Chapter 132 Jiang Kan

  It is really arrogant, domineering and arrogant!

Zhang Mian looked at Shanqi whose chest was rising and falling, feeling very worried.

 I'm afraid that this old gentleman will make some confused decisions due to his old age.

What he said just now, "There is no guarantee of victory," was all said with a red face. The real situation is that their so-called Sanhe Navy only has four big ships in front of them!

 Let’s not talk about the soldiers in the navy, only generals. Most of them are trustworthy and serve as royal guards.

 Including himself, they are all landlubbers from the north and are not familiar with water.

 At present, we still rely on Wen Qian and the gang of pirates to help with training, and occasionally travel by sea to subsidize the deficit from going north to south.

 With a turn on the sea to compete with the Nanzhou Navy can drive it into the sea to feed the **** without even one round!

  Victory and defeat are common matters in military affairs. It is enough to comfort yourself with such words.

If he really wanted the navy to make such unnecessary losses and sacrifices, he believed that Prince He would be able to skin him and cut him into pieces.

 “Sir, this matter needs to be considered in the long run.”

Zhang Mian finally couldn't help but said.

 I hope this old man will not be impulsive!

“I have brought a thousand guardsmen with me this time, and I will give you full authority to command them.”

Shanqi paced back and forth on the steps, "Let's fight him on the shore."

 “On the shore?”

 Zhang Mian asked in confusion, "Sir, what do you mean?"

He is a military officer, so he naturally knows the strength of the officers and soldiers of the garrison. He is not afraid of the Nanzhou Navy on the shore, even if the opponent has twice the strength.

What's more, the other party only has more than a thousand people.

Shan Qi has a confident saying, “If he doesn’t come out, I will force him to come out.

I would like to ask you, besides Ping Feng Ao around Fangniao Island, where else can big ships go for supplies? "

Wen Qian took over the words naturally, "Of course it is Tian Shiyou's Shangshui Bay, but there is no one to guide the way, and there are many reefs underneath. It is absolutely impossible for the Nanzhou Navy to enter.

The next step is to enter Baiyun City from Xijiang River, but they don’t have a ticket from our shipping department. I’m afraid they will be invited to have tea by Bao Kui as soon as they dock. "

 This is also a new vocabulary he learned from Baiyun City.

 When arresting someone, instead of saying "arrest", say "please drink tea", look how elegant it is!

Shan Qi smiled and said, "That's all right.

According to the intention of the official, there are thieves in the Bird Island, and at this moment, it is forbidden.

 You have sealed off the port of Ping Feng Ao. No one is allowed to dock at will without my order.

I would like to see how many days the Nanzhou Navy can last without supplies! "

“Sir, this method is very wonderful!”

Wen Qian laughed loudly and said, "If nothing else, they have nowhere else to look for just this fresh water, and they will die of thirst!"

Zhang Mian cupped his hands and said, "I'll go and do it now!"

 After saying that, he turned around and left.

Han Deqing and others hurriedly followed, and the lively hall suddenly became deserted.

Shan Qi looked at Shan Yin and said, "You can go too. If Shen Chu didn't follow, it would be difficult if there are good people in the Nanzhou Navy."

Shan Yin smiled and said, "Uncle, you think this is Baiyun City. Where can there be so many masters?"

 Ever since he saw this prince, he has seen more masters than he had ever seen in his previous life.

Shan Qi glared and said, "Go if you are told. There is so much nonsense."


Shan Yin had no choice but to chase him out.

Fangniao Island is still green everywhere in winter, with luxuriant flowers and leaves, and some unknown wildflowers are still vying to bloom.

Zhang Mian set up a table at the entrance of the port and sat on the edge, holding a tea cup. The fragrance was fragrant, but he did not dare to inhale hard.

 After all, the salty sea breeze will take the opportunity to get into your nose.

To his left and right were Shanqi, Han Deqing and others, and behind him were more than a thousand guardsmen and naval officers and soldiers.

After taking a sip, he put down the teacup and said, "Even if the King of Heaven is here today, I have to take it down."

The sun slowly converges and casts its afterglow gently onto the sea, making the waves sparkle and sparkle with golden light.

There was finally movement on the deck of the Nanzhou Navy.

 Many people were cleaning the deck, and from time to time some people looked at Zhang Mian and others on the shore.

 Dozens of people got off the boat carrying baskets and carrying poles and barrels.

