I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 142: The prince oversees the country

Chapter 142 The Prince Supervises the Country

“Therefore, Nie Youdao and Tang Que have always been at odds with each other. King Pingchuan intervened, but the relationship between the two did not ease.”

Qi Peng continued unhurriedly, "With the rebellion of Liangzhou Wang Linchang, you also know what will happen next."

Lin Yi said curiously, "The second son is the King of Pingchuan, Ji Zhao'an is in Chuanzhou, and the first person to get the moon is near the water tower. So, in the beginning, Ji Zhao'an supported the second son?"

 Otherwise, how could the outer gate of Jizhao'an serve in Lao Er's army?

Qi Peng smiled and said, "It's a pity that King Pingchuan died young."


Lin Yi sighed, "I was only five years old that year. When I brought my second son back, it was hot and it stunk.

I can’t forget that tragedy now.

 Be a good person, and you will be gone if you say no.

To be honest, of all the brothers, he is my favorite. "

 His second emperor brother hugged him when he was a baby, and often teased him after he was a toddler.

Although I was young at that time, my mind was full of adult thoughts.

  He can actually feel whether the second child really likes him or is just perfunctory.

Qi Peng said, "The second prince is sincere to others and has great prestige in the army. Even the ministers in the court are full of praise."

“Many people have told me how powerful the eighth-grade masters are. The second-grade master himself is seventh-grade, not to mention that there are eighth-grade experts like Tang Que and Nie Youdao around him.”

Lin Yi said in confusion, "How could the elephant be trampled to death?

Is there any other hidden secret? "

Qi Peng moved to the left side of the backrest of his wheelchair, rested an elbow on the left armrest, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, it's not just the Liang Kingdom that has great masters."

 “Listen to your tone,”

Lin Yi tore another piece of mutton and threw it into his mouth. While eating, he asked, "Does it mean that there is also a great master in this country?

Wen Zhaoyi said that there are only eight great masters in the world, including those from this country? "

Qi Peng smiled and said, "The world Wen Zhaoyi called was just the Liang Kingdom.

 Eastern Yi, Xirong, Nanman, and Beidi are just four barbarians in her eyes.

 In the land of Siyi, although there is no such title as Grand Master, there are masters equivalent to Grand Master.

 Wardan Imperial Master, Emperor Li Fo of Ayu State, and King Man of Nangu are all masters in the world.

 Nangu invaded the border area, and the Man King personally took action, causing the second prince to encounter unexpected events. "

 “The Barbarian King of Nangu?”

Lin Yi had to sigh at Qi Peng's extensive sources of information, "Is he the emperor of the Nangu barbarians?"

Qi Peng said, "The Barbarian King is the shaman of Nangu.

It is said that the strength of this Nangu Barbarian King is unfathomable. "

“Since Jizhaoan is determined to support the second child, why doesn’t it matter?

Just watching the second child die in vain? "

 “This is something I don’t know below.”

 Qi Peng shook his head and said.

 “It turns out there’s something you don’t know about,”

Lin Yi stood up, stretched and said, "Okay, let's go back and rest."

 Qi Peng did not move, looked at Lin Yi who had walked to the corner, and suddenly said, "Your Majesty!"

"What's wrong?" Lin Yi turned around and asked, "Is there anything else?"

“It is said that the Holy One is bedridden.” Qi Peng cupped his hands and said.

 “Is this still a big deal?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "In the past ten years, when has he been in better health?

 Every year I get seriously ill, then recover, and finally live more energetically.

What a pity, the prince's happiness is in vain every time. "

Qi Peng said, "Your Majesty, this time is different."

Lin Yi walked slowly towards Qi Peng, sat down again, couldn't help but pour a glass of wine, put the cup to his lips, raised his head and said, "What's the difference?"

  "The emperor ignored the imperial court because of the numerous illnesses, and reported the prince's punishment for domestic and foreign affairs."

 Qi Peng said cautiously.

 “The prince supervises the country?”

Lin Yi had no idea that things would suddenly develop in this direction.

 Who is he?

 How could he not know?

How can you hand over authority to others so easily!

 Even if he is his biological son, he can be crowned the prince himself!

They won’t let him get involved in his rights!

Qi Peng lowered his head and said, "This is what the Holy Spirit decreed."

Lin Yi said bitterly, "Why are you talking about such an important thing now?"

Qi Peng said, "I don't dare!"

