I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 130: finger marriage

Chapter 130: Marriage

Moreover, most of the time in Baiyun City, it is voluntary labor.

There are too many poor people here. Not only are they given so little money, they actually dare to borrow money!

He really missed the days in Ankang City, where dignitaries and dignitaries spent money lavishly, including a few ingots of silver in one go.

Occasionally, we can only hope that the wealthy landlords in Baiyun City will suffer from serious and minor illnesses, so that they can make up for the shortfall.

 He did not expect these people to die quickly, which is already the kindness of a doctor.

He saw with his own eyes that a wealthy family beat a seven or eight-year-old child to death.

 The only advantage of coming to Sanhe is: freedom.

He doesn’t have to be afraid of anyone except the man from the palace and the prince!

 As for the dead eunuch, he was not afraid, but fearful, which was usually accompanied by arrhythmia, qi stagnation and blood stasis, dizziness and insomnia.

 In severe cases, both qi and blood are deficient.

 So, usually, he would never go to the palace if he had nothing to do.

 After all, if you go to Hewangfu, you will inevitably see that dead fish face.

 After hurriedly eating the last bite of the meal, he washed up hastily, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

 However, in the middle of the night, the door was banged again, banging non-stop, and the two children were woken up, crying, and he was really upset.

A businessman staying at Jinfu Restaurant had a high fever again and he had to go.

 Dragging his tired body, he got into the carriage that came to pick him up. He made up his mind that when he came back this time, he would not stay in the hospital. At least his family could no longer live here.

 Otherwise, someone suddenly comes to the door in the middle of the night, and the whole family will not be in peace.

 The rain stopped after three days.

According to the old man in Baiyun City, it has never rained continuously for such a long time in Baiyun City in the past winters.

This has been a whole half a month without much rest.

 Many people’s houses are covered with mold inside and outside.

 Especially food and bedding.

 So, when the sun comes out, the roads, paths, and playgrounds of Baiyun City are all covered with these things.

 It is in the east of the rabbit, so it is suitable for burial.

 Because of such a light rain, more than 70 lives were lost.

 This day, there were cries one after another.

Those who have money will still have a pair of thin boards. When relatives and friends are mourning, the poor don't even have a straw mat. Even the thin ones have no way to carry them to the mountain for burial. In the end, the policeman pulls the carriage to help burn and bury them.

 Children who lost their parents were all sent to Qidian Orphanage.

Baiyun City was filled with gloom and gloom for a while.

This mess made Lin Yi upset. Out of sight, out of mind, he simply didn't go out.

School was about to resume classes, and he just found time to grade the Chinese papers for the final exam.

Shanqi, Xie Zan and others were accompanying him.

Shanqi saw that Lin Yi actually gave a "vernacular" composition a first-class score, but turned a blind eye to another composition with parallel lines of four and six figures and a beautiful heart and embroidered mouth, and actually gave it only a third-class score.

 That’s enough for one or two articles. I didn’t expect every article to be like this. However, all the articles written in vernacular are all the same!

Shan Qi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and randomly found an article of Grade A and a Grade Three and said, "I wonder how the prince made the decision?

 The official is really puzzled. "

Xie Zan and others also looked at Lin Yi, but they didn't understand either.

“When I was young, what did I write about, ‘The peace of the saint, the sincerity of the saint, the lacquer carvings have their ambitions, but they are not full’,

 You can’t speak well if you write something that I can’t understand? "

Lin Yi glanced at the article written in neat small letters and said, "Third Class A should take care of the cleanliness of his rolls, otherwise I will let him eat a duck egg."

can't read?

After hearing this, Shan Qi almost spit out a mouthful of blood!

Just because you don’t understand, you actually gave someone a top grade!

 Moreover, how dare you give it to the top three!

 Don’t be afraid of making jokes!

  It is simply the ignorant who are fearless.

He wanted to jump in and scold him, otherwise he would be sorry for his status as a scholar.

 But if you really scold me, you have lost the grace of a scholar.

After Shanqi took a deep breath, he argued, "Your Majesty, it is very rare that this son can write such an article at such a young age. I hope Your Majesty will consider it again."

Xie Zan handed over another article and said, "Why did the prince give this one an A?"

 “My family lives by the sea, facing the sea.

  My family has a fishing boat, and my father is a fisherman. It takes half a month to come back every time he goes fishing. I miss him very much,"

Lin Yi smiled as he read it, "It's easy to understand and has sincere feelings. Isn't that enough?"

 “Your Majesty,”

Shanqi smiled bitterly and said, "You didn't establish the rule of writing in vernacular before the exam, and now you use it to judge. It's really unfair."

Chen Desheng also took the parallel essay and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, the person who wrote this article is a fourteen-year-old boy named Liang Yunzhi, who is Liang Gen's distant nephew.

Although his family is poor, he has a good memory and is very diligent and studious.

If the prince had asked him to write in vernacular Chinese from the beginning, I believe he would have been able to write beautiful articles. "

Like other old men, he had the same thoughts. He firmly disagreed with using that vernacular essay as the first grade. Otherwise, it would be a big joke to post it on the school gate as a model essay!

Although these old men were prisoners sent to the army, they were once role models for scholars all over the world.

They all have the same dignity in the past, present and future!

