Chapter 149 Tang Que

 He didn't even notice how the other party appeared nearby!

 There is no doubt that the opponent's skill is higher than his!

 Following his words, all the officers and soldiers pointed their swords and spears at the people on the canopy of the tree.

What made Zhang Mian very happy was that everyone was fearless in the face of danger, and no one even took a step back.

The man in white on the tree crown put his hands behind his back, looked at me coldly, and said calmly, "Are you worthy of knowing my name?"

“Your Excellency has great martial arts skills, I admire you!”

Zhang Mian said neither humble nor arrogantly, "But you also have to understand that we, Sanhe, are not easy to mess with!

I also ask you to form a good relationship with me, Sanhe, so that we can meet each other in the future! "

 “That useless prince?”

 The man in white sneered.


Bao Kui suddenly spoke loudly, "If you dare to insult the prince's reputation again, even if you lose, I will fight to the death!"


The man in white sneered, "He's a good slave."

 “Obey the order!”

Bao Kui directly passed Zhang Mian and shouted, "Want to fight?"

Zhang Mian is an outsider after all, so he doesn’t have to worry about the prince’s reputation!

 However, as a bodyguard of the prince's palace, if he doesn't care about the prince's reputation, what face will he have in front of the world!


 The roar behind him echoed through the sky!

“I didn’t expect that there would be so many third-grade people, but I underestimated that useless prince.”

The man in white continued, "Although it's troublesome, I can leave you as long as I can."

 Suddenly, torches lit up under the mountain.

 “Dodge the arrows!”

 After Zhang Mian shouted, a flurry of bows and arrows flew past him.


Zhang Mian's eyes were red and he was the first to rush towards the man in white.

 He knew that there was no way out!


 Bao Kui followed closely behind, and the two of them rushed towards the man in white at the same time.

Another round of random arrows came from the bottom of the mountain. A group of officers and soldiers brandished their swords and cut off the arrowheads, and all of them slashed at the bandits rushing down the mountain.

 “Just you?”

When Zhang Mian arrived, the man in white had already seen the gleaming sword and gently swung his sleeves.

As soon as Zhang Mian raised the knife, he was ready to go all out. He slashed straight at the opponent's forehead. Unexpectedly, the opponent swept it away casually and landed on the ground, vomiting blood!

 “Ninth grade!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Bao Kui falling next to him, unconscious and not sure whether he was alive or dead.

   “It’s better for you to just surrender, otherwise your lives will be wasted.”

The man in white watched as more than a dozen officers and soldiers came over with their swords raised, swaying among the swords, and after a while, they were knocked down one by one.

 Then pile after pile rushed up.

 Looking at each of his brothers falling to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, Zhang Mian's eyes were red and bleeding!

 Looking back at the foot of the mountain, it was also a fierce fight.

 He finally felt something was wrong, he had all three items under his hands!

How could we be in a stalemate with the bandits!


Facing the besieging officers and soldiers, the man in white suddenly became a little impatient, and his moves became more and more fierce.

 “I’ll fight with you!”

Zhang Mian gritted his teeth and stood up, and was about to charge forward again, when he suddenly saw a sword light sweeping over him.

 “It seems that’s enough.”

Zhang Mian then heard a familiar lazy voice: Ye Qiu.

 Then he saw Sanhe the first swordsman.

 Caught between him and the man in white.

This time, the man in white had no choice but to move when facing Ye Qiu's sword, and suddenly fell from one tree to another.

With a click, the original tree crown had been cut off and fell directly to the ground.

I heard Ye Qiu say, "After all, you are useless, otherwise I wouldn't have to come out. I haven't used the sword for a long time."

 “Thank you Mr. Ye.”

Zhang Mian stood up unsteadily and saluted Ye Qiu, "I wonder why Mr. Ye is here."

“The manager is practicing in seclusion and doesn’t trust you,”

Ye Qiu said angrily, "Otherwise, do you think I am willing to come?"

 “Let the young master worry about it.”

Zhang Mian covered his chest, still vomiting blood.

Looking at his brothers fighting with the bandits rushing down the mountain, he couldn't think too much and picked up the knife again and rushed into the bandits.

 “Who are you?”

The man in white looked at Ye Qiu dressed up by Xiao Si, tilted his head and said, "Tang Que at Ba Tangmen, do you want to be my enemy?"

 “So what?”

 Ye Qiu said calmly, "Those who insult He Wangye will die!"

 He repeated Hong Ying's words exactly.

 If Hong Ying knew that the other party was not dead, he would die.

 That's for sure.

 So, when he swung the sword this time, he didn't reserve any of his back moves.

Tang Que jumped back, and with him, the rolling trees fell one by one in the direction of his retreat.

“No one has made me draw my sword for ten years, you are the first, good!”

Ye Qiu's sword force was gone, and Tang Que finally pulled out the knife from his back.

 With a knife, the waning moon is pale and the goblet is pale. Looking at the forest tops in the distance, the dawn color is rising.

