I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 189: Have a banquet

Chapter 189: Hosting a Banquet

Lin Yi looked at it. It grinned and ignored Lin Yi at all.

After finishing the peach, he also threw the peach core at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi dodged quickly, otherwise he would have been hit.

Xiao Xizi came out of the house to bring tea. She was so frightened that she flew towards the monkey without hesitation, ran up to the roof, and kicked him out without a trace.

 When I came down, not a drop of tea fell on the plate.

Lin Yi said bitterly, "We drove away all the nearby monkeys and drove them out of the eight hundred miles, leaving no one behind. We can no longer coddle them.

Grandma is a bear, completely ignorant of good and bad things, and kicks things on her nose and face. "

 He was really angry.

Although monkeys are not low in intelligence, their desire for revenge is a bit too strong. If you treat them well ten times, but if you treat them badly once, you will no longer be able to do it, and you will definitely keep a grudge in your heart.

 The fish in its fish pond and the flowers in its garden are almost ruined by them.

 Occasionally, he would throw the **** he had finished pooping at him.

 The angrier he is, the happier the monkeys are.

Xiao Xizi said happily, "Your Majesty, it should have been like this a long time ago. Beasts are still beasts and cannot be raised well."

 He also hates these monkeys extremely.

If he and Wang Ye hadn't stopped them, he would have killed them long ago.

Lin Yi said, "Hey, I have been extremely kind and righteous to them."

 To put it bluntly, I have become familiar with them, and now I understand their nature.

Xiao Xizi put the tea in front of Lin Yi and said, "Your Majesty is wise and cannot condone them anymore, otherwise it will really be lawless."

Lin Yi asked, "Have you built the shed on the mountain yet?"

Xiao Xizi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I'll be fine tomorrow."

 “Then let’s go tomorrow.”

Lin Yi yawned and was about to say something when Wang Qingbang hurried in.

 “Your Majesty,”

Wang Qingbang wiped his sweat and said, "The Holy Spirit has issued an edict, requiring all vassal kings to return to the capital to serve as filial piety."

 “Holy Majesty?”

Lin Yi said feebly, "Which saint is it?"

In the end, is he the emperor, me, or the newly crowned Crown Prince - Emperor Zhengchang!

“It is the Supreme Emperor who issues the edict,”

Wang Qingbang said worriedly, "I'm afraid that within a month, the decree will come to Sanhe."

 “Come on, come on, what else can you do?”

Lin Yi said listlessly, "Is King Yong able to go back, or can the fourth, fifth and eighth elders go back?

 You know that this is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, so if you go back, you are not courting death.

 Not that stupid.

But this trick of the boss is really poisonous. When the time comes, it will be really uncomfortable to be labeled as unfilial.

There are many people talking in the world, so it’s not easy to stop them. "

Wang Qingbang sighed, "Exactly."

 “Let’s see how King Yong and the others respond,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "They are not in a hurry, so I am not in a hurry either. It's okay, no one is afraid of whom."

 “What the prince said is,”

Wang Qingbang said sternly, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is very ambitious and I'm afraid he won't be easy to get along with."

 “There must be ambition,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "The boss is much older than me, but I know him very well. He doesn't have the brains. The idea must have been given by others.

 Tell me, is there anything else you can do? "

Wang Qingbang said, "The prince welcomes Qi Shuxian, the daughter of Qi Yong, into the palace and canonize her as a noble person."

Lin Yidao, "It's really a good plan.

I don’t care about it for the time being. I, Sanhe, will still follow the established plan. Build high walls and store up food. We will do our best when we are alive, and we will be stubborn when we die. We are afraid of a ball.

 In addition, write a letter to Lao Liu on my behalf. "

 “Acting for the king?”

Wang Qingbang was surprised.

Lin Yi nodded, and then said, "Tell him that the king misses him very much, and send two kilograms of tea with him."

 “Only this sentence?”

 “How much more should I write?”

Lin Yi said to Xiao Xizi, "Go and prepare a paper grinder for Mr. Wang, and remember to stamp it with my seal."

 The two of them bowed and left.

Lin Yi lay in the yard until late in the evening, when the sun was not so harsh, and then he came out to walk around.

Riding on the donkey, looking at the farmers around him who were busy sowing in the summer, he suddenly felt a little ashamed.

 In order to sow seeds, people worked from morning to night regardless of the heat, without even making a sound.

 You can get rid of all your problems just by lying down.

 Sigh to sigh, he has no intention of forging ahead.

Just like this, swinging the fishing rod, wandering by the river for another day.

The sun sets in the west.

 Chen Xinluo left the Chief Secretary's Yamen early after settling Yu Xiaochun's case.

“Tou Chen, the case has been settled and the prince has not blamed you. Why are you still looking sad?”

Wang Xu said in confusion.

Chen Xinluo shook his head and said, "It's settled, but I still feel that something is wrong. This case is not that simple. Have you ever thought about it, why would Chen Ying come to Sanhe?

Although Sanhe has developed in recent years, it is still a remote place. "


Wang Xu looked around and saw no one else, so he whispered, "Didn't Qi Peng say that Liu Ruyan is also a member of the secret guard? The prince also asked us to investigate carefully. Do you think this Chen Ying can do it?" Did you come here to join Liu Ruyan?

It is said that these two people are like sisters. "

Chen Xinluo frowned and said, "It's not impossible, but Chen Ying came here last year. We have been keeping an eye on Liu Ruyan, but we didn't find any contact between the two?"

Wang Xu smiled and said, "Tou Chen, if we discover it so easily, how can the secret guard be considered a spy?"

