Chapter 17 Seeing a Ghost

Hong An lowered his head and looked at his fairy-like sister in front of him. He didn't even have the courage to speak.

“The prince has asked your master to go out on business and he will be back in a few days.”

Mingyue didn’t know where Hong Ying had gone, but since the prince didn’t tell her, it was hard for her as a servant to ask, so she could only try her best to comfort the little girl.

 “Oh, thank you, Sister Mingyue.”

Hong An said very disappointed.

Mingyue asked softly, "Did your master ask you to practice Kung Fu? Why don't you practice Kung Fu well?"

Hong An said, "Sister, I listen to Master very much and have already finished practicing. However, Master clearly said that he would teach me to climb to the sky with a crane today, and I can't find him."

 “You are so smart, you can learn to reach the sky quickly.”

Mingyue was stunned for a moment, and finally believed what Manager Hong said. This girl is a prodigy in martial arts. She smiled slightly and said, "How about my sister teach you?"

 “Okay, thank you sister…”

Hong An nodded sharply.

“Then I’ll practice it for you first, sister. Pay attention to my sister’s footwork.”

After speaking, Mingyue turned around, raised her body, stepped into the air, and lightly jumped to the roof. Then she smiled at Hong An'er below, spread her arms, and spun in the air several times before landing.

Pian Ruo Jinghong, Wan Ruo You Dragon.

 “Sister, you are so awesome.”

Hong An couldn't help but praise.

“If you study hard, you will be better than your sister. Have you seen the footwork clearly?”

Ming Yue warned, "Take three steps with one breath, otherwise you will fall.

 Once you have mastered it, you will be able to walk over grass and trees, over climbs and across water, and you will be free. "


 Hong An nodded sharply.

Ming Yue was about to say something else when she heard Lin Yi's shout.

He didn't have time to explain anything to Hong An, so he trotted over.

 “Oh, I’m scared to death.”

Lin Yi took off the towel covering his forehead, shocked.

 “My lord, are you having a nightmare?”

 Ming Yue made tea for him again.


Lin Yi took the rewashed towel and wiped it while saying, "Don't cook so many dishes at night. It's hot and I can't eat. Just make some millet porridge and some side dishes."


 Ming Yue bowed and responded.

 “Your Majesty.” Zixia came back from outside.

 “If there’s any news today, just tell me directly.”

Lin Yi yawned, threw the used towel on the table, picked up the teacup, and while blowing air, kept stirring the tea leaves with the tea lid.

“Your Majesty, something big happened during the morning session today. Duke Zhu Guo said that the rebellion in the southwest and northwest has been decided. Wadan in the north of Saibei has withdrawn his troops. The world is now at peace. I am asking you to return home.”

Zixia said while observing Lin Yi's reaction, "The emperor didn't agree, so he gave the discount back."

"Of course I won't agree. You have to do your best to save face. You have to petition at least three times, otherwise it will chill people's hearts."

Some things are completely expected, sooner or later.

 After all, which emperor could tolerate a general commanding so many troops at once?

 It was not because Duke Zhu was too capable, but because other generals were too incompetent. All the burden had always been on Duke Zhu.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that his emperor would be so impatient!

 After all, there is no real peace in the world yet!

If there were no hints, how could Duke Zhu transfer military power so quickly?

Zixia respectfully waited for the prince to finish, and then continued, "One more thing. King Yong fell off his horse while riding a horse. He was injured. He is concentrating on recuperating and is closed to visitors."

 “Weird things happen every year, but this year there are especially many.”

Lin Yi looked at Mingyue and Zixia with a smile and said, "Will King Yong fall off his horse?

Do you believe this nonsense? "

Zixia said, "My lord, I see clearly that Lord Yong has been on the battlefield for a long time, how could he fall off his horse?"

As he spoke, he remembered that their prince could not ride a horse.

 I almost couldn’t hold back my laughter.

Mingyue also nodded and said, "It will be fine even if it falls from the city wall, let alone right away."

 “He knew that these lies could not fool even ghosts, so why did he continue to tell them?”

Lin Yi sighed, "I really can't understand it.

  Hey, I'm too lazy to worry about it. I'll leave after the stage anyway. Even if Ankang City is flooded, it has nothing to do with me.

Oh, by the way, I told you two last time that you can pack up and leave the house in these days. "

 “Your Majesty.”

 Both of them fell to their knees with a plop.

"You are both twenty-three years old. If you leave them in other people's homes, the children will run away."

Lin Yi said seriously, "You have stayed with me for so many years, but I have delayed you. I apologize to you."

Mingyue shook her head and said, "Your Majesty, I won't leave."

Zixia also followed suit, "I won't leave either. I swear to follow the prince to the death."

 “Bah, what do you think of death in broad daylight?”

Lin Yi said angrily, "If you don't want to leave, you can follow me to Sanhe. That place is remote and remote, and there are many barbarians and exiled prisoners. It will be even more difficult to find a partner."

Ming Yue said bitterly, "I will never marry anyone in my life."


Lin Yi shook his head and said, "You should marry, you still have to marry. Now you are eating more and more. You want to make me poor, and my family doesn't have any food left."

The two people kneeling on the ground were dumbfounded.

 “It’s really difficult for you two to talk about it,”

Lin Yi continued, "You must have a title. The threshold is high and you can't step in."

For those of you who are doing business, it is very common for you to have two rich men and three wives and four concubines. You may not be able to bear the injustice.

   As for the farmers, they impose exorbitant taxes and corvee services, and I am really afraid that you will starve to death. "

 “What the prince said is,”

Zixia smiled and said, "So we sisters are prepared to stay by the prince's side for the rest of our lives, and we can help take care of the young master in the future."

 “This slave has no relatives at home,”

Ming Yue said in a trembling voice, "If the prince doesn't want slaves, there will be no place for slaves in the world, so I might as well just die."

“Hey, don’t say ‘death’. Ah, bah.”

Lin Yi said lazily, "You have deliberately made me uncomfortable."

 “I dare not.”

 The two people said in unison.

Lin Yi looked at Zixia and said, "I remember your parents are still here, right?"

Zixia said, "My brother is the only one left in my family. My sister-in-law has always been mean. I just went back. How can I have a good ending?"

 “Hey, let’s talk about it then.”

Every time the sun goes down, Lin Yi always feels guilty. Just when he is preparing to do something that day, why does it get dark?

 At midnight, a long-awaited rain suddenly came.

Although the rain lasted for a relatively short time, the world seemed to have been washed and made much cleaner.

The sun came out and Song Cheng yawned. Through the window, he saw Hong Ying standing in the yard at a glance.

He hurriedly ran out and said, "Manager Hong, why did you run out before you could do anything neat?"

Hong Ying closed his eyes slightly and said motionlessly, "The yin and yang are so impressive. The sun rises in the east. You will never deceive me."

 “Manager Hong”

Song Cheng approached Hong Ying cautiously, feeling that something was different about him, but he couldn't tell.

Hong Ying smiled at him, and then said calmly, "Go back home."

Song Cheng was about to speak when he suddenly realized that there was only an afterimage of Hong Ying left in front of him.

 “Did you see a ghost?”

Song Cheng rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

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 (End of this chapter)

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