I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 163: borrow money

Chapter 163 Borrowing money

Lin Yi took a sip of tea and used all his strength to suppress the urge to burp.

 I just ate too much!

After finishing a cup of tea, he said slowly and leisurely, "Liang Xiangxian, I heard that your Liang family's mansion was renovated twelve years ago?"

 “Your Majesty,”

Liang Gen gritted his teeth and said with righteous indignation, "At that time, the army of Ayu Kingdom invaded the border, entered Baiyun City, and burned down the old ancestral home!

 When the old man came back, it was already in ruins! "

Lin Yi looked at his face and felt that the traces of this performance were too heavy.

 The acting skills are still open to question.

 However, he did not say anything, but said sadly, "Yes, I have also heard about it. At that time, I don't know how many people in Baiyun City were slaughtered and blood flowed like rivers.

 Fortunately, General Mei Jingzhimei defeated the Asoka army and was able to sign an alliance.

What a pity, Li Fu is not a human being and dares to break the contract without permission. "

 “Ayuguo’s betrayal of faith is unforgivable.”

Liang Gen didn’t know about the relationship between Lin Yi and Mei Jingzhi, and didn’t dare to say more.

 “I heard that during General Mei’s southern expedition, Liangxiang’s virtuous people paid him 500,000 taels?”

Lin Yi lowered his head, not looking at Liang Gen anymore, and just pretended to finish the tea cup.

“The Ayu people destroyed my hometown and killed my relatives. We all share the same hatred!”

Liang Gen said loudly, "All of us in Sanhe should work together. I, together with Mr. Qiu, Mr. Hu, Mr. Yan and others, will spare no effort to help General Mei in his southern expedition, so that he can clear up the mountains and rivers as soon as possible. I can't wait to go home as soon as possible." "

 Don’t you only care about me!

 I’m not the only one who helps with payment!

 He is bound to advance and retreat with these people.

Qiu Wujin, Hu Banquan, Yan Kuisheng and others have already greeted the eighteen generations of Liang Gen’s ancestors in their hearts!

 What good will it do you to drag me down?

 Let’s talk about being connected with the same spirit!

If it weren't for the prince and me in front of me, I would really go up and spit at Liang Gen!

"Not bad!"

Lin Yi applauded and said, "Everyone loves Sanhe so much and Baiyun City so much. I am really touched by this."

 “Sanhe is my home!”

Such big slogans are plastered all over Baiyun City. Even if Liang Gen doesn’t want to read them, he still reads them every day.

He looked a little disgusted, but he still couldn't help learning and applying it at this moment. He gritted his teeth and said in an excited tone like a dead wife, "The old man's family fortune was exhausted twelve years ago, and he can't die. But I am still willing to do my little bit to help with the payment of 200,000 taels!"

As soon as Liang Gen finished speaking, Hu Banquan stood up and said, "I am also willing to help with two hundred thousand taels of salary!

 Just wish me peace and harmony. "

 “I am willing to help you with one hundred thousand taels of salary!

As long as I can see the Ayu Kingdom's troops retreat in my lifetime, I will die without regrets! "

After Yan Kuisheng finished speaking, a group of old men followed him, ranging from thirty thousand to fifty thousand taels.

 Then there are a bunch of middle-aged people, and young people are rushing for help.

Shanqi, Xie Zan and others were very happy. In a short time, they had collected nearly one million taels of silver!

Lin Yi frowned.

 Is this looking down on me?

  If you give Mei Jingzhi 500,000, 300,000, or 200,000, give me this little?

 Send away the beggars?

However, his face still showed no signs of it, he raised his hands and said with a smile, "I appreciate your kindness!

 But I am determined not to have it!

  It is my responsibility to guard the territory, I guard the territory well, but I am always asking for everyone's money. What kind of person have I become?

 Are you looking down on me? "

“Your Majesty, we also have the responsibility to protect our land!”

Liang Gen said loudly, "I hope the prince will agree. Don't refuse anymore!"

My heart was bleeding. Looking at Lin Yi's hypocritical appearance, I felt even more disgusting!

 Don’t you just hate the lack of money?

 Let me add more!

 “I hope the prince will agree!”

More than a hundred people stood up from the table, walked to the middle, and knelt down at the same time, making the sound shake the roof tiles.

It made the beautiful girl next to her at a loss what to do, but she was not qualified to kneel in the middle, so she had to kneel down directly beside the case in a hurry.

 "Your good intentions are appreciated by the king,"

Lin Yi rubbed his brows and said seriously, "I will definitely not ask for your money. If you want to die, let's all die together. We will live and die together with you!"

 Let the world know that I, Sanhe, are both good men. "

“Your Majesty, I am willing to spend all my wealth to support you with five hundred thousand taels of salary!”

Liang Gen’s eyes were red, this prince is too greedy!

 Others agreed one after another and added 100,000 taels, 50,000 taels, and 10,000 taels.

Lin Yi was speechless.

 These people are so comfortable being local emperors, how can they be so rich?

Place it in Ankang City, the political, cultural, and economic center of Daliang, and you can be considered a top rich man!

His emperor, I, can only be considered a pauper in front of these people!

Emperor Delong, who killed his brothers and was known as a wise king, could not even raise hundreds of thousands of taels of military expenses every time he mobilized the army!

 Otherwise, why would the local border troops rebel along with the refugees?

 When I thought about it, it was quite normal.

These people have been here for generations, paying no taxes and no exploitation. Except for the invasion of the Ayu Kingdom more than ten years ago, they have never encountered any similar disasters.

