I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 153: Adjustment

Chapter 153 Adjustments

This time he brought twelve men with him. Although most of them were not as lucky as Wang Xiaoshuan, they all gained a lot. When he returns, as long as he doesn't mess around, he will be considered a rich man!

Who can look at his eyes?

 Frowning and thinking for a long time, he accepted the fact.

What's more, I also made a little fortune this time. No matter whether I go back to sell pork or not, I can still eat it while I'm at it.

On the morning of their return, the surviving residents of Daxi City finally cautiously opened the doors of their homes and looked at the long-lost sun in the sky. Some were happy and some were crying.

Nearly ten thousand people came back joyfully and caused a sensation in Baiyun City. Car after cart of ironware and cart after cart of grain made people overwhelmed.

Everyone knows that these people have become rich.

There is a rumor in Baiyun City that he wants to make a fortune and become a civil servant!

Sitting in the lobby of the Chief Secretary, Lin Yi glanced at Shan Qi, then at He Jixiang, and said with a smile, "In the future, civilians who go on expeditions will also follow the discipline of officers and soldiers.

How is he different from a bandit when he acts so recklessly? "

 Theoretically, it is wrong to ignore the law, but from a practical perspective, who can he blame?

 out out of 20,000 people, including a bunch of suppliers, if he were to hold them all accountable? No one would be innocent!

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself, for not setting rules for the people in advance.


He Jixiang cupped his hands and said, "I then recruited Liang Gen, Qiu Wujin, Huang Daoji and others to announce the prince's order."

“From now on, neither officers, soldiers nor civilians can plunder property without permission.”

Lin Yi was a little unconfident when he said this. After all, he had tasted the benefits, so how could he easily comply with it? “Paint the white walls a little more, and write more slogans like ‘Don’t take things that are not yours’ and ‘Robbery is shameful’. "

  Sanhe’s slogan has always been one that is easy to understand.

 If no one understands what you mean by writing it, you might as well not write it at all.


Shanqi continued, "I don't know what to do with this prisoner!"

These prisoners from Daxicheng were also sent to labor camps, but they were not as honest as the locals and refugees in Sanhe. They ran away whenever they had the chance. The policeman had already shot more than thirty of them with his own hands.

Hundreds of people even gathered to cause trouble and killed two police officers.

 If the crackdown had not been timely, the consequences would have been disastrous.

The Chief Secretary's prison was newly built after he took office. It was basically unused. Murderers were beheaded directly. Those who were not guilty of the most serious crimes were generally sent to labor camps. They were even allowed to go home to eat and sleep at night, and then go back to work the next day.

 However, because the group of captives in front of us were suddenly needed and overcrowded, we did not expect them to do labor corrections.

In order to avoid the occurrence of epidemics, the prison was cleaned every day in accordance with Hu Shilu's requirements and the prisoners were required to take baths every day.

Lin Yi said calmly, "What do you think?"

These people are well-trained elites with a strong sense of loyalty.

Just like people like Bao Kui, Ma Gui, Xiao Xizi, and Shen Chu.

Even if you succumb to the enemy for a short time, if you let go today, you can get it back tomorrow, and you can continue to embarrass the enemy the day after tomorrow!

 According to the practice on the battlefield, all generals and elite troops are killed.

 Do not accept this surrender of prisoners.

 However, he couldn't make up his mind to really kill him.

  After all, it is also more than a thousand living human lives.

Shan Qi said righteously, "Your Majesty, when the city was massacred, these people showed no mercy and could not be spared!"

He Jixiang said, "Your Majesty has never been to Daxi City. It used to be a big city with tens of thousands of people, but now corpses are everywhere. It's really shocking!"

 “Those are all war criminals.”

Lin Yi stood up slowly and stretched, "I am too lazy to take care of this nonsense. I am not an envoy or an admiral. You can just do it."

Out of sight out of mind.

 “Congratulations to Your Majesty!”

 A group of old men watched happily as Lin Yi swayed out of the lobby.

 After that, several people sat down and discussed again. Zhang Mian was fined three months for his ineffectiveness in fighting and continued to return to Bird Island for his naval promotion.

Bao Kui also resigned from his position as chief catcher and went with Zhang Mian to Fangniao Island to reflect on the situation together.

The situation in the court was unclear. He Jixiang did not have to hide and take charge of the guard station directly this time. The court would not give him an official position, and the Chief Secretary could not give him an official position. Everyone would only call him Sir He.

 Shen Chu became He Jixiang's deputy general.

Shan Qi wanted Chen Xinluo to return to Prince He's Mansion and serve as the commander of the bodyguards, but Hong Ying had the final say in all personnel appointments in Prince He's Mansion. Now that Hong Ying was no longer there, he was promoted to Chen Xinluo as the Chief Constable of the Mansion. .

 With the end of the war, Sanhe became a large construction site, with houses being built everywhere.

Since all the peasant husbands have made money, it is natural for them to build new houses, especially the refugees who have worked as peasant husbands in Daxi City. Once they have money, they can no longer endure the shacks in front of them.

 From simple cement to lime, nails, and stones, the prices are increasing.

Even Pork Rong, which was not planning to sell pork, took the opportunity to increase the price of meat.

 Now that there are more and more rich people, who doesn’t have meat dishes on the table?

The live pigs in Baiyun City simply cannot meet the demand.

 If you don’t increase the price, you won’t be sorry for your hard work!

 After all, many pigs are transported all the way from Nanzhou.

But not long after, there were incidents of wild boar and venison being passed off as pork in Baiyun City.

I can’t bear to fool people like this!

 Some people went directly to the Chief Secretary’s Yamen to lodge a complaint.

Shan Qi has no experience in this kind of thing.

 After all, venison and wild boar meat are very expensive in Ankang City, and the least valuable ones are domestic pigs.

 But Sanhe is the opposite. The most expensive thing is pork. Many people eat pork because it has oil and water, which makes them stronger for work.

 In the end, there was no choice but to fine several butcher shops.

And tell me privately, if you have any venison, please bring it to my house. I know the goods!

As the number of refugees increases, there are fewer wild animals in the mountains, and it is difficult for the dignified chief minister to even eat venison.

Only when Li people and Lian people enter the city, they have the opportunity to buy one.

Lin Yi hasn't seen Hong Ying for a long time. He was worried when Bao Kui said that he was chasing Tang Que, who was in the ninth grade.

 Several times he wanted to open his mouth to ask Wen Zhaoyi, but Wen Zhaoyi didn't give him a chance to speak.

“Do you think something will happen to your master?”

“Your Majesty, please keep your heart in mind, my master is very good at martial arts.”

Xiao Xizi smiled and said, "On the other hand, Tang Que must hate his parents for having two fewer legs!

If the master catches up, he will definitely skin him. "

 His master is a great master!

 “Where is Ye Qiu?”

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at Xiao Xizi to stop him from bragging, "It seems there is no trace."

 “Your Majesty, he doesn’t know,”

Xiao Xizi said, "But this kid's swordsmanship is superb. Wen Zhaoyi said that he is already the best among the nine ranks in the world. Unless he is a great master, no one can easily keep him."

 “It would be better to die,”

Lin Yi slowly picked up the tea cup and said, "I'm sorry, this is an eyesore to me."

 (End of this chapter)

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