Chapter 170 Lishuai

 A puddle of mud, even if you look up at the stars, you still have to stand at the highest point.

In this battle, most of Sanhe's officers and soldiers were very skilled, so they only lost more than a hundred people, and the remaining more than 300 people were injured, still due to the impact of war horses and elephants.

The ones who suffered the most were the Guizhou and Li people who were charging forward and fearless of death. More than a thousand people were killed and as many as a thousand were injured.

However, they were the most excited after the war. Not only did they chop off the heads of the prisoners, but they also took away all the seizures before the Sanhe officers and soldiers, including horses, mules, elephants, grain, and iron tools, all without ceremony. .

Even the shabby and blood-stained clothes of the Ayu people were stripped off by them and piled up in the tribal camp.

 Everyone is happy.

Sanhe officers, soldiers and civilians are unhappy, why should they all be yours?

 An hour ago, everyone was still a brother in the trenches, but now they immediately clashed and started drawing swords at each other. No one was willing to take a step back.

Lin Yi said to Shen Chu, "Give it all to the brothers of the tribe."

Shen Chu smiled and said, "They are really hopeless, and they can actually appreciate such a trivial thing."

Shen Chu stepped forward and naturally scolded the people on his side.

Lin Yi looked at Chen Xinluo beside him and said, "Inform us and bury all the corpses as soon as possible to avoid epidemics."


 Chen Xinluo also retreated.

 “Your Majesty!”

Ye Qiu shook the head he held in his hand towards Lin Yi, fearing that Lin Yi could not see the face clearly on his head, and pushed aside the messy hair stuck to his face, "This is Ayuguo's A noble man, I cut off his head for the prince."

Xiao Xizi glanced at Ye Qiu with disdain. If Manager Hong hadn't taken action, how could you have followed behind and gotten such a big deal?

The disgusting stench penetrated Lin Yi's nose. He couldn't help but take a few steps back, covered his nose and said, "I know your contribution, bury it quickly."

Ye Qiu smiled and said, "Your Majesty, Mr. He said that after the lime is spread, he will put it on the flagpole to show the public, so as to reduce the arrogance of this Ayu people."

"Okay, then take it away quickly, so as not to be an eyesore in front of this king."

Ye Qiu left, but Lin Yi still didn't dare to take a big breath.

 The smell of blood, corpses, livestock excrement, charcoal from fires, and smoke all mixed together and filled the air, making it inexplicable.

He simply gave up and ignored everything. He rode on a donkey, led by Xiao Xizi, away from the battlefield and ran to the foot of a mountain stream.

 In the clear stream, after scrubbing up and down several times, I breathed in the fresh air.

  I haven’t eaten anything since this morning. I roasted a wild rabbit on the spot and put it to my mouth. All I could think about were the skinned and fleshy corpses.

 Sighed, this is a psychological shadow.

Xiao Xizi had a sharp eye and went into the mountain to pick some wild fruits. Lin Yi reluctantly ate a few.

Lying under the shade of a tree with his eyes squinted, Xiao Xizi squatted beside Lin Yi, looking at the stones for insects without eyes, and slapped them away.

 “Hey, forget it,”

Lin Yi waved his hand towards Xiao Xizi and said, "This ghost place is really not suitable for humans. When the Ayu people retreat, we will burn all the surrounding old forests to build a road."

And also encourage more children and cut down more trees!

 Nature must make way for humans!

“Your Majesty is wise. If there are more trees, there will be more mosquitoes.”

Xiao Xizi has been in Sanhe for a long time, but she still can’t stand the hot and humid environment here. “I also think it’s better to cut off more.”

There was a voice outside the forest, and it was Chen Desheng's. Lin Yi didn't wait for the guard to inform him, and said, "Let them come over."

Xiao Xizi shouted outside, and after a while, Chen Desheng came over with Kang Bao and a strong middle-aged man carrying a big bow.

 “I’ve met the prince!”

 The middle-aged man knelt on one knee and saluted Lin Yi.

 “Commander Li, please get up, no need to be polite,”

Lin Yixu helped him, he saw this was the Lishuai of Liren, that is, the leader of the tribe. He had seen it before, "I didn't expect that Lishuai could actually speak Mandarin."

"Your Majesty, although we are living in Sanhe,"

 Lishuai stood up and said proudly, "But he is also from Liang."

Seeing Lin Yi’s confusion, Chen Desheng explained, “When Emperor Gaozu founded the country, he set up the Sanhe Guard Station in Sanhe, and the sergeants at the guard station were commonly known as the Banner Army.

The flag army was divided into garrison troops and garrison troops, with a total of more than 40,000 people. By the time of Emperor Yingzong, the garrison troops could not bear the hard work and fled one after another. Although they had the name of garrison, they no longer had the actual status of garrison.

Lishuai's ancestor was a garrison and he performed his duties loyally. He has lived here for generations and has never left. "

 “I really admire you very much. I am truly a loyal and upright person.”

Lin Yi stood up and cupped his hands and said, "Today I got to see Lishuai's style again. It's a worthwhile trip."

 “Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty,”

Li Shuai cupped his hands and said, "I am so ashamed of myself."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I wonder if Commander Li comes to see me for what he can do?"

Commander Li said, "Your Majesty, I am amazed at the strength of your troops and horses. Why don't you lead your army directly into Shiwan Mountain and attack the capital of Ayu Kingdom?"

I am willing to take charge of my son and saddle the horse for the prince! "

 In today's battle, his feelings towards the officers and soldiers of Sanhe were completely different!

  The Ayu people, who were invincible in their eyes in the past, were defeated so easily!

 It’s unbelievable!

Lin Yi smiled and said, "The road must be walked step by step, and the food must be eaten one bite at a time. Although there are 60,000 to 70,000 people in front of us, most of them are civilians, and the real fighting force is only about 20,000."

“Your Majesty, according to my observation, many civilians also have the ability to transform energy,”

Li Shuai said impatiently, "Although the Ayu people are brave, they are not vulnerable to a single blow!"

 Besides, there are only a few people in his tribe who are masters of energy transformation, and they still dare to fight to the death!

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I understand what Commander Li means. Let's take a long-term approach."

 Crossing a hundred thousand mountains and walking for several months?

 What a joke!

 Don’t say you don’t have the strength, even if you have the strength, you can’t go.

 Not to mention anything else, there is no way to supply food, grass and baggage!

Starved to death on the way?

 Chen Desheng raised his hand and said, "Commander Li, please come."

 “I hope the prince will consider it seriously again.”

Lishuai reluctantly followed Chen Desheng and left.

 He Jixiang was practicing until late in the afternoon when he ordered people to start attacking the mountain.

 Round after round of arrows were fired at the Ayu people hiding in the mountains.

 The Ayu people were not visible, and there was no movement at all.

 Lishuai felt heartbroken when he saw it!

 So many good arrows were wasted, and he couldn't help shouting, "Master He, if you are afraid of death, please take care of me!"

 “Don’t be anxious, Commander-in-Chief.”

He Jixiang coughed twice in succession, waved his hand, and the officers and soldiers retreated, revealing the trebuchet that had just been assembled in the Deng family's workshop behind them.

Fifteen trebuchets began to throw stones at the same time. Amidst the roar, the trees swayed this way and that.

 The officers and soldiers fired rockets wrapped in oilcloth again.

There was a raging fire on the mountain.

Only then did the Ayu people discover that the enemies at the bottom of the mountain not only threw stones, but also kerosene.

 There is no way to hide after all.

 (End of this chapter)

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