I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 200: Change name

 Chapter 200 Name Change

Sun Yi sat down on the millstone at the door, reached out and picked a star fruit from the tree, and said while eating, "Old man, you are not being honest. You have the intention to harm me, and you didn't tell me until now."

He was originally a horseman, and the few words he barely knew in private school were not enough to support him in understanding the complicated rules!

Xie Zan smiled and said, "You didn't need to avoid it originally."

Sun Yi said, "Then why do you have to do it now?"

Xie Zan said, "There is no need to be so anxious now, but I guess it will be a matter of time. If I change it now, I will save trouble in the future."

After hearing this, Sun Yi thought about it for a long time.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that what Wen Zhaoyi said privately is right, someone must be the emperor, why can't it be Prince He!

 The name of the king is taboo, but I cannot violate it.

 It would be better to change the name as soon as possible.

 Finally, he held up his hands and said, "Thank you, sir, for helping me come up with a name."

Xie Zan shook his head and said, "Your father is still alive, how can I arrogantly overshadow the guest?"

Sun Yi rolled his eyes at him and said, "My father is a horseman and can't read a single word."

  That's his name, which was given by his grandfather.

Xie Zan pondered for a moment, stroking his beard and said, "How about respecting virtue? Etiquette only respects virtue, and music is based on harmony."

 “Sun Chongde?”

Sun Yi smacked his lips and recited it several times. The more he recited it, the smoother it became. He slapped his thigh and said, "From now on, my name will be Sun Chongde!"

Xie Zan smiled and said, "It's very gratifying."

Sun Yi, oh, no, it’s Sun Chongde. After thanking Xie Zan again, he turned around and left.

 After returning home, he immediately announced to his father that he had changed his name.

His father was riding on a bench and planing boards. After hearing these words, he was stunned for a while. After making sure that he heard correctly, he threw the plane in his hand over.

  She cursed, “Change your name?

 Why don’t you change your last name too? "

As a fifth-grade person, Sun Chongde just turned his body slightly to avoid the plane. What suffered was the sauce basin that his wife put on the table. With a bang, the porcelain plate shattered, and the pickled cabbage and beans inside were broken. All over the place.

 Fortunately, his mother is not at home, otherwise he would have been scolded today.

He clasped his hands behind his back and walked slowly towards his father, smiling and saying, "It's not impossible to change my surname. What if the prince gives me a surname in the future?"

 When you change your name, the prince may not necessarily give you a surname.

 But if you don’t change your name, the prince will definitely not give you a surname!

 Should it also be called Linyi?

 “Give me a surname?”

Sun Du was a little uneasy because he hit the saucepan, and he didn't want to talk to his son at first, but his son's whims made him even more angry, and he said indiscriminately, "What are you thinking about!"

Give a surname?

 Unless He Wangye can become the emperor! "

 After finishing speaking, I couldn't help but be stunned.

 How can you say such a thing!

If you put it in Ankang City, even ten of your own heads wouldn't be enough to chop it off!

 “Why not?”

Sun Chongde smiled and said, "Okay, that's it. If a surname is really given in the future, we will have the national surname!"

 After laughing heartily, he went into the house.

 “This is crazy.”

Sun Du couldn't help but sigh.

 At night.

 The rain was falling lightly. After the rain stopped yesterday, it continued to rain from morning to night today.

“Nothing is as good as holding a cup in your hand, and you will see the moon as your head several times in your life.”

He Jixiang was clammy and weak, and had to resort to a little wine to keep warm.

He stood at the door of the tent, looking at the pitch-black camp, frowning. On this rainy day, not only was it impossible to light a torch, it was even difficult to make a fire for cooking.

The number of tents was limited. Officers, soldiers and civilians built simple shacks with tree branches, and they were reluctant to part with oil paper. After all, they were all used to prevent food from getting damp, stretching for more than ten miles.

The shack cannot protect against the heavy rain, so they can only barely eat, drink and sleep.

 Suddenly, fireballs jumped into one after another.

"not good!"

He ran outside and stood in the mud, letting the heavy rain pour on him. He said angrily, "Who threw the kerosene!"

"grown ups!"

Wang Tuozi jumped out of the darkness and said loudly, "Some civilians couldn't bear the hardship and were going to see if there was anyone living nearby and find a place to hide from the rain. Unknown to them, they encountered the rebels ambushing in front."

He Jixiang gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't we already give orders to restrain them?"

He had already discovered this group of rebels setting up an ambush, but he had not been alerted.

I didn’t expect that I would meet a civilian husband directly.

The fire oil was so intense that it did not go out even in the rain, forming patches of fire one after another in the dense forest.

"whole team!"

As He Jixiang’s words fell, the horn sounded.

 The officers, soldiers, and war horses trampled the muddy water into splashes, and headed north at full speed relying on the not very bright copper lamps.

He Jixiang rode his horse and followed behind. After walking for half an hour, the fire was getting closer and closer to him, but the roar became smaller and smaller in his ears.

 After walking for a while, I found that the officers and soldiers had stopped.

 He saw Zhang Mian coming towards him with a copper lamp.

  said sharply, “What’s going on?”

Zhang Mian smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, the civilians have wiped out the rebels, and the remaining ones have run away."

He was also helpless. It had been a month since he left home, and he had not even had a chance to kill the enemy.


He Jixiang gritted his teeth and asked, "Who is taking the lead among the people?"

 “Sir, there is no one to take the lead,”

The speaker was Zhu Rong. At this moment, his right arm was drooped. The blood stains soaked through the entire sleeve. Under the wash of the rain, the blood was sometimes thick and sometimes light. However, he still said in a high-pitched voice, "Not only did the rebels not surrender, they actually surrendered." It’s really lawless for you to fight back against me!”

 “You bastards!”

He Jixiang’s face was twitching.

Although he is a military commander, he is also a literary giant and he never curses easily.

The sky is getting brighter.

 The rain gradually stopped.

 The officers and soldiers then began to clean the battlefield and count the prisoners.

There were naked corpses everywhere, and their clothes and valuables had been stripped naked by the peasants and tribesmen.

Zhang Mian looked around and saw only some injured civilians lying on the side to recuperate. He continued walking for two miles and counted, the total number was less than 3,000!

Only a few dozen civilians died last night, and most of the injured were just these people!

 What about the remaining 20,000 people?

 He looked at Bao Kui suddenly and said, "Where are the others?"

Bao Kui said, "I didn't pay attention to this."

 “It’s not good, it’s not good!”

Wang Tuozi rushed over and shouted, "The civilians are attacking the city."

 “Who the **** gave them the courage!”

 Zhang Mian flicked his riding whip and shouted, "Gather!

Why are you standing there in a daze? Notify Mr. He immediately! "

Although I am very angry with the peasants, I never want anything to happen to them!

 Sanhe is poor, so people are the most valuable thing!

 When the cavalry was assembled, they took the lead and rushed to the front.

The road was muddy and slippery, and even if the whip was whipped hard enough, the horse could not go very fast.

They arrived at Tancheng only after the sun showed up.

 (End of this chapter)

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