I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 309: Households to be demolished

Chapter 309 Households to be demolished

One month I was still struggling in the slums, hungry and full, struggling for an invisible tomorrow. The next month I was sitting in the canteen, not looking at the menu, and getting whatever was expensive.

 To use the most popular saying at the moment, there is no shortage of money.

“My mother wanted to allocate a wing to me to take care of my widowed sister, but my wife disagreed and said that if she dared to agree, she would divorce me directly.

 You said it would be easy for me to find a wife. If she leaves, how will I live in the future? "

 A thin man said with a sad face.

 “Brother, congratulations!

 This is a double happiness for you!

  Even if you have money, you are still alone. This is a good thing that many people can only dream of. "

The person who spoke was a man who was also dark and thin, and he kept congratulating himself.


 It’s true that I’m not afraid!

 How can I be afraid of not getting a wife if I have money?

There is really no other way. It is not impossible to marry more side wives. "

 The thin man clapped happily.

Three great joys in life: getting promoted, getting rich, and killing your wife!

 Get rich, he is certain.

He would definitely not be able to bear the death of his wife.

 But if the wife reconciles with her!

 This is the best thing.

 There will be no guilt in my conscience, and I can also change my wife.

  If you look back and find a young successor, you will definitely have a happy life.

 Demolition changes one's destiny, from having nothing to a well-off home overnight, everyone is happy.

Such scenes occur in many places in Jinling City.

Lin Yi was wearing a short shirt, dressed as a coolie, and mingling among the crowd, only to realize that he was the most miserable one.

 Everyone is thinking about changing their wives.

 I don’t even have a girlfriend.

 I am not a person who is short of money at all!

How can you be so miserable?

“Mom, go fishing. If you don’t fly again today, I will fine you three months’ monthly payment.”

Lin Yi, who was sitting in the dining hall, threw his chopsticks on the table and said.


 Xiao Xizi complained incessantly.

 Your Air Force, what does it have to do with our monthly money?

 “Remember to bring more earthworms.”

Lin Yi did not forget to give his instructions.


The prince paid a private visit in disguise. Xiao Xizi did not dare to call her eldest brother as the prince asked, nor did she dare to bend down. She was simply at a loss.

Out of the dining hall, he led the donkey and looked back from time to time at Lin Yi, who was walking behind him with his hands behind his back.

After passing the south gate and walking for two miles, Xiao Xizi finally took a new look at their family and the prince. It was really rare that he didn’t complain after such a long journey!

The prince of their family gets tired after walking a few hundred meters.

On a tributary of the Feng Shui River, Lin Yi threw the fishing rod under a big tree, then held the teapot and took a sip from time to time.

Xiao Xizi held his breath next to him, not daring to take a big breath. Otherwise, if he made the slightest move, Wangye Air Force would blame him for scaring the fish.

 There is no reason to say it when the time comes.

Moreover, half an hour has passed and the fish bobber hasn’t even moved.

 If it fails without success, the prince will definitely explode.

At this moment, he wished he could just lurk in the water, catch a fish, and hang it directly on the prince's fishhook, so as to save himself the trouble.

Not only is Yuan Guifei difficult to take care of, but the prince is also difficult to take care of.

 As expected of a mother and son.

 Suddenly, he felt the sound of the earth shaking.

 He has just entered the eighth level, his ears are more sensitive than before, and he clearly feels that the sound is getting closer.

He straightened his back, raised his head and glanced at the guards hiding in the trees on both sides, and then quietly moved a little farther away from the river. As soon as he came out of the forest, he saw a horse running straight towards this side. On top of it was a man wearing a red coat. The woman in the cloak was followed by two maids who were chasing and shouting.



 The two maids shouted breathlessly.

The horse was about to arrive. Xiao Xizi thought that he had really frightened the fish in the river, and he was the unlucky one.

He suddenly rushed forward, his figure flashed past, and he stood directly under the horse. The horse was caught by a hand on the neck and suddenly stopped. It raised its hooves and neighed. The woman on the horse was caught off guard and was about to fall. , but suddenly rose into the air and landed floatingly.

Xiao Xizi let go of the hand stuck on the horse's neck, then slapped the horse's belly with her palm, and the horse turned around and ran away without a trace.

 “Who are you!”

The woman watched her horse gradually go away, furious, and glared at Xiao Xizi, who was dressed in a short shirt.

 “Girl, I’m doing this for your own good.”

Xiao Xizi snorted coldly, "It would be bad if you fell off the horse."

 “Miss, Miss,”

A maid finally caught up and pointed at Xiao Xizi and said, "You are a slut, you are so daring. I will report it to the official right now, and I will reap the rewards for you."

"Girl, it's better to go early in the wilderness. I don't want to cause too much trouble."

While Xiao Xizi was talking, she didn't forget to look back into the forest. If the prince came out, wouldn't she be scolded?

“You are better at martial arts than me, so you can threaten me like this?

 Don’t forget, this is under the rule of Prince He."

The woman snorted coldly, "Who dares to act recklessly here?"

 “The girl trusts Mr. He very much.”

 A voice came from the woods.

Xiao Xizi stepped aside and looked at the prince walking out of the forest without saying a word.

 “Who are you?”

 The woman stared at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at the woman in front of him, slightly absent-minded.

 Just a feeling!

 The fairy descends to earth!

He didn't feel this way when he saw Nie Yinniang, Xie Xiaoqing, Xie Jiuyun, Wen Zhaoyi, and the old twelve's mother, Concubine Tang.

 This woman, is she beautiful?

 Can't talk about it!

 The facial features are just like that!

 But that kind of unspeakable temperament actually fascinated him a little.

"who I am?"

 This is the first time Lin Yi has asked a question since his rebirth.


 A little maid with freckles on her face said loudly, "How dare you rush into our young lady? When the police come, you won't be able to run away."

 “Girl, I’m really sorry,”

Lin Yi pointed at Xiao Xizi and said, "My brother doesn't know etiquette and is always confrontational. You, sir, are very polite and tolerant."

How can a girl calm down her anger? I will rely on you everywhere. "

Facing such a woman, he really couldn't lose his temper.

The experience of being a dog licker in my previous life has been brought into full play now.

"Yes, if the girl is angry, just let it go."

 Seeing Prince He’s attitude, Xiao Xizi naturally followed suit.


The woman waved her hands to the two women beside her, signaling them to be silent. She only said to Lin Yi, "Why did your brother stop my horse? My horse ran away, and you have to pay for it."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "This is all my brother's fault. I will definitely give the girl a good horse as compensation."

 “Can you afford the compensation?”

The woman looked up and down at Lin Yi, who was wearing a coarse shirt, "That's a Saibei BMW, worth thousands of gold!"

 (End of this chapter)

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