 The light shoots out to the heaven and the earth, but the thunder cannot rush it.

 Zhang Mian and others, including the bandits at the foot of the mountain, were all dumbfounded.

By the time they came back to their senses, Tang Que and Ye Qiu could no longer be seen.

 In the darkness, more and more thieves were coming.

Wang Tuozi came over and said, "Sir, it can't be done. There are at least five or six thousand bandits!"

And damn, there are actually a lot of good players! "

Even a fool would know that they were ambushed.

 “Go quickly and notify Chen Xinluo and others to come for help!”

 Zhang Mian was frightened. Unlike the thieves he had encountered before, the ones in front of him were not afraid of death!

Even at the third level, one person was unable to cope with the swords of dozens of bandits. Zhang Mian watched his brothers fall one after another with his own eyes.

Zhang Mian was fighting endlessly with seven or eight enemy invaders who were attacking from all sides. He roared, jumped out with all his strength, and took the opportunity to jump out of the circle. He turned around and shouted bitterly, "Retreat!"

The thieves are numerous, and there is no shortage of skilled soldiers. Against five to six thousand clearly well-trained enemy bandits, it is basically just a dream to win!


Those who responded to Zhang Mian's orders were weak.

 Each of them tried their best to carry their unconscious or injured companions on their backs.

 They also don’t understand why there are so many good fighters among the enemy!

Zhang Mian, who was behind the palace, waited until the retreat was almost complete, then he directly picked up Bao Kui, who had been silent, and strode back along the original route.

 There are enemy invaders behind you. While rushing on the road, you must rely on the terrain to resist.

On the third day, Chen Xinluo finally arrived with more than 10,000 reinforcements.

The enemy seemed to have received the news in advance. Facing more than ten thousand officers and soldiers, they had already retreated halfway.

 Zhang Mian and others counted the casualties. The injuries were not counted, and hundreds of people had been seriously injured and died one after another.

Even Tiao Pork Rong was crying so much that he couldn't say a word. Many of the dead officers and soldiers were his regular customers and they were very familiar with each other.

 At one time, the team of nearly 30,000 people looked gloomy and gloomy.

“We have 30,000 people, what else can we fear?”

 Li Sanniang, who had a delicate face but had a bad temper, couldn't help crying loudly.

 “When all brothers work together, they naturally have nothing to fear.”

 Chen Xinluo finished speaking bitterly, looked at Zhang Mian who was lying on the carriage and said, "Master Zhang, please take the injured brother back first.

I swear I will not go back until Daxi City is conquered! "

 Zhang Mian sighed, nodded in agreement, and was escorted back to Baiyun City by more than a thousand people.

Chen Xinluo continued to lead nearly 30,000 people, regardless of difficulties and obstacles, and continued toward Daxicheng.

It was the summer harvest in Baiyun City, and it was a busy scene. Suddenly, when they saw the dejected team in front of them, and the flies surrounding the smelly corpses on the carriage, they all fell into confusion.

 From one person to another, from ten to a hundred, more and more people gathered on both sides of the road.

Family members who participated in the suppression of bandits ran up and down the road, shouting their names loudly, and some laughed loudly, and their laughter became more and more unrestrained.

 Eventually some people cried, and the crying became more and more frequent.

 “Why is this happening?”

 The sun is scorching.

 The rotting corpses already stunk.

But Lin Yi stood in front of the carriage and did not move.

 “You know your sins despite your humble position!”

Bao Kui was unconscious. Only Zhang Mian was still kneeling and talking, but his body was covered in blood and his spirit was listless.

  “Didn’t I say that the third grade is more awesome!”

Lin Yi's face was gloomy. He wanted to cry but suddenly couldn't. More than a hundred lives were lost! Many of them still fell into the mountain stream and their bodies were not left alive!

 “My condolences, Your Majesty!”

Seeing Lin Yi like this, Qi Peng was so frightened that he was speechless.

 “Don’t you claim to be well-informed?”

Lin Yi looked at Qi Peng, "Why don't you know there are nine ranks in Daxi City?

His mother Tang Que?

 Still from Jizhao'an! "

 “Death penalty!”

Qi Peng crawled directly from the wheelchair to the ground, with his face on the ground, and his knees were unable to support him from kneeling up.

 “Get up, don’t show me the show,”

Lin Yi waved to Pan Duo and motioned for him to help Qi Peng stand up, "Actually, I am the person who is most wrong, and I have caused so many lives!"

 He has no face to blame others.

 “Your Majesty.”

Hong Ying, who was in seclusion, also came out.

 He knelt on the ground and could not cry.

 Weep not for the dead, but because the prince is unhappy.

 “I want them dead!

 No one shall live! "

 The first time he came to this world, he burst out with overwhelming murderous intent!


 Must die!

 “Kill without mercy!”

 The surrounding people, whether they were civilians, officers, soldiers, or local residents, all let out shocking roars!

 (End of this chapter)

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