Chapter 168 Supreme

Ye Qiu looked Pando up and down. The two of them usually lived under the same roof, but they didn't have much interaction. They never spoke more than ten sentences together.

At this moment, Pan Duo caught Hong Ying's eyes, and Ye Qiu was finally willing to look at him.

“Actually, I suggest you follow Xiao Xizi to learn the sword technique to ward off evil spirits,”

Ye Qiu said with a serious face, "It is said that if you practice the sword technique of warding off evil to such a high level, you can clear the path of life and death with one sword and become a great master."

 “Thank you Mr. Ye for your kindness,”

The corners of Pan Duo's mouth twitched unconsciously. Everyone in the palace knew that if you want to practice the sword technique to ward off evil, you need to cut off the roots of right and wrong with one sword!

 He has a wife and children!

 No matter how stupid you are, you will never do such stupid things.

 Then he cupped his hands and said, "I'm using a whip. I think a sword is more suitable for Mr. Ye."

This guy can still be so good at swordsmanship without any internal strength!

 Seen something that has never been seen, something that has never been heard.

With such an extraordinary genius, it’s a pity that Mr. Hong doesn’t let him learn the evil sword technique.

 “You dare to make fun of me too?”

 Ye Qiu's face turned cold.

 The scene that day was a lifelong pain in his heart.


Pan Duo said calmly, "I'm just thinking about the young master.

 Young Master is already good at using swords. If you master this evil-proofing sword technique, I really can’t think of anyone in the world who can withstand Young Master’s sword. "

“The manager can do it, Ji Zhao’an can do it, Wen Zhaoyi can do it”

At this moment, Ye Qiu thought of four people.

 If you don’t become a master, you will eventually become an ant.

 After becoming a master, I feel like I am still an ant.

Him, who was originally proud and arrogant, suddenly had self-doubt after meeting Hong Ying, and it became more and more serious.

Ah-Dai walked over with his neck stretched out, looked at his good friend Ye Qiu, then at Pando, and then said, "Are you injured?"

 Will you die? "

Pan Duo smiled and said, "It's okay, thank you for your concern."

“Oh,” Dui said with a disappointed look on his face, “If you die, leave your whip to me. My brother likes your whip very much.”

 Pan Duo opened his mouth and wanted to curse, but thinking that this was someone close to the prince, he finally held back and gritted his teeth and said, "I can't die. The manager has already healed my wounds."

 “Hey, why can’t he die from such a serious injury?”

Ah-Dai shook his head and walked away with a sigh.

Pando was helpless.

 If it had been anyone else, he would have been beaten to death with a whip.

 How can I say one more nonsense!

 Late at night, the starry sky is brilliant.

There were so many mosquitoes that they could eat people, so they had to light fires in the hot summer, add mugwort to them, and for a while the area was filled with smoke for more than ten miles.

 At the bottom of the valley, the smoke cannot dissipate. Not everyone can tolerate the smoke.

Lin Yi hid in the tent, still coughing.

 But you can’t run too far, after all, there are mosquitoes everywhere and even various types of venomous snakes.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 20 people have been bitten by poisonous snakes. They were lucky enough to survive, but they became disabled.

 Those who are unlucky will directly turn into corpses after being poisoned.

Lin Yi never thought that Hu Shilu was incompetent. Even in modern society, if he was bitten by a king cobra, without timely treatment without serum, he would still be half-disabled.

 In war, sometimes the bigger enemy is the harsh natural environment.

It was still dark, and the rapid sound of drums and loud horns woke up Lin Yi.

I haven’t slept very well in the past few days, and now I got up so early again, sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze, unable to open my eyelids.

"what happened?"

Lin Yi asked.

 I just felt that there was someone around me, but I didn’t know who it was.

Xiao Xizi said, "Your Majesty, Lord He is going out for the expedition. He said that he will lead people to advance to Shiwanda Mountain and annihilate the enemy's strength according to the wishes of the Lord."

"So fast?"

Lin Yi suddenly opened his eyes.

He just grabbed some water from the basin, washed his face, and left the camp.

As soon as he left the camp, he saw an otter flag covering the sky and the sun. I don’t know who had the idea to tie the otter flag to the seat on the back of the elephant.

Driven by the elephant soldiers, more than 200 elephants walked rhythmically through the canyon and continued southward. Behind them were the Guizhou and Li tribes wielding swords and spears.

Since they replaced the bamboo poles and long sticks in their hands with iron weapons the day before yesterday, their fighting spirit has become stronger than that of the Sanhe officers and soldiers.

They thought they could fight the Ayu people by exchanging shotguns for cannons.

 After them came the two thousand cavalrymen from the guard station. Regardless of the heat, they lined up and followed behind, wearing thick leather armor.

 Then came more than 10,000 civilians dragging their baggage, and finally more than 5,000 guardsmen and 5,000 militiamen.

Lin Yi said to Xiao Xizi, "Catch up with Mr. He and tell him that he has full authority to decide everything. You don't need to inform me about any undecided matters."

 He was really afraid that He Jixiang and others would be **** just because he said a few lies.

I have never seen dwarves go to the theater. They just follow other people's opinions.


Xiao Xizi took three steps and two steps at a time. Lin Yi had no idea and disappeared.

It has been ten days since He Jixiang led his army and set off.

Lin Yi didn't get any more news. He looked at Fang Bin with a sad face and said, "All pigeons are gone?"

In order to facilitate the delivery of news along the way, Wang Qingbang's disciple Fang Bin brought over two hundred pigeons this time. However, it took less than a month and few pigeons came back after they were released.

Just because there are too many birds of prey and snakes in the deep mountains and old forests, the pigeon coop is actually empty now, and even the news cannot be spread, let alone the incoming news.

 “Little guilty!”

 Fang Bin looked ashamed and helpless.

 There is no harm if there is no comparison. Pando’s pigeons are all well raised!

 Before coming, my master warned me a lot, but I still let myself mess up.

 It’s only my fault that I can’t learn my skills well!

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "I can't blame you entirely, and I don't need to blame myself too much."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Fang Bin could only blush and call Pan Duo over who was recovering from his injuries.

Pan Zhou strode in and said, "Your Majesty, Mr. He is still on his way, so the younger one has not reported back to the prince."

 “Still on my way, this road is really difficult.”

Lin Yi made up his mind that when the war situation stabilized, the first thing he would do was to build roads!

You cannot stop building roads just because you are worried that Ayuguo will invade the country. That is because you are choking and giving up food.

 And what determines the outcome of a war is not necessarily strength in the end, but may also be logistical support.

 Without roads, there is no logistics.

Wen Zhaoyi walked in and everyone stepped back.

They have known this man for a long time. He has more affairs than their prince. He doesn't like outsiders being present when he talks. Even if he doesn't talk to him in person, he will definitely cause trouble later.

"have you eaten?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for more than a month, and I even miss you."

Wen Zhaoyi sat down, poured a cup of tea, and said calmly, "This time the head coach of Ayu Kingdom is two local nobles."

 “Dizun?” Lin Yi was puzzled.

“It’s equivalent to the ninth rank of Daliang Kingdom,”

Wen Zhaoyi said expressionlessly, "Tan Lun, the ninth-grade peak deputy general under Mei Jingzhi, was killed by the Earth Lord."

 (End of this chapter)

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