I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 197: open up wasteland

Chapter 197 Opening up wasteland

With his hands behind his back, the butcher walked around the gate of the female prison, glancing inside from time to time.

Seeing a female catcher coming out quickly, he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Girl, where is my daughter? Why didn't she come out?"

The female catcher shook her head and said, "I sent the message for you. Your daughter didn't see you and said she was busy.

 You, it’s better to wait until she is free next time. "


The butcher was so angry that he jumped up to three feet high and said, "Don't you see me?"

 What kind of words does this sound like? "

The female catcher quickly nodded and said, "Okay, I've already delivered the message. If I don't see you, don't worry about my business."

 Then he continued to stand upright at the door on guard duty.

 “Hey, it turns out that the eldest daughter can’t help her father!”

 The butcher was furious.

 Baiyun City has changed too much over the years, especially the south bank of the Xijiang River. He rarely came here. He didn't expect that after coming here, he actually became confused.

 There are residential houses and workshops everywhere, one after another, one after another, one after another, and one after another.

 Finally found him, but my daughter didn’t see him!

 Infuriating or not irritating!

If it weren't for two third-level female detectives standing at the door, he would have really wanted to break in and scold his daughter!

A handful of **** and urine was pulled, and he became an enemy, too much about his conscience.

He raised his head and glanced at the female prisoner again. In desperation, he could only turn around and leave angrily.

When passing the Xijiang Bridge, I stood on the bridge and lit my cigarette. I looked at the large and small boats that kept coming and going on the Xijiang River, loading and unloading goods. I thought that there might be gold or silver in the box.

 It’s better to make a profit than selling the meat yourself.

 But apart from killing pigs and selling their meat, what else can I do?

He sighed, put the cigarette rod in his belt, and slowly continued walking home with his hands behind his back.

Passing by the Baiyun City Grand Square, it was as lively as ever.

Directly north of the square, there is a huge wooden platform. For Sanhe Guards, this is the platform for generals. Every time they go on an expedition, He Jixiang or Shen Chu always say a few words to the soldiers below and the residents of Baiyun City. A word of encouragement.

To the Chief Secretary, this was the guillotine. All prisoners who committed capital crimes were beheaded here for public display.

 Normal times are the domain of opera singers, storytellers, and acrobats.

The price of each hour of use is different. The most expensive one is at night. Only those opera singers from the north are willing to spend 500 coppers to rent for two hours.

The price before the sun goes down is not cheap either. It is occupied by Nanzhou opera singers at the moment. There are circles of people below, most of them are refugees from Nanzhou. After all, it is sung in Nanzhou dialect, no matter it is The locals are from Yuezhou and Hongzhou, so I can't understand a word.

 Young and old men, the cheers are endless.

 The iron plate on which the reward money was collected was banged by copper coins one after another.

Seeing that the iron plate was coming to him, the butcher turned around and left.

 At the bulletin board in the southeast corner of the square, there is also a circle of people surrounding it.

Out of curiosity, he also squeezed past.

 Although he was illiterate, he still opened his eyes wide at the black and white words on the bulletin board.

 “What do you mean?”

He poked an acquaintance next to him, Sun Laizi, who specialized in making baskets.

Sun Laizi is in his forties. He is so dry that he can't pick out any flesh with his hands. The only thing that stands out is the beard he grew after he became rich.

He stroked his beard and said with a smile, "An announcement from the Yamen."

The butcher rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Nonsense, of course I know it's an announcement. What does it say?"

Sun Laizi said, "The Yamen asked everyone to reclaim the swampland in the east. Whoever reclaims the wasteland will own it and can apply for house and land deeds."

The butcher's eyes lit up and he asked, "Is there such a good thing?"

Sanhe is a vast land with abundant resources. Generally speaking, as long as it is ownerless land, no one will care about how you farm or build houses. It is just that if it fails to pass the examination and approval, the Chief Secretary does not approve it, and there is no house deed or land title.

 However, Baiyun City is different. With the development of the past two years, more and more people have come to Baiyun City. Baiyun City is constantly expanding. Where there are roads, there are houses, fields, and people.

 Everyone wants to live in a prosperous place, and the closer to the city, the better.

