Chapter 20 Southbound

 Of course he knows who this little **** is!

 And he is really a bastard!

I wish I could slap myself now, and just have a good chat in the first place, what nonsense are you making promises!

I thought that I was childish and innocent, and said it casually, just to comfort the other person. Who would have thought that others would take it seriously!


Wen Zhaoyi raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you want to regret it?"

 “Grandma, that’s not what I really meant,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "My grandson is traveling thousands of miles away, and the roads are impassable. I'm afraid grandma will suffer."

This Wen Zhaoyi was the concubine of the late Emperor Tai Sheng. In fact, she had no blood relationship with him at all!

 He couldn't even bring out his own mother, let alone this grandma.

If he really brought it out privately and let people know about it, it would cause an uproar. In order to maintain the so-called "human ethics", he, the emperor, blocked everyone in the world. If he was not beheaded, he would have to be abolished!

 This is no joke at all!

“As you said, the world is so big and you want to see it.

 It just so happens that I want to take a look too, don’t worry,”

Wen Zhaoyi pinched a grape and put it into his mouth, then said with a smile, "Your grandma, I am in good health, not to the point where I can't walk on the road. I am skilled with bow and horse, but not like you."

 “Hey, grandma, after all, your age is here.”

Lin Yi said bravely, "Why go to all this trouble? My grandson will not be able to explain it to me when the time comes."


Wen Zhaoyi looked at him and said, "Who do you need to explain to?"


Lin Yi was speechless and couldn't let anyone know!


Wen Zhaoyi snorted coldly, took out a golden booklet from his arms, threw it directly on the table, and said disdainfully, "Look at how you will do great things in the future with your little courage!"

“My grandson is not planning to do anything big. It’s good to live a leisurely life.”

Lin Yi opened the booklet, which contained the inscriptions written by He Jin, the **** who was beside his emperor Laozi.

  It means that Wen Zhaoyi came out of the palace with integrity!

 But he did not get up happily!

Liang Guo has two major secret service agencies, one is Jiang Zhong's secret guard, and the other is the imperial guard. The commander of the imperial guard is He Jin. In addition to monitoring the subjects, he can also supervise the secret guards.

 The power is staggering.

When the old lady came out of the palace, He Jin had to send someone to follow her, both emotionally and rationally, right?

What if he knew he was here?

 Then I went to the emperor and told him something. My scalp feels numb just thinking about it!


Wen Zhaoyi took a sip of tea and said, "Are you afraid?"

"How can you not be afraid?" Lin Yi said with a bitter smile, "If He Jin finds out that you are coming to my place, let alone asking you to follow me, even I will not leave the city."

“He Jin,” Wen Zhaoyi laughed sarcastically, “He doesn’t have the guts to follow me.”

“What if,” Lin Yi said helplessly, “my grandson will be in your hands for the rest of his life.”

 “You, keep your heart in your belly.”

Wen Zhaoyi patted his belly gently and said with a smile, "He is a smart man and would not be so ignorant."

“Hey, my grandma, dear grandma, the key to your identity is here.

People dare not take the initiative to follow you. If they accidentally see you, it will always be troublesome. "

 And it’s not just any trouble!

Lin Yi had a look of despair.

"You brat." Wen Zhaoyi said with a smile, "Then I'll be a little more aggrieved and dress up later."

 After saying that, he picked up the bamboo hat and walked into the wind and rain again.

 Her steps were very small and broken, but Lin Yi had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“They all look like ghosts and walk without making a sound.”

Lin Yi murmured in a low voice.

Before dawn, Song Cheng began shouting at the top of his lungs inside and outside the mansion.

As the commander-in-chief of this march south, he was so busy that he almost stayed up all night.

“Your Majesty, everything has been arranged.”

“Everyone asks again to make sure that no one regrets it. This trip is a long way and it is not easy to come back.

 Especially those who have parents, wives and children, they need to be even more cautious. "

Lin Yi glanced at the endless fleet of horse-drawn carriages on the street, then stepped on the bench and got on the carriage.

 Suddenly someone shouted, "Your Majesty, take care!"

 “Have a nice trip with the prince”


Chirping, the neighbors and vendors who came out to watch the excitement shouted at Lin Yi's carriage.

Lin Yi lifted the curtains, waved to the neighbors looking on the street, and shouted, "Everyone, see you soon."

Leaning on the carriage, I was probably too sleepy and fell asleep after a few jolts.

Hong Ying woke me up before I had a long meeting.

Hong Ying stood under the carriage and said to Lin Yi through the carriage window, "Your Majesty, Princess Huaiyang is here to see you off."

Lin Yi got out of the car and saw Princess Huaiyang standing on the official road, with two maids behind her.

 “Emperor Brother”

“I don’t know how to hold an umbrella when it rains. What will I do if I get frozen?” Lin Yi said with a smile.

"Brother Emperor, I am a martial arts practitioner and I won't catch cold easily. I wish Brother Emperor a safe journey." Lin Ning stuck out his tongue playfully.

 There was no sorrow and sorrow as Lin Yi expected, but it made Lin Yi even more uncomfortable. He forced a smile and said, "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. From now on, I will fulfill my filial piety for my brother in front of my mother and concubine."

Lin Ning whispered, "Brother, don't worry, I will listen to my mother and concubine."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "I ask you to fulfill your filial piety, but I don't mean that you listen to her words. Listen to what you should listen to, and follow what you shouldn't listen to, just like your elder brother, go in with the left ear and go out with the right ear."

Lin Ning chuckled, nodded and said, "I listen to the emperor."

 “Goodbye, sister, I will come back to see you when I have time.”

Lin Yi finally got on the carriage without looking back.

Looking at the long line of convoys slowly disappearing under the gray sky filled with slanting wind and drizzle, Lin Ning finally cried.

  “The pair of thorns face the solitary scene, and the liver and lungs are broken”

 His voice became lower and lower, and he gradually became speechless.

 “Princess, take care of yourself.”

 One maid held an umbrella for her, and another maid took out a handkerchief to wipe her face.

 “My brother is gone”

Lin Ning seemed to be talking to the two maids, or to himself, "Brother is trying to make ends meet. He just wants peace. They can't even satisfy such a small request."

"Princess," a round-faced maid said cautiously, "let's go back, don't really catch a cold."

“My mother-in-law always says that I am born as a girl. What’s wrong with being born as a girl?

Brother said, there is a woman named Wu Zetian, how could she have ever lost to a man?"

 The rain continued, cutting off the sky and the earth.

It has been three days since Lin Yi traveled south with his bodyguards, escorts and others.

Even the official roads are blocked due to years of disrepair.

The carriage wheel Lin Yi was riding in was jolted halfway along the road. If Sun Yi, the coachman, had not reined in the horse in time, and Song Cheng quickly blocked the corner of the carriage with one shoulder, he would have been hit on the head and bloody.

  ps: Thanks to the leader of "Just be quiet iy", we will update together later.

It made a mistake. The group number on the profile was wrong, so many people didn't join. I'm sorry.

 Group number:

ˆContinue to ask for votes shamelessly

 (End of this chapter)

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