I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 181: adopted daughter

Chapter 181 Adopted Daughter

 Holding the fishing rod, he leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes slightly.

He had no fish and couldn't catch a fish. He was so angry that he wanted to throw away the fishing rod.

 Where have all these fish gone?

Go to a relative's house to check in?

 “Your Majesty,”

Xiao Xizi conjured up a cup of tea and said with a smile, "There is a boat ahead. They must have disturbed the fish."

Lin Yi opened his eyes, took a sip of tea, and looked up to see a small fishing boat in the river. Two women, each holding an oar, rowed in the river.

 Because we were going down the river, it went by in the blink of an eye.

 “Your Majesty, that is Yan Shiqi.”

Xiao Xizi said with a smile.

 “Yan Shiqi?”

Lin Yiteng stood up and squinted his eyes to see clearly, but said anxiously, "Are you sure it's her?"

 “Your Majesty,”

Xiao Xizi looked into the river again and said, "This pair of tricks is definitely good, you can't go wrong."

Lin Yi threw the fishing rod away and said, "Hurry up and catch up to see where they are going."


Xiao Xizi jumped up, jumped over several big trees, and disappeared from sight together with the boat going down the river.

“Prince, don’t worry, Eunuch Xi will definitely be able to catch up.”

Wang Dong suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yi, which shocked Lin Yi.

 “When did you come here?”

Lin Yi patted his chest and said angrily, "If your eyesight is not good, just walk around less. What if you fall into the river?"

  Can you swim? "

 “If you don’t know how to swim, a villain can float on water and you can’t drown.”

Wang Dong smiled and said, "The steward asked the young one to come out to protect the prince."

 “You guys still can’t tell the difference between priorities,”

Lin Yi said helplessly, "The most important task you have now is to tell people's fortunes well, make more money, make a lot of money, so that you can marry a wife and have a child. In the future, when you get old, you won't have no one to take care of you."

This kind of thinking is very tacky, and the three views are not too correct.

  But it is very realistic.

Wang Dong was not born blind, but was injured in a hurricane, caused by retinal detachment or disease. Even if he has a child, he will not inherit it.

Earn more money, and the homeless girls will be happy if they follow him.

 Furthermore, his wife and children can also serve as his eyes.


 “Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern.”

Wang Dong still just smiled, neither saying yes nor bad.

“Besides, you are pretty good in terms of appearance,”

Lin Yi said sincerely, “The three concepts follow the five senses, and the world is full of licking dogs.

 It is not difficult to get a wife. "

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Wang Dong is no different from others in this regard. Although he doesn't understand, it doesn't stop him from pretending to understand.

 “Hey, it doesn’t make sense to a wooden person like you.”

Lin Yi held the teapot in one hand and water in the other, washed his face carelessly, and then wiped it casually with his short coat.

I wanted to ask Wang Dong if he had wiped it clean, but thinking that the other person was blind, he gave up.

 “Your Majesty!”

Wang Xu rushed over, "Yan Shiqi went to the forest in front."

 “Is this a picnic?”

Lin Yi touched his chin and said, "Lead the way and follow."


Wang Xu leads the way.

Lin Yi had not walked a few steps when Ma Guihe came over with two guards, not only bringing clean clothes but also a bucket of water.

Lin Yi plunged his face into the bucket and washed it with soap. After confirming that it was clean, he put on his clothes.

 Immediately he became a handsome young man.

Just when he felt almost something, Ma Gui handed over a fan.

He unfolded his fan, waved it twice, and asked, "Is it too ostentatious?"

Ma Gui smiled and said, "The prince is graceful and elegant, and the jade tree is in the wind!"

Lin Yi rearranged his clothes, closed his fan and strode to follow Wang Xu.

Getting on the concrete road, I got on the donkey and walked for two miles before turning into a trail.

Xiao Xizi came over and pointed from afar, "Your Majesty, just go through this forest."

Lin Yi nodded, waved behind him and said, "Just wait here and let me go meet her alone."


 After Lin Yi and others responded, he turned around and saw no one in sight.

After walking through a dense forest, two slim figures in skirts gradually became clearer and closer. They stopped suddenly and threw away the fans in their hands.

Hands behind each other's backs, as if taking a walk, he walked slowly forward.

 The two women noticed him and stopped picking up firewood.

 Looking at him curiously.

 “What a coincidence,”

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Miss Yan, we meet again."

He had a smile on his face, but he was extremely worried in his heart.

 I have been single in my entire life and have never been in love or flirted with a girl!

  I only know the hunger of a hungry man, but I don’t know the weakness of a full man.

 “See He Wang Ye!”

Yan Shiqi bowed slightly and said.

"you know me?"

Lin Yi was a little at a loss for a while.

 “I didn’t know at first,”

Yan Shiqi smiled and said, "On the day when the prince returned to the city after the battle with Ayuguo, the little girl was lucky enough to witness the majestic appearance of the prince."

ˆ “.”

 He was riding on a donkey at that time. How majestic was he?

Are you sure it’s not teasing or ridiculing?

Just as he was about to say something else, the two women walked away laughing.

 Only a pile of firewood was left on the ground.

Lin Yi felt disappointed.

 “Your Majesty.”

Xiao Xizi walked over cautiously, "Do you want to call me back?"

 “Why are you calling me back?”

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Let's light the fire and catch a sheep. It's a black wild sheep. I want to have a barbecue."

Xiao Xizi said, "Young man, let's go right now."

 There were already very few wild animals nearby, and because the tribesmen hunted every day, they were basically extinct.

 It’s not easy to catch a rabbit, let alone a goat, which is black!

However, they had to obey the prince’s orders.

I could only think quickly and go to the city to buy one from the hunter.

 Late night.

 The stars in Sanhe are still so bright, and the moon is still in the sky.

Yanzhai is brightly lit.

Yan Kuisheng is already seventy-three and her health is not as good as before. She has rested as usual.

But at this moment, he was sitting in the middle of the living room, his eyes drifting to his nephew and concubine sitting on both sides from time to time.

 The news came that Sanhe's chief envoy and military admiral Shanqi wanted to adopt his Yan family's daughter as his adopted daughter, which shocked everyone.

 Not afraid, but happy and not knowing what to do!

 They are the big households in Sanhe.

  Residence for three and two hundred years.

 Different from large landowners such as Nanzhou, Hongzhou and Yuezhou, although they have thousands of acres of fertile land and are diligent in farming, they do not make a living by collecting rent.

Sanhe is full of wasteland, and no matter how stupid the people are, they will not rent their land.

His many powerful servants made the people panic. When they hid in the mountains, they couldn't even find anyone.

 The labor force for their farming mainly comes from people bought and sold from all over Nanzhou, or hired locally.

 The main income comes from selling private salt and industries in Nanzhou and Hongzhou.

 Living in Sanhe is just because I am used to enjoying it and there is no legal restraint.

 In Sanhe, they are the sky and they are the earth.

 (End of this chapter)

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