 It’s not like you have to travel more than 20 miles just to make soy sauce.

Land in Baiyun City is in short supply right now. Without the approval of the Chief Secretary, it is difficult to build a house.

Now only the muddy beach in the east is left undeveloped, less than ten miles away from the Chief Secretary's Yamen.

 “It’s not that easy,”

Sun Laizi smiled and said, "In the muddy ground, people and horses have sunk in and their heads are not exposed. How much soil do you have to transport to fill it up?"

 Labour, carriage and horse fees are all money. If you open an acre of land, you will get one or two silver coins! "

The butcher sighed and said, "It's true, without any financial resources, it's really hard to do anything."

Most other people have the same idea. If you have the time, even if you don’t go over the Baiyun Mountain to the west, the vast tracts of wasteland can be burned over and all will be solved.

 Creating swamps?

 It’s thankless!

But within two days, as a large number of craftsmen and civilians continued to build roads to the east, the people of Sanhe finally couldn't sit still.

It is said that this is the road from west to east, directly leading to the outlet of Xijiang River.

 What does it mean to have roads?

 Because the Sanhe people who have benefited from building roads understand it very well!

 It’s done!

People in Sanhe began to bring their families, mules and donkeys along with the road construction team to open up wasteland.

Lin Yi sat on the root of a big tree, looking at the land reclamation teams one after another not far away, and said with emotion, "The bustling world is all for profit; the bustling world is all for profit."

 “This is indeed a wise saying!”

 The longer Shan Qi spends time with Prince He, the more he admires him!

 It is right to say that he is uneducated and incompetent, but he often makes shocking remarks!

 One sentence can reveal the true nature of all things.

 “Hey, I’m still too poor,”

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Otherwise, I will build another bridge on the Xijiang River."

 The Xijiang Bridge in front of us can no longer meet the demand.

 If both sides of the Xijiang River want to develop in a coordinated manner, they must rebuild the bridge.

“After some time, the Shipping Department will **** one hundred thousand taels of silver over.”

Shan Qi smiled and said, "It will be time to relieve our urgent needs."

“Of these one hundred thousand taels, keep ten thousand taels to pay off the debt,”

Lin Yi said helplessly, "The main reason for giving a little to each family is to tell them that the king has not forgotten this account, so it is easy to borrow and repay, and it will not be difficult to borrow again."

Shanqi couldn't help but said, "Sanhe Bank can also allocate some money."

 “No need, Sanhe Bank will be a hen laying eggs sooner or later,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It would be boring to kill the chicken to get the eggs.

 The gold mine in Jinji Mountain is still making ends meet? "

 He never thought that he could lose money by opening a gold mine!

Every month you spend your money, you can only get a little bit of gold sand!

“My lord, I’ll forgive you, but the mines in Jinji Mountain are poor ores and it’s not easy to mine.”

Shanqi lowered his head and said nothing.

Lin Yifa said harshly, "Contract it out, it will be a loss if you keep it. Open bidding, and the one who pays the highest price will be given."

 It’s better than getting it in your own hands.

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

Shan Qi breathed a long sigh of relief.

It was very hot outside, and Lin Yi didn't want to stay any longer and walked straight back.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the palace, they saw Ye Qiu and Jiang Sixi. The master and the apprentice stared at each other without saying a word.

Lin Yi smiled, ignored the master and apprentice, and went in directly.

After Jiang Sixi waited for Lin Yi to enter, tears rolled down her cheeks, and she cried, "Master, you must avenge your disciple!

Han Deqing's beating of his disciple is not a slap in the face of Master!

  I didn’t take you seriously at all. "


It took a long time before these two words came out of Ye Qiu's mouth.


Jiang Sixi knelt down, with runny nose and tears, "Master, you are embarrassed!"

 “From today on, I will officially teach you the evil sword technique!”

Ye Qiu said calmly, "After you complete your studies, you will be able to conquer the world."


Jiang Sixi's cry became louder, "My disciple feels that he is really a bastard. Master Han's beating has woken him up.

 The disciple thought it was better not to argue with him too much. "

 After saying that, he ran away quickly.

He has a wife and two concubines. If he practices the sword technique to ward off evil spirits, how can he be a real husband in the future?

 (End of this chapter)

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