I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 3: Stupid prince

Chapter 3 The foolish prince

 Seeing Lin Yi sitting at the door, all the children in the alley came out in droves.

 “Your Majesty.”

 “I want to hear Shura’s story.”

 “Sun Wukong”

 “Your Majesty, I want to listen to Erlang Shen”

A dozen children surrounded Lin Yi and chatted.

“Oh, you guys are so loud that my brain explodes,” Lin Yi raised his hands and said helplessly, “Don’t get too close to me, you’re covered in sweat, what are you trying to do!”

After hearing Lin Yi's words, Hong Ying instinctively wanted to drive the children away, but thinking about his prince's temper, he gave up in the end.

 Then he stared at the two children in front of him.

The two children did not gather around Lin Yi to listen to the story, but stood honestly in front of Hong Ying.

Hong Ying was stunned by the look on his face, but he still had the courage to stand, leaned down and said respectfully, "Master!"

"Master? Who is your master?" Hong Ying snorted coldly.

“As Shura said, once you are a teacher, you will always be a father!”

A fair-skinned child with two goat horns said boldly.


 The little girl next to her is sallow and thin, with messy hair covering her head. The only thing that attracts people's attention is her bright and innocent eyes.

Just as Hong Ying was about to scold him, the little girl suddenly stretched out her hands, and a yellow fried cake appeared in front of him, and then looked at him expectantly.

"Master, I leave this delicious food for you." The little girl said with a milky voice.

 “You can eat it, we won’t eat it.”

Hong Ying still didn’t say anything harsh after all, and inadvertently glanced at the little girl’s right foot again.

What a sensible child, but he is lame.

It’s helpless and the parents don’t know how to show mercy, so life will be difficult in the future.

 “Master!” The little girl still raised her hands with no intention of putting them down.

"Good boy, keep it for yourself." Hong Ying smiled and touched her head.

"General Manager Hong." Pork Rong, who was setting up the meat case in the alley, ran over with a smile on his face, nodded and bowed to Hong Ying, "The young manager can't understand these five-step boxing, please give me some advice."

“Pork Rong, I’ll give you some color and you’ll open a dyeing workshop?”

Hong Ying himself didn’t know when he learned the manner and tone of his own prince’s speech. Even his catchphrases were exactly the same.

Pork Rong was stunned for a moment, then said with an apologetic smile, "Manager Hong, you think too highly of me. With my little ability, I can only sell pork. How can I afford to open a dyeing shop!"

 Those who can open a dyeing workshop are either rich or noble!

If he could afford to open a dyeing shop, he would definitely walk sideways in Ankang City!

Hong Ying rolled his eyes at him, but the more he talked, the more tired he became.

"Okay, you guys, let's go into the yard and think about it," Lin Yi laughed at the sidelines and waved his hands to Hong Ying, "You have the nerve to hide your three-legged cat skills."

"Yes." Hong Ying's eyes twitched, but he did not refute Lin Yi's words.

"Xiao An, come here," Lin Yi waved to the little girl and said with a smile, "As a person, you must constantly strive for self-improvement. Follow your master and learn hard. In the future, you will be no worse than anyone else."

 Seeing this poor little girl, he thought again of his friends who grew up with him in the orphanage.

Most of the children in the orphanage have Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, heart disease, deafness, cleft lip and other congenital diseases. There are very few people like him who are lucky enough to have sound limbs!

 They are withdrawn, timid, and simple.

 After adulthood, most of them also stay in orphanages.

Therefore, he has a natural and heartfelt feeling of closeness to this little girl with limited mobility.

Pork Rong was stunned for a moment after hearing this, thinking that this prince was stupid again!

This girl is a lame, and if she can find her husband's family in the future, it will be a high honor!

 Not worse than others?

While I was in a daze, Lin Yi's story session began.

“When Tang Monk saw that he was about to hit someone again, he was so angry that he recited the tightening curse, which caused Wukong to fall to the ground in pain.

When the Bone Demon saw it, he sneered secretly from the side.

Wukong endured the pain, struggled, and killed the monster with a stick."

Lin Yi danced with joy when he talked about the wonderful parts.

The children were fascinated by it, and the vendors and passers-by not far away also held their breath for fear of missing the wonderful part.

Both sides of the road were crowded with pedestrians and the road was blocked. I could only hear someone yelling, "Everyone, please make way."

Lin Yi bowed his hands apologetically to the passers-by, stood up and said, "Today's story will end here."

 The adults sighed, and the children looked annoyed. However, no matter how ignorant they were, they would not follow Lin Yi into the palace.

Parents often used words to scare them. Xiaoguanzi in the alley next door was beaten to the point of almost dying when he climbed the wall of Rich Man Wang's house.

 How much more is it the Prince's Mansion?

They are not afraid of the prince, they are afraid of the ferocious Manager Hong!

Only Pork Rong was stupid and bold and followed Hong Ying directly.

I suddenly felt a chill!

 It’s summer!

 Looking up, he saw Hong Ying's eyes sweeping over him.

He shuddered all over, pursed his lips, and continued to follow Hong Ying with his head down without saying a word.

As soon as he entered the ear door, he couldn't help but turn around and shout to the woman at the meat table, "I'll be back as soon as I can, keep an eye on the stall."

Zhu Rong's mother-in-law didn't dare to curse loudly for fear of alarming He Wang, let alone chase him into Prince He's house. She had no choice but to swallow her anger, lower her head and spit on the ground.

  You can hear Pork Rong's squealing like a pig. Needless to say, he must have been beaten by Manager Hong.

Pork's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but he was still smiling, and his smiling eyes could no longer be seen.

 “Manager Hong didn’t chop off your head, thank God!”

Pork makes my wife angry.

Everyone burst into laughter.

This porky Rong has no memory every time and actually wants to enter the gate of Prince He's Mansion.

The bright moon hung in the sky. Lin Yi sat in the middle of the pavilion, always feeling that he could reach it with his hand.

 “Your Majesty.”

 Hong Ying suddenly appeared behind Lin Yi.


"Scared me to death!" Lin Yi reached out and swatted a mosquito to death, "Why do you make no sound when you walk now?"

“Your Majesty, these are the trousers I made for you. See if they fit you.”

As if to present a treasure, Hong leaned over and opened a pair of bright yellow silk pants, revealing them in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi glanced at it and said with a smile, "Xiao Yingzi, your stitching skills are getting better and better. You can't even see the stitches anymore."

 “Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty.” Hong Ying couldn’t laugh or cry.

I still remember the first time I met the prince, when he was thirteen years old.

 The three-year-old prince asked him if he knew the Sunflower Book.

 He hasn’t even heard of it!

 Asked him again if he knew how to use a needle?

 Of course he can’t!

Even the Shangyi Supervisor only uses palace maids!

At that time, I only heard their young prince saying in a sweet voice, "How can I practice the Sunflower Book if I don't know how to use needles?"

Although he is no longer considered a man, what's the point of using a needle to mend clothes all day long?

Nowadays, the Sunflower Manual has definitely not been mastered. After all, there is no such skill in the world, but he has already mastered an embroidery needle!

Lin Yi took a sip of tea and then continued, "We will go south in a few days. You have made arrangements for everyone in the house. Those who are willing to follow can be taken with them. Those who are not willing can be kept to look after the house. Don't force me, including you. Same thing."

 (End of this chapter)

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