Chapter 304 Regret

It's just that in his impression, Han Nian was small and thin, but his tall figure and fair complexion were nowhere to be found. If it weren't for the profound impression, he wouldn't have dared to recognize him at all.

 “The six paths have a profound connection, and I seek refuge once I have an epiphany.”

The monk said calmly, "This is also the blessing of the young monk. The donor does not need to feel sorry for me."

 “Who feels sorry for you?”

Arhat said carelessly, "I feel sorry for you, the old Han family. Tell me, you are the only one left in the old Han family. I feel really sad for you to be like this."

This tone made people who didn't know the inside think that he was an old friend of the old Han family and thought about the children of the old Han family.

Tamazi, who had never interacted with Arhat, couldn't help but said, "Damn you, why do you talk so much nonsense?

 What does it have to do with you what others do?

 A dog is nosy when it comes to mice. "

It is true that he has a bad temper, but he only depends on what others do, and does not lose his temper at everyone.

Although Arhat came out of Prince He's Mansion, he was very sure that Arhat didn't have much ability.

As long as he has a little bit of ability, he and the prince will not let him be a watchman.

 What is the status of the watchman in the yamen?

 It has no status at all!

 Just a helper and a pariah!

Of course, the most important thing is that he saw Tao Yingyi's attitude towards Arhat, which looked like he didn't care at all.

 To put it bluntly, he is just an insignificant person.

He couldn't stand the rabbit running into the mill and pretending to be a donkey in front of them, so he had to treat it.

 “Fuck you!

 If you are not convinced, just challenge me! "

Arhat was very unhappy and took out the knife from his waist.

He used to be the head of the Dongfeng Escort Bureau, and he had a lot of masters under his command. Mentioning his name as an Arhat, both the black and white circles in the world would give him a thumbs up!

It’s not like cats and dogs can just take care of him!

If you don't teach Duo Mazi a lesson today, how can you get along in the future?

 “How can I still be afraid of you?”

 Tamako's sword was half drawn out of its scabbard.

"You two, why bother to harm your peace for the sake of the young monk? There is no need, there is no need."

The monk took a step forward and placed his hands on the handles of their swords.

Arhat instinctively resisted, but as soon as he exerted force on his hand, the handle of the knife did not move at all. He just thought that he had underestimated the other party, and he was at the sixth level!

 A small third-level man trying to compete with himself is completely overestimating his ability!

With disdain, he secretly increased his strength.

 The more force he exerts, the deeper his frown becomes.

 He used up almost half of his strength!

 The white hand on his sword and gun remained motionless.

 He does not believe in evil!

 Clenched his teeth and used all his strength.

 He was already blushing, but the monk remained expressionless.

He suddenly had a feeling that there was a big mountain on the opposite side, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't push it.

In such a short moment, he actually felt a sense of powerlessness.

 This is an illusion?

He couldn't help but shake his head to keep himself awake.

He naturally couldn't agree to humiliating someone so much in front of everyone. Just when he was about to use his inner strength, he heard Tamako, who had already sheathed his sword, chuckle and say, "If you lose, you lose, there is no shame.

Just don't be stubborn, the manager said, the monk's Shi Wuwei Seal has been practiced to the extreme, and it is of little use elsewhere, but with this strength, he can become a master. "

When the monk's hand pushed over, he didn't even think about resisting and just put the knife away!

 After all, using internal strength against one's own people is not much different from internal fighting, and winning doesn't mean much.

 Actually, he felt very sorry for the monk. He obviously had such a high talent, but he neglected to practice the good Huiyuan Gong and practiced other horizontal kung fu such as Golden Bell Cover, Iron Cloth Shirt, and Shi Wuwei Seal!

 As a result, it is still at the third level!

 Outsiders are worried about it!

 Why are you so stubborn?

If you practice Yuan Gong wholeheartedly, even if you can't catch up with the blind man, you can't be too far behind, right?


Arhat was only shocked!

 He really tried his best!

 How can a third-grade person leave a sixth-grade person helpless?

This is not normal at all, but the people next to me act like it is normal.

 Could it be that my sixth grade is fake?

 “Okay, don’t be embarrassed,”

Tao Yingyi stretched out his hand and knocked the knife in Arhat's hand into the scabbard with a clang, "Don't say you are a sixth-grade man. I am already a seventh-grade man now. I am no match for him just with brute force."

 “Hey, mother, how did you practice this?”

Arhat heard that Tao Yingyi, who was in the seventh grade, couldn't compete with the monk, and he suddenly felt much better, and then asked curiously, "How can you exert such strength?

Han Nian, I have a life-saving grace for you, you have to teach me. "

“His technique is very simple, everyone in Baiyun City knows how to practice it,”

Domazi teased, "Without any internal strength, I carry a few hundred kilograms of iron buckets up and down the mountain every day, from morning to night, for three to five years. If you can be half as good as him, you're good."

 In the past, many people have tried it, and they can do it regardless of their individual strength.

 But, without using internal force?

 It is impossible for an individual to do it.

 Because people definitely don’t have that much perseverance. They do this every day, year after year.

“Carrying water?

 Or an iron barrel? "

Arhat naturally didn't believe what Ta Mazi said and looked directly at the monk. Seeing that the monk actually nodded, he said with an incredulous look on his face, "Only a fool practices such stupid kung fu."

 Everyone laughed, indicating that they agreed with Arhat's opinion.

The monk is indeed practicing stupid kung fu.

 Besides giving more strength, what else can it be used for?

Tao Yingyi got on his horse, blew his wooden whistle, and the team continued to move forward.

The monk looked at the retreating team and was about to turn around when a white figure suddenly appeared beside him.

He knew who it was without taking a closer look, and sighed, "Thank you, girl, you'd better leave. It's always a troublesome thing if they see it."


Xie Xiaoqing put her hands behind her back and pouted, "I'm really not the only one who said you practice stupid kung fu."

The monk said calmly, "The young monk knows."


Xie Xiaoqing said with a smile, "Although I can't teach you the Kung Fu of Spring Mountain City, I can help you find a few advanced Kung Fu books. You'd better not practice such stupid Kung Fu."

 “Thank you for your kindness, girl, no need.”

  “Why not?

 You are only at the third level!

 This girl is the ninth grade! "

Xie Xiaoqing said angrily, "My master will definitely look down on your ability. Then I won't be able to take you to see my master."

The monk asked curiously, “Why should I see your master?

 I am not from Spring Mountain City. "

Xie Xiaoqing was choked up. After a while, he sighed and said, "It's not the case now, but that doesn't mean it won't be the case in the future."

The monk shook his head and said, "The young monk is from Baiyun City, so naturally he will not change his residence to go to Spring Mountain City."

 (End of this chapter)

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