 “Don’t inflate other people’s ambitions and destroy your own prestige,”

Chen Xinluo snorted coldly, "Who can jump around under our noses?"

Wang Xu laughed dumbly and said, "Tou Chen, the people you are staring at are those who are at the second level of Huajin. Isn't it easy for the secret guards to do something?"

“Hmph,” Chen Xinluo said with her hands behind her back, “In that case, I’ll go to Chunxiang Tower to find out what’s going on in the evening.”

Wang Xu’s eyes shone brightly and he said, “That’s what Chen Tou said!”

Chen Xinluo smiled and said, "It's your treat."


Wang Xu suspected that he heard wrongly and hurriedly caught up, "Tou Chen, it's not like you don't know how much I make a month!

 How can I afford a treat? "

 Their monthly money is quite a lot!

 However, there are many gambling games in Baiyun City, including dog fighting, **** fighting, and horse racing. He couldn't help but place a bet on every gambling game.

 I basically lose all my monthly money!

Chen Xinluo laughed and said, "That's it!"

 “It can’t be decided like this!”

Wang Xu said anxiously, "We have to ask Chunxianglou if we can do it on credit."

 “I can’t afford to lose that person.”

Chen Xinluo rolled her eyes at him, "Think about the people around us, who is the richest?"

“Of course it’s Miss Mingyue and Zixia.”

Wang Xu said without hesitation.

The two of them are in charge of the prince's money bag, how can they have no money?

Chen Xinluo said carelessly, "If you can invite these two masters over, that's not impossible."

Wang Xu sighed and said, "Don't try to trick me. You can only go to Wang Xing."

 “Wang Xing?”

Chen Xinluo clapped her hands and said, "I almost forgot about this old boy."

 Among the officers and soldiers of Sanhe, who else is richer than Wang Xing?

  After all, I am the richest man in Sanhe!

Wang Xu said, "That's it?"

Chen Xinluo said, "Take Ma Gui with you and tell him that Ma Gui and I will invite him to dinner."

Wang Xu nodded and returned to the Chief Secretary's Yamen.

Although Wang Xing was only a militia captain, he also had his own cell in the Chief Secretary's Yamen. At this moment, the two people sitting on the chair under the handle were scolding each other bloody.

The two people in front of him were submissive and did not dare to say a word to each other.

“Brother Wang, distinguished guest, please take a seat,”

Wang Xing saw Wang Xu walking in, stood up, and then said to his subordinates, "Why are you standing there, hurry up and pour the tea!"

Wang Xu stopped the two people and said, "You're welcome. I just want to say something. I'll leave after I finish speaking."

Wang Xing patted his chest and said, "Brother Wang, if you have any advice, just ask!

 Brothers are all ears. "

Wang Xu said with a smile, "Captain Chen and Commander Ma are hosting a banquet at the Chunxiang Building tonight, so please be sure to show your respect to Captain Wang.

 Originally Commander Ma wanted to send you a message, but I stopped him. I thought they were all my own brothers, and they were acting like fools, so I got angry instead. "

Wang Xing suspected that he had heard wrongly.

Ma Gui and Chen Xinluo are having a treat?

 One is the commander of the palace guards, and the other is the chief constable of the Chief Secretary Yamen.

These two people usually don’t look directly at themselves.

At this moment, I actually treated myself to a meal, and it was at Chunxiang Restaurant!

  You can’t help but feel unhappy!

Hurry and say, "You're welcome, you're welcome."

Wang Xu said, "That's it, see you in the evening."

 “Walk slowly.”

Wang Xing personally sent Wang Xu out of the door of the class room.

  When it gets dark, the moon has not had time to rise, and everything is pitch black.

 Chen Xinluo, Ma Gui and others wore casual clothes and stood at the door of Chunxiang Building.

Even if they turn into ashes, the Turtle Slave will recognize them.

After all, he is a frequent visitor here. Of course, he is not here for consumption, but to check whether there is anyone buying and selling people, which makes Chunxiang Building a mess.

  It scares the guests away from coming, it is simply a disaster!

 "Chen Captou, Ma Tongling"

The turtle slave smiled and greeted one by one.

Chen Xinluo smiled and said, "Today we are here to talk about romance, it has nothing to do with official matters."

ˆ “.”

 Turtle slave didn’t know how to answer the call for a while.

Chen Xinluo kicked him and said, "What are you doing standing still? Hurry up and call out all the girls here. I can't give you any money!"


Turtle slave said quickly, "Master, please come in!"

Hands off the white towel in his hand, walks in front and welcomes several people to the best private room upstairs.

After the tea was served, Chen Xinluo threw away the towel for wiping his hands, and said to the turtle slave, "Wait at the door to see if Captain Wang Xing has come. Just bring him here directly after he comes."


The turtle slave ran away again.

 Not long after the meeting, Wang Xing came upstairs, entered the room, and raised his hands to Ma Gui, Chen Xinluo and others.

 “Brothers are late, dear brothers Haihan!”

 “They are all brothers from the same family,”

Ma Gui smiled and said, "That's just polite. Sit down."

 When Wang Xing sat down, he personally helped pour the wine.

 “Don’t dare, don’t dare,”

Wang Xing stood up and held the cup, "I'm flattered."

Ma Guidao said, "When we came to Sanhe, we were all grateful to Brother Wang for taking care of us. I have never been able to express my gratitude. Today I will hold a special banquet to show you, brother, that you don't mind the simplicity."

"elder brother,"

Wang Xing said loudly, "You are just ashamed of what you said, brother!

How dare you let your brother spend money! "

 (End of this chapter)

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