparable to that of a great master.

Now Wadan Pioneer General Bodu is his first disciple. It is said that his kung fu is also unfathomable. It was he who killed Kuang Daxiang himself. "

 “Steam people and eat them?”

Lin Yi felt chills all over his body as he gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, these are really quite beasts. If you encounter them in the future, try to catch them alive. You don't need to bring them to see me. They will be executed directly in Ling Chi and cut off piece by piece to feed the dogs." "

Pan Duo bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

 People in the north of Saibei gnash their teeth when mentioning this gift.

Lin Yi continued, "Since Ah Li and Hulagu are sworn brothers, and Ah Li is a great master, what about the kung fu of the Khan Hulagu who is personally conquering this time?"

Pan Duodao said, "Xulewu is a talented man who is good at decision-making. His talent is strong and strong, but his kung fu is not outstanding."

Lin Yi stood up, stepped on the slippery stone floor with his bare feet, and said with a smile, "Give me the order to set off early tomorrow morning. I miss the girl from Ankang City."


 Pando left quickly.

Lin Yi stretched out and suddenly found a person at the corner of the corridor. He was sneaking around, so he walked over directly without suspecting that he was a bad guy.

 After all, Ye Qiu and the blind man are both here, and ordinary people cannot come in at all. Those who can come in are all acquaintances.

 “Young man, see the prince.”

 The person behind the pillar stretched out his head and knelt down directly.


Lin Yi said angrily, "Why are you here, you little bastard?"

“My lord, as soon as you leave the house, the younger one will follow you.”

Xiao Xizi said with a smile, "I'm worried about you. No matter how angry you are with me, you can't have anyone around you to take care of you."

He made the prince angry, and after being sent to his empress, he was very decadent for a few days, but he had no face to see the prince.

 However, who could have thought that the prince would suddenly go north again.

The prince is heading north. If this news reaches the ears of the master who is far away in Sichuanzhou, the master will be worried and will definitely follow him into Ankang City. There is no doubt about this.

 At that time, the master will come. If he is not seen beside Prince He, even if he does not die, his life will be considered useless.

 So, no matter what, he has to follow.


Lin Yi kicked him angrily and said, "As the king of the eight states, I still need someone to help me?"

 “You are incompetent, please punish me.”

 After Xiao Xizi was kicked, his whole body suddenly felt relaxed.

The prince scolds and beats him, which means that the prince still regards him as one of his own.

Seeing the prince turn around and leave, he hurriedly followed him.

 Lin Yi was sitting in the lobby, yawning. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a cup of tea came into his hand, blowing the tea leaves floating in the tea from time to time.

"What are you doing standing there? You're dirty and look like a beggar. Go and change your clothes quickly."

Lin Yi scolded Xiao Xizi in front of him.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Xiao Xizi was so happy that she wanted to jump up.


Lin Yi looked at his retreating back, feeling helpless.

 He could not live without Xiao Xizi after all. After all, he was really used to it.

A fool like Xiao Guizi would have rushed back to the kitchen a long time ago. There was only Jiao Zhong in front of him, who was both a bodyguard and a handyman.

 However, there are specialties in the art industry, and not everyone can do it in the service industry. Jiao Zhong is just a rough guy. Although he is a little smarter than Xiao Guizi, he is still far behind Xiao Xizi.

Just like just now, as soon as I stretched out my hand, Xiao Xizi’s tea was handed over to her.

 It is not an exaggeration to say that it is roundworms in my stomach.

To others, Lin Yi has to shout: Come here, serve tea; bring a pot of green tea; this time drink black tea.

 Even sometimes, even if I talk for a long time with a dry mouth, others may not understand what I mean.

 When you are tired, others are tired too.

 Fortunately, he had taught Xiao Xizi enough lessons this time, so there was no harm in letting him come back.

 After Xiao Xizi came back, Lin Yi's life finally returned to normal.

 At least four dishes have been eaten.

Unlike before, he came to ask for his opinion every time he made a dish in the kitchen. He tried to be lazy and save trouble by directly naming two dishes, but in the end, he didn't like any of them.

Along the way, there were many refugees with their families and ragged clothes.

Pan Duo said, "Your Majesty, the Huangshui River is flooded. It rises one foot a day. It only took more than ten days for it to overflow the embankment and burst open, causing countless deaths and injuries."

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Send a message to Mr. Xing and do your best to provide disaster relief."

After the weather cleared up, Lin Yi increased the speed of his march and arrived at Ankang City in only ten days.

"It is difficult to travel on the road, but it is difficult to reach the sky."

Lin Yi was very dissatisfied with the traffic situation in front of him.

 In the past year, he has been on the road for half of the year.

 Sanhe's army was stationed separately outside the six city gates of Ankang City. Their tents were set up from the bottom of the city to the nearby hills, and their flags covered the sky.

“This time, we are really here to save the old emperor. Why doesn’t he open the city gate?”

The butcher looked at the tall walls of Ankang City and sighed, "We can't just block us outside the city, right?"

He came here twice and never had a chance to enter the city. He was very disappointed.

Zhu Zhurong smiled and said, "What kind of place do you think Ankang City is, that you can enter whenever you want?"

If the city gate is really opened, we people may not have a chance to enter. "

 “This is true,”

The butcher patted his head and said, "We went to Jinling City at this time last year. We didn't have a chance to enter the city at first. In the end, even though we were allowed to enter the city, we did so in batches."

Zhu Rong looked at the tents on both sides and yawned, "Did those Guizhou people stop coming this year and didn't see the elephants?"

The butcher snorted coldly, "I really hope they don't come. The elephant poops and pees, and it smells terrible."

 But can they not take this opportunity to make a fortune?

These Qian people are not that stupid.

The elephant looks strong, but its body is also heavy and it cannot run fast. It has to rest along the way. It is estimated that they will not be able to reach it before next month.

 Unlike us, although mules are slow, they have good endurance and have never been lazy along the way. "

“Where’s Kang Bao, haven’t you seen them kidnapping anyone?”

Pork Rong asked again.

 (End of this chapter)

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