 Zhang Mian winked, and Han Deqing immediately led people over and shouted loudly, "Respecting the order of the Chief Envoy, there are bandits on Fangniao Island. The island is under martial law and no outsiders are allowed to enter or leave."

  After hearing this, the people of the Nanzhou Navy looked at each other and cleverly boarded the ship to report.

After a while, a shirtless man stepped out of the boat. After snorting at Han Deqing, he looked directly at Zhang Mian.

“Zhang, what do you mean?”

 “You are not qualified to talk to me yet,”

Zhang Mian said coldly, "If you want to speak, I will ask you to come over, Master Jiji."

“We adults are at the inn, why don’t you look for it on your own?”

The big man crossed his arms and snorted coldly.

Zhang Mian stopped paying attention to him, holding the tea cup and lowering his head to blow the floating tea leaves.

 There are official rules in officialdom. He and Jiang Kan were promoted at the same level and were of the same rank. However, Jiang Kan took the navy to the Bird Island and stopped directly without even saying hello.

 What’s even more outrageous is that after landing, he passed through the main gate of the Shipping Department without entering!

 Pure heart embarrassed him!

 He had no reason to look for it.

What's more, Shan Qi has already handed over the film, and they don't come!

 This is intentional.

 In this case, it depends on who bows his head first in the end.

The big man wanted to force his way past Han Deqing, but Han Deqing drew his sword directly.

“Wu Qianhu, I am also following orders, so don’t make things difficult for me.”

Han Deqing did not retreat even an inch.

"very good!"

Wu Qianhu gritted his teeth and pointed at Zhang Mian and said, "You are deliberately making things difficult for me, the Nanzhou Navy!"

 “So what?”

 Zhang Mian said unceremoniously.

“Believe it or not, I’m going to bombard you in Ping Feng Ao!”

"You dare?"

 Zhang Mian said with disdain.


Wu Qianhu was choked and speechless.

 He really didn’t dare.

 There is also a second-grade officer on Fangniao Island.

 There is no difference between firing artillery and treason.

Han Deqing raised his hand and said, "Wu Qianhu, please go back."

 “Sooner or later I want you to look good!”

Wu Qianhu turned around and left angrily.

Zhang Mian stood up and said lazily, "I'm going to lie down for a while, and I'll take turns guarding you. Remember, I can't release a single bird from the boat!"


Thousands of people responded to the order with a roar, shouting loudly, which shocked the people on the Nanzhou Navy ship.

 This is what Zhang Mian admires most about He Jixiang. He is worthy of having served as the governor of Beijing Camp. The officers and soldiers are well-trained and neatly thought of as one person.

 Sanhe officers and soldiers blocked the port for three days. Local residents and merchants from other places could only enter the port, but not leave.

 Even when leaving the port, it must be inspected.

Shan Qi sat at the main seat in the hall and squinted his eyes and said, "This is the third day. It seems that there is still a lot of food on the ship."

Wen Qian smiled and said, "Sir, don't worry, my humble position guarantees that they won't last two days."

Shan Qi asked curiously, "Why are you so sure?"

Wen Qian said, "On the day when the Nanzhou Navy docked, the first thing they did was to buy. How many things they bought and how many days they would last were all ordered by someone.

Having spent a lot of money in the past few days, I have probably used more than half of it, and I haven’t made any purchases yet.

I’m afraid the biggest shortage right now is fresh water.

 The night before yesterday, the Nanzhou Navy secretly arranged a small boat to land nearby, but we discovered it and failed.

 It was the same thing again yesterday, five boats came out at once. "

Shan Qi nodded and said, "Since this is the case, it's for the best. Don't be careless and take strict precautions.

 Over there at the inn, Jiang Kan still hasn’t shown his face? "

Zhang Mian said, "Last night Wu Chengle followed a small boat and broke in from another mountain. The official did not pursue him and let him go. He went directly to the inn.

Jiang Kan doesn’t know what he’s planning at this moment. "

Shanqi said, "I've been away for a long time. I can't stay here empty anymore. It's better to make a break early."

 At most, it will be the day after tomorrow. If Jiang Kan still doesn’t come out, what will happen? "

Han Deqing snorted coldly, "The weather is dry and things are dry, so water is inevitable."

The most angry person is him. Jiang Kan clearly doesn't take them and the prince seriously!

 ps: Please vote!

 (End of this chapter)

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