 Especially the reputation among scholars!

 So, no matter what, they will not let the prince mess around today!

 “It seems to be right.”

Lin Yi nodded involuntarily.

 Those who write well in vernacular Chinese may not necessarily be able to write in classical Chinese. However, those who write well in classical Chinese have a high probability of being able to write a decent vernacular article.

 So, think about it, I still haven’t considered it thoroughly.

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

 All the old men were overjoyed.

 “Then let’s tie for first place.”

Lin Yi finally came up with a good idea.

 A group of old men looked at me and I looked at you, and they could only reluctantly agree.

 “Then let’s do it.”

Lin Yi made the final decision.

After being bored in the house for about a week, he couldn't stay any longer and reluctantly went out.

To his relief, Baiyun City seemed to have returned to normal life, sweeping away the previous gloom.

 However, as soon as we arrived at the riverside, something bad happened again.

  A large ship came back, and twelve of the sailors on board died of illness.

 The body was thrown directly into the sea, and nothing was brought back.

 The sailor’s relatives burst into tears on the riverside after hearing the news.

Wang Xu went to inquire about the news and came back and said, "Your Majesty, this is Qiu Wujin's ship."

Lin Yi frowned and sighed, "Tell the Qiu family to take care of the aftermath. Give him money when he needs it, and don't chill people's hearts. Otherwise, I will not spare him lightly."


Wang Xu cupped his hands and said.

Lin Yi couldn't stand the depressing atmosphere in front of him, so he turned around and returned to the house.

 I simply didn’t go out for another week.

“Your Majesty, please drink some lotus seed soup, it’s freshly cooked.”

Mingyue said with a smile.

“Hey, how many times have I told you that I don’t drink these things.”

Lin Yi was really helpless. He was full just from drinking tea every day, so he cooked these, but in the end he didn’t drink them, which was a huge advantage to Fang Pi and these little bastards!

Zixia suggested, "Then go make some ginseng soup. My lord, you have lost weight recently."

Lin Yi patted his belly, as if this was really the case, and said happily, "Sad."

He hates to see these joys and sorrows in the world.

People can live like pigs, but they may not be as happy as pigs.

Mingyue said, "Your Majesty, you also said that there are times in life that must come, but there are no times in life, so don't force it. Why should you feel sad for them?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I also said that my destiny is up to me and not God. Why can't you remember it?"

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Mingyue and Zixia said in unison.

While he was talking, Wang Qingbang hurried in.

Lin Yidao, "Read it."

 He didn't need to guess too much to know that it was a letter from his sister.

“Your Majesty, it’s up to you to see for yourself.”

Wang Qingbang handed over the translated note.

Lin Yi was curious as to what could make Wang Qingbang so solemn, so he simply took it and read it himself, and then said with a smile, "I just remembered that I am single now. It's really not easy."

 He is nineteen this year!

 The emperor just thought of finding a wife for him!

 In the hundred years since the founding of the country, he may be the first person to marry as late as he is!

Wang Qingbang sneered. He would not participate in such a topic even to death.

Mingyue bowed and smiled, "Congratulations to the prince, congratulations to the prince."

“Hu Miaoyi, the daughter of the Prince of Heshun County,”

Lin Yi threw the note on the table, picked up the tea cup and said, "Who is the Prince of Heshun County?"

Wang Qingbang cupped his hands and said, "The Prince of Heshun County is the great-great-grandson of Hu Qi, the first Duke of Yue Kingdom.

Yue Guogong was the adopted son of Emperor Gaozu. He accompanied Emperor Gaozu in the southern and northern wars and made great contributions. Later, Gaozu named Hu Qi the title of Duke Yue.

The father of Hu Zhen, the king of Heshun County, was a prince who inherited from the side branch. When he came to the king of Heshun County, he was demoted and enfeoffed according to the law. "


Lin Yi said happily, "Yuezhou has been a prosperous place since ancient times. The Hu family has been the emperor of the country for so many generations. The Prince of Heshun County should not be short of money, right?"

 “Your Majesty,”

Qi Peng couldn't help but interjected, "Yuezhou is corrupt, and the Heshun County Prince and his family have fled to Nanzhou."


Lin Yi frowned immediately, "You already knew this? Why didn't you tell me?"

Qi Peng said with a smile, "I'm afraid that the prince will dislike me for being noisy."

Lin Yi then asked, "Is this king's future princess beautiful?"

If a wife fell from the sky, he would have no reason to reject her.

 Now I only care about what a person looks like!

Qi Peng said, "It is said that the Lord of Pingjiang County is both civil and military, and is as good as a man."

Lin Yi said angrily, "I asked what he looks like."

 “I really don’t know.”

 Qi Peng shook his head.

Lin Yi didn’t believe it, but no matter how he asked, Qi Peng just refused to know.

Lin Yi finally gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't I punish you for your crimes?

 If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will drive you out of the palace immediately. Do you believe it? "

Qi Peng hesitated for a while and then said, "The Lord of Pingjiang County is beautiful and innocent."

 “This is very good.”

Lin Yi finally felt relieved.

 He is not a person who cares about appearance, but he still hopes that his future wife will be good-looking.

 It looks pleasing to the eye after all.

 (End of this chapter)

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