 In mining, salt mining, and maritime trade, the money is like a flood of money.

“You guys, this is how you judge a gentleman’s heart with a villain’s heart!”

Lin Yi said unhappily, "Is this king so greedy for money?

 Do you need any money? "

 The expressions of everyone in the audience were: That’s who you are!

 Don’t you have a **** idea?

The entrance to Hewangfu opens to the south. If you have no money, don't come in. Where did this come from?

 “Your Majesty!”

When Yan Kuisheng spoke, his eyes were so narrow that he could not find anything. "I am born as a Sanhe person and die as a Sanhe ghost. These 150,000 taels are the old man's idea. Please accept it!"

 Laozi of Yan Shiqi?

How could such a bad old man raise a spotless and fairy-like daughter!

 It is not in line with genetics at all!

If he were born in Ankang City, he would not be a Sanhe!

 But when he thought that he might be his future father-in-law!

Lin Yi was a lot more polite when he spoke, and said with a smile, "You have really misunderstood me.

 This king doesn’t want your money.

 I just hope that you will lend money to me and get one penny of interest.

I, the king, never lie in my words. Borrowing debts and repaying money is a matter of course. This is also the rule of Sanhe.

 I will naturally not break this rule.

Furthermore, you also know that there is no point in telling these lies. If I really want to take your money for free, I can just catch you all and arrange for people to ransack your homes.

You can get a few million taels anyway, right? "

 You can hear a pin drop under the stage.

Those who do not scold this man and the prince in his heart can be said to be saints!

Everyone knows about Sanhe. This obscure prince speaks directly, but there is no need to be so direct.

After looking at each other in confusion, no one spoke.

Even Shan Qi, Xie Zan and others have the same feeling:

 Shame on you!

 Our country, Daliang, is a country of etiquette!

Even Emperor Delong would pay attention to the beauty of "implicitness".

He and Wang Ye are not innocent, nor are they quick to talk to others, but they are hopelessly stupid and treat everyone as fools!

 Only heard Lin Yi continue, "If I don't pay back the money, there is only one possibility, that is, I will die.

 Perhaps everyone is dead and I want to pay back the money, but there is no place to do so.

 Otherwise, please rest assured, people will not die, and debts will not fade away. "

The words are very rough.

 Everyone in the audience has different moods and I don’t know what to say!



I wish I could beat this guy to death in front of him!

We are all respectable people, so we can just talk in private. Why bother having shame in front of a group of beautiful ladies in the Chunxiang Building?

 “I am willing to give you two hundred thousand taels!”

This time Hu Banquan took the lead!

 “Six hundred thousand taels for the old man!”

Liang Gen is very angry, no matter whether it is borrowed or donated, just feed it to the dog.

 Others also followed suit, and there were 100,000, 80,000, and 50,000 more than before.

Lin Yi listened to their tone and finally felt their sincerity.

 He knew that this time it was really their bottom line.

“I am still saying the same thing, I am borrowing money, I don’t want you to donate money,”

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "You guys still don't trust me. Why are you adding more and more money?

 Actually, my king’s three hundred thousand taels is enough. If I have more money, it is actually of no use.

 At this time, will there still be time to go to Nanzhou, Yuezhou, Hongzhou and other places to raise supplies?

 So, I only borrow three hundred thousand taels.

 Don’t want too much.

Each family can borrow up to 10,000 taels. If you want to earn interest from me, just dream. "

  It was not just the squire in the audience who was shocked.

Even Shanqi and others are puzzled.

 Although they think what Lin Yi said is right.

The war is imminent, and there is really no money to buy supplies.

 However, it does not mean that the money has no place to use!


Lin Yi stood up and said, "Is this okay?"

 He really wants to take advantage of these rich people.

 As a human being, you cannot think about the long term.

Now is not the time to fight against local tyrants, especially in the face of internal and external troubles. We should unite all forces that can be united, reduce the enemy to a minimum, and mobilize all positive factors that can be mobilized.

 “Your Majesty.”

Liang Gen suspected that he heard wrongly.

 Ten thousand taels?

 It’s worth a visit!

 “Okay, no more words.

  This time, the king personally conducts the expedition. I only hope that the rich will contribute money and the powerful will contribute.

 Otherwise, when Ayuguo arrives in Baiyun City, everyone will cry together,"

Lin Yi stood up, stepped down from the main seat under the gaze of everyone, and slowly walked to the door of the hall. Suddenly he turned around and said, "You must know the situation in the court better than I.

If Sanhe is lost, I will not be able to return to Ankang City. "

For the sake of your own life, you may have no choice but to go to sea and become an island owner.

 However, these words sounded sad to others.

 The next day, word spread in Baiyun City that he and the prince would fight in person, vowing to live and die with Sanhe!

The prince is not afraid of his own life, what else can ordinary people say?

 Ayush people, what’s so great!


 Sanhe people will never be slaves!

Many people who originally planned to flee to Nanzhou or Hongzhou also stayed behind.

 Especially those who observe the actions of the Liang family, Hu family and other squires.

Liang Gen only sent his three grandsons out of Sanhe, and then personally brought the 1,000 people he formed to the Chief Secretary, expressing his wish to live and die with Sanhe.

 Others naturally follow suit.

Lin Yi naturally has no objection. The more people, the better. The key is not to pay your own wages or take care of food and drink.

 ps: Thank you to the leader of "Fire Lin Sword Cuts the Waves" for making sure to repay the debt before the end of the month!

 (End of this chapter)

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