Chapter 23 No money

Lin Yi said, "Then take care of yourself, no matter what, it's not a joke."

 If you are not careful, it is easy to cause a plague. Exterminating households and villages is considered small, but it is not impossible to destroy a city.

 After all, the medical level is too low!

 In the face of disease, you basically rely on your own resistance.

 After the typhoon passed, the sky cleared after the rain, but there was a rotten smell everywhere. Even though his mouth and nose were covered, Lin Yi couldn't help but vomit.

 He obviously overestimated his ability to bear it.

Mingyue and Zixia's hands had just lifted the body. They couldn't help Lin Yi at this moment, and they couldn't help it either. They could only watch helplessly as Lin Yi retched around a tree.

Hong Ying hurriedly came over and said, "My lord, why don't you just rest? This kind of thing is for the younger ones."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Okay, please slow down."

 He really can't live up to his heroic ambition.

Although he has experienced typhoons, after all, in modern society, there are weather forecasts and people are evacuated in advance. He has never seen such a tragic scene of **** on earth before him!

 He didn't even want to hear the cry.

 In the evening, the guards who went to the local county government to report the disaster came back.

Also coming with him was the local county magistrate, who was short and had a gray beard. Behind him were two police officers. Seeing the magistrate kneel down, they also knelt down, saying they were humble in their duties.

Lin Yi was not in the mood to laugh, so he just asked the county magistrate why there was no relief after the hurricane for two days.

“The hurricane overflowed from the sea, and the roof tiles flew off the houses of the people. The tide was four to five feet high, and countless people died. The floods were the most severe, and the crops were damaged!

I have sent out all the people I can, but there is really no one available at this time. Please forgive me, Your Majesty. "

 The county magistrate knelt down and cried bitterly on the spot.

 “Where is the local garrison?”

Lin Yi took a deep breath and asked, "Why don't you see anyone?"

The county magistrate said in a trembling voice, "Who dares to mobilize troops without the governor's order?"

Lin Yi then asked, "What did the governor say?"

The county magistrate said, "The humble position has been reported to the prefect. As for the governor, how can I dare to speak beyond the level of the governor?"

Lin Yi sighed, "If we don't have enough manpower, we should have food and grass for disaster relief, right?"

The county magistrate said, "I have contacted the squires from all over the country to cook."

Lin Yi said no more, feeling indescribably disappointed in his heart.

The thirty or so people who survived in the town together with everyone in the palace spent three full days, and finally they pulled out 720 people from the ruins, including old people and children. Most of them were too injured to survive. Live the day.

Lin Yi had given up the idea of ​​digging a deep hole because there were too many corpses.

With the reluctance and crying of the survivors, they were all buried in the crevices of a valley and finally covered with soil.

As a doctor, Hulu stayed up all night, and Lin Yi barely slept because of heartache.

Mingyue brought over a large bowl of porridge. He looked at the stupefied victims and didn't have much appetite.

"Leave half of our food for them, and give each of them two taels and three taels of silver, and then we will continue our journey."

The rescue from the government office and the garrison that Lin Yi had been waiting for could no longer wait.

 He is just a prince. It is already a great honor for the county magistrate to come and see him!

It's not good to delay it any longer, not to mention it's useless for him to stay here. He has done everything he needs to do.


Hong Ying and others said with a cup of their hands.

Lin Yi glanced at the three orphans who lost their parents in the typhoon and the baby who was sleeping in Wen Zhaoyi's arms and sighed, "Let's ask more about them." If you have any relatives, or if anyone is willing to adopt, let’s give you more money.”

Wen Zhaoyi snorted coldly, "For the sake of money, they will definitely fight to adopt her today, and they will definitely abandon her tomorrow. On the contrary, you have become a bad person."

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, what he said was really reasonable, and asked, "Then what do you think we should do?"

Wen Zhaoyi said, "You and the prince are so dignified, can't you raise a few children?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Then take it with you and pick up the people from the mountain. We will set off later."

He himself was an orphan, so opening an orphanage was a familiar experience.

 At noon, the convoy that had been lingering here for several days set off again.

As soon as he walked out of the town, Hong Ying suddenly said, "Your Majesty, look."

Lin Yi turned around and saw that the victims, old and young, were being carried by the door panels, even those who could not move, and were following closely behind them.

He got off the carriage, walked forward, raised his hands to an old man with gray hair and said, "Old man, where are you going?"


The old man knelt down first, followed by a long line of people behind him, "The hurricane is coming, killing animals and destroying the houses. We have no place to stand."

Your Majesty has just entered the vassal state, and we are willing to be the people under His Majesty's rule.

I hope the prince will agree. "

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "The imperial court has its own laws, and it will provide relief, support, and support you. Just wait and see."

He himself doesn’t believe these nonsense!

 How long will it take for the court to wait?

 However, it’s not that he is cruel, he really doesn’t want to bring these old, weak, sick and disabled people as a burden to him!

The old man seemed to have read Lin Yi's thoughts and said loudly, "Your Majesty, don't worry, we have found the property from the ruins, and you don't need to worry about it along the way.

I just ask the prince to allow me to wait until after the Three Harmonies, so that I can live in a house and cut down the forest to open up wasteland. "

“Do you know about the hot and humid land of Sanhe?”

Lin Yi was stunned. Is it hard to leave the promised hometown?

 What's going on with following him?

The old man said, "Wanghe Wangye Mingjian, we originally lived here from Liangzhou."

 “It’s up to you.”

Lin Yi finally agreed. Let’s see how long they can hold on. When they can’t hold on, it’s time to turn around, right?

 The motorcade continued to move forward. There were ruins along the way. In many places, there were only ten households left. Lin Yi didn’t even see any smoking chimneys.

This typhoon really uprooted trees and weirs, destroyed numerous houses and sunk boats, and caused heavy casualties.

When he encountered disaster victims, he tried his best to rescue them. The more he saw, the heavier his heart sank, and he even lost half of the silver he carried.

After a month and a half of stop and go, I finally walked out of the typhoon transit area, and there was finally smoke coming into my eyes.

However, looking at the long queue of victims behind him, he was not happy at all!

 Do you think he is easy to talk to and easy to bully?

I can't even drive him away!

 When he got angry, these people still had the nerve to smile!

What a fool!

 His pocket, the ninth prince of the Liang Kingdom and the Lord of Three Harmonies, is not much cleaner than his face now!

That’s the money you’ve worked so hard to save!

Each time he made up his mind to give it up, definitely not give it up, but every time he was impulsive and still spent a lot of money!

The money was spent, and I had to slap myself in the face with regret.

It’s still not far from Sanhe. What should I do if I don’t have enough money?

 (End of this chapter)

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