I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 302: state-owned law

Chapter 302 State-owned Law

The Arhat next to him saw that Song Cheng and Yu Xiaochun had made arrangements, but he was the only one missing out, so he boldly said, "Your Majesty, what about me?"

Lin Yi said angrily, "Aren't all the **** agencies disbanded?"

Arhat sneered and said, "Your Majesty, that's only temporary. There are still many old brothers here."

He had no choice. Since the prince ascended the throne, the situation in the capital suddenly became tense.

They and the old people around the prince were all in danger. Out of caution, they had to disband the **** agency and disperse out of the city to wait for opportunities in secret.

 However, neither he nor Song Cheng had much financial resources to support so many idle people at once.

 In desperation, he could only keep some capable people and dismissed most of them.

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Give all your people to Hong An. If Hong An likes them, keep them. If Hong An doesn't like them, give them some money and go their separate ways."

He remembered that there were many masters in the **** agency, many of whom were fifth or sixth grade. It would be bad if they were allowed to wander outside and be recruited by others, and they would become his enemies in the future.

"what about me?"

Arhat asked eagerly.


Lin Yi said angrily, "Come back and drive my car."

 He seemed to be really short of a coachman.

“Your Majesty, I don’t know how to drive.”

 Arhat wants to cry but has no tears.

 Besides, he is already at the sixth level now!

How can you still be a coachman!

  It’s simply overkill.

“Then do you still want to be a cook?”

Lin Yi snorted coldly and said, "You have no talent as a cook at all. Don't bother me again."

This guy's cooking is really unpalatable!

Lin Yi tried his best to teach him, but he couldn't even learn it.

Where is the current cook Su Yin, who gives the impression that it would be a pity not to be a cook, and that one should be a cook by nature.

 “Your Majesty, why don’t you continue to do the updates if you are not young?”

Arhat said cautiously.

 This was his helpless choice.

As long as I can still stay with the prince, there will always be opportunities in the future.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "There is no shortage of people working the watch in the mansion. Since you want to work the watch, let's go to Hong An's place too. It seems they haven't done the watch yet in the Yamen."


Arhat still reluctantly agreed.

 He felt like a mirror, and Prince He was very dissatisfied with his previous performance in Ankang City.

 I have fallen out of favor!

Worried about gains and losses, he followed Song Cheng and Yu Xiaochun to the Chief Secretary's Yamen.

Looking at Hong An who was waiting at the door, he almost didn't dare to recognize him.

 “Sure enough, it’s a female transformation,”

The yellow-haired girl suddenly turned into a young girl who had left home, and Luohan couldn't help but sigh, "Xiao Anzi, I haven't seen you in these years, you have changed so much."

 “Uncle Song, Uncle Luo.”

Hong An politely bowed his hands to the two of them.

I think back then, when I first entered Prince He's Mansion, these two people took a lot of care of me.

Song Cheng nodded calmly. Only Arhat said dissatisfiedly, "Brother, why don't you call me uncle?"

Tao Yingyi, who was next to him, joked, "Yeah, I have to call you brother. After all, our uncle is only less than fifty this year."

He was born with a royal guard, and in terms of status, he has always been a head above Arhat. Not to mention a few words of ridicule, even if he directly scolded him, he believed that Arhat would not have the courage to reply.

 As for Songcheng, he was much more careful.

 After all, Song Cheng’s mother is the nanny of the prince. Song Cheng has also grown up with the prince since he was a child. The relationship is not comparable to that of ordinary people. The prince himself has said that Song Cheng is my brother.


Rohan said angrily, "I'm only in my early forties!

   Not yet fifty. "

Although he was born as a cook, he has been the head of the **** agency for these years. He is pampered and accustomed to bossing around. How can he be easily manipulated by others?

 Besides, his current kung fu is really not bad!

He is not afraid to show off his knife!

It's so disgusting, he can make people enter their souls with one strike!

 “Okay, don’t say any more,”

Song Cheng said to Hong An, "Please find us a place to stay. I just want to have a good sleep now."

Hong An nodded and said, "Please follow me."

He took the lead and found three bedrooms next to the wall for the three of them.

Arhat randomly found a room, opened the door and walked in. He shook the teapot on the table and sighed, "No water? Girl, please get some water. I'm dying of thirst."

Hong An nodded towards a guard beside him, who turned around and went out.

After a while, a handyman came in with a stove in one hand and an earthenware pot for boiling water in the other.

Arhat helped to take it, glanced at the charcoal fire in the stove, and put the earthen pot directly on it. Seeing Hong An standing at the door, hesitant to speak, he smiled and said, "You want to know what's going on in your home?" matter?"

Hong An hesitated for a moment and nodded.

“You are such a good girl. With such a father and mother, what else do you care about?”

Arhat sighed and said, "Don't worry, your mother is very good. Every meal is two big bowls of rice. Your brother is lucky enough to have married the daughter of the Zhang family. If nothing happens, these days It’s time to get married.”

 “Zhang Xiaocui,”

Hong An lowered his head and said, "I know she has a fierce temper."

Arhat said, "Don't be angry if I say something that doesn't sit well with you.

Your brother is not a fuel-efficient person. He doesn't do anything serious all day long. He wanders around the streets. If it weren't for the two taels of silver, Doufu Zhang would be reluctant to marry his daughter to him. "

Hong An said, “When he was a child, he was very peaceful.

It’s just that my parents taught him bad things. "

Arhat spread his hands and said, "That's not the case.

If you are really worried about your family and want to send a message home, I still have some old brothers in the capital who can help you send it there. "

Hong An shook his head and said, "Thank you, Uncle Luo, no need."

Arhat continued, "You are not young anymore. You should also think about your own affairs. You have also seen that kid from my uncle's family. Wait until he comes over some other time and you two can meet."

 To tell you the truth, don’t look at me as a tall and handsome guy, but my kid is pretty and he’s already at the third level now! "

 His son is his pride!

Hong An frowned, and then said coldly, "Uncle, you'd better rest first."

Seeing that she didn't answer, Luo Han felt helpless. Thinking that he would follow Hong An in the future, he said, "Girl, the prince has asked my uncle to keep up with you. He is getting older, so you should take more care of him."

"Uncle, the country has national laws, and the family has family rules. Since it is the prince's order, I dare not show favoritism. Uncle is also an old man, so it is better to set an example, otherwise the law will be ruthless."

Hong An showed his white teeth when he smiled.


Arhat stared at her retreating figure in stunned silence.

  I wish I could slap myself in the face.

Women are indeed petty and should not be offended easily!

 I shouldn’t have talked so much nonsense just now.

 (End of this chapter)

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