Lin Yidao, "What else are you afraid of?"

Qi Peng said, "This is a matter involving the Heavenly Family, and I am just a commoner."

 “Who is the one who advises the prince and supervises the country?”

Lin Yi asked in a deep voice.

“It’s the prime minister Qi Yong, the minister Gong Xiang, and the scholar Ma Jin.”

Qi Peng continued, "If my guess is correct, it is probably the prince's order to let King Yong return to the capital."

“Since you are sick, to what extent are you sick?”

 Is it Alzheimer’s?

Only then will the prince be allowed to supervise the country!

 I really want to go to the emperor's bed and have a look. If you are kidnapped, just blink.

Qi Peng cupped his hands and said, "I don't know.

These news were all obtained outside the palace, and there were no assistants in the palace. "

Lin Yidao, "What if I want to know?"

 “I’m afraid it’s difficult,”

Qi Peng shook his head and said, "I think the prince also knows how tightly guarded the Holy Emperor's palace is."

 “Hey, are there really no servants in the palace?” Lin Yi asked again.

“If the prince wants to have it, he can probably have it.”

 Qi Peng smiled, very happily.

 “Grandma is a bear,”

Lin Yi couldn't see how proud he was and said angrily, "First arrange for people to inquire, and as much as they can understand.

The prince is supervising the country, and everything is weird. If I don't find out clearly, I will not be able to sleep well. "

“Your Majesty, the Chief Secretary has money, the Commander-in-Chief has money, and the Guards has money,”

Qi Peng said calmly, "Although I have a small amount of money, I have many employees, and everyone needs to eat. Your Majesty."

“If you dare to say one more nonsense, do you believe I will beat you up?”

Lin Yi interrupted unceremoniously, "You eat from me and drink from me. I ask you to do something. How dare you ask me for money?"

Qi Peng said, "My lord, you said that my brothers settled the accounts clearly, and I paid for the food."

 He did not eat and drink for free in Hewangfu.

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Tell me, how much do you want?"

“Not much, not much,” Qi Peng shook his head and said, “One hundred taels a month is enough.”

 “One hundred taels?”

Lin Yi suspected that he heard wrongly.

 “But there is a condition.”

 Qi Peng continued.

 “What conditions?”

  "I hope that the prince will exempt me from the food expenses."

 “Humph, it turns out you are making this calculation,”

Lin Yi rubbed his forehead and said, "Okay, I agree.

 The more details about the affairs in the palace, the better, especially about my sister and my mother. "


Qi Peng nodded and said, "My lord, please rest assured that the princess and the empress are fine, but the exchange of letters is not that convenient."

“Yes, otherwise Lin Ning would have sent me Feige a letter for such a big matter,”

Lin Yi finished the glass of wine and leaned back on the chair, "Nothing else matters. I just want you to keep an eye on them for me. If you have any news, you must tell me as soon as possible."

“Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will do my best,”

Qi Peng suddenly said again, "The fourth prince, King Jin, the seventh prince, King Nanling, and the eighth prince, King Chu, have already established vassal status the day before yesterday."

 “It became a vassal state?”

Lin Yi was very surprised and gritted his teeth and said, "Can you finish what you want to say at once? Why don't you say it until the end?"

Qi Peng smiled and said, "Forgot."

 “You have the guts!”

Looking at his fearless look, Lin Yi angrily wanted to go up and kick him, "You just ran away secretly and became a feudal lord?"

As long as the prince is not a fool, they cannot be allowed to run to the vassal state openly and openly.

“It is said that King Jin accidentally broke his leg.”

Qi Peng said with a smile.

“Fortunately, I had the foresight to run early, otherwise one of my legs would have been broken.”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "But there's no need for Lao Ba to run away. Chuzhou is in chaos now, so what's the point of going there?"

He and the prince are biological brothers from the same mother. No matter what, the prince will still let him go for the sake of the queen. "

Qi Peng reminded, "Your Majesty, the one the King of Chu is close to seems to be King Yong."

Lin Yi said, “I would have forgotten it if you didn’t tell me.

 It was just a suspicion before, but this time he ran away, it seems to be true. "

 The prince is really a failure as a person. Even his brothers from the same mother are not on his side.

But if you think about it carefully, it is completely normal. Prince Lin Rui and eighth prince Lin Zhan have very different personalities, temperaments, and ways of doing things. They can even be said to be incompatible.

 (End of this chapter)

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