I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 13: inner demons

Chapter 13 Inner Demon

 In fact, he is not that afraid of Prince He. No matter how much he curses, the final blow still falls gently.

But Mr. Hong was different. He never had any unnecessary words. If he was not careful, he would have to vomit a bowl of blood. Even so, it was light.

Hong Ying waved his hand impatiently towards him and said, "Go down and make preparations in advance."

 “Yes, I’ll take my leave, little one.”

Arhat breathed a sigh of relief, slowly exited the room, and closed the door.

 For a time, only Hong Ying and Song Cheng were left in the room.

“The prince doesn’t know what he thinks, but he lets such a fool manage the **** agency.”

 Song Cheng’s words have not yet finished.

 The whole person flew up and landed on the ground with a thud.

“Our family has told you a long time ago that you should never question the prince’s decision,”

Hong Ying held the tea cup and sat upright on the chair, as if he had never moved. "Don't take what we said as a deaf ear."

 “Small conviction of sin.”

Song Cheng was half-kneeling on the ground, with blood dripping from his face in shame.

 He has entered the seventh level!

 In the arena, he is considered to be one of the few masters!

 He knew that he would definitely not be Hong Ying's opponent, but he didn't expect that he wouldn't be able to fight back, even though he was caught off guard!

How far has this monster been trained?

“It’s the time to employ people, so we can’t delay the prince’s trip, otherwise our family will not treat you lightly today.”

Hong Ying said calmly, "I know your wings are stiff, but if our family doesn't let you go, you can't leave. Do you understand?"

Song Cheng stood up and said angrily, "Manager Hong, what do you mean by this?

Is it because of you that I am loyal to the prince?

Although my skills are not as good as yours, I am still strong and strong!

How can I be coerced by you?

Your Majesty has a kind heart, so you should strive to follow him. If a scholar dies for a confidant, what does it have to do with you! "

On the third day after his birth, his mother went to the palace and became the wet nurse for the prince.

 The mother did not leave the palace until she and the prince were one year old.

His Song family was originally just an ordinary innocent family. After Concubine Yuan's careful care, it became a wealthy family with maids and slaves.

 When he was a child, whenever the prince left the palace, he would always stay at his house. He would stay with him, and it could be said that they grew up together.

Now, he is a seventh-grade master and can start a sect and recruit many disciples.

 You can also serve the imperial court and honor your ancestors.

However, in front of me, I am still helping the prince to do business outside, managing restaurants, inns, and furniture stores.

 There is no other reason, just because I am used to it.

 The power of habit is powerful. Without this prince, he felt at a loss.

 “You can be regarded as someone our family has grown up watching,”

Hong Ying suddenly laughed and said, "What the prince means today is that your mother is old and needs someone to take care of her. It's better for you to stay in the capital."

“There are servants at home, so if I keep them at home, it will only make them angry, so why bother.”

Song Cheng rubbed his aching chest, "Manager Hong clearly knows that I must have followed him to Sanhe, so why bother deliberately irritating me."

"Our family didn't want to worry about you," Hong Ying shook his head and sighed, "but our family has to do something later. We can't predict the good or bad. If something happens, we will all depend on you on the way to Sanhe. .

If our family retreats completely, there will naturally be no need for you. It will be up to you to decide whether to stay or go. "

“Manager Hong, are you kidding? There is no place in Ankang City that you can’t go to. Who can stop you and who dares to keep you, unless”

Song Cheng's expression suddenly changed, "Mr. Hong, you don't want to enter the palace, do you?"

 “No one is allowed to say anything.”

Hong Ying stood up and walked to the door without comment. Suddenly he turned around and said, "Protect the prince."

 “Mr. Hong, think twice”

Song Cheng followed closely and chased him out. Hong Ying's shadow was nowhere to be seen.

 After nightfall, he lay on the bed, turning over and over, unable to fall asleep.

 He was worried about Hong Ying.

Although Hong Ying beat him and scolded him, that was what he deserved. No matter what, he deserved it and he couldn't complain at all. After all, Hong Ying was half his master!

 When I was a child, my family had teachers, but their skills were limited.

 Without Hong Ying’s guidance, he might have just been a subpar warrior in his entire life!

Now I am only eighteen years old, and I have entered the seventh grade at a young age!

If people knew about it, he would definitely be included in the list of Liang Guo's top ten geniuses!

Thinking, I still have things to do tomorrow, so I have to sleep even if I can't sleep. I was about to count the sheep when I heard a noise coming from under the wall.

After the seventh grade, his ears are particularly good.

Without hesitation, he stood up and jumped out of the window.


 “Helping our family up”

 “Manager Hong”

Song Cheng hurriedly ran over, and as soon as he touched his chest, he felt something sticky clinging to his clothes.

He quickly carried it into the house and put it on the bed.

 After lighting the lamp, he saw clearly that Hong Ying was injured.

 His closed lips were bleeding, his face was gray, and the clothes on his chest were covered in blood.

Suddenly I couldn't hold it in, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out.

 “Manager Hong”

Song Cheng put one hand on his back and tried to push his luck with the other hand.


Hong Ying slowly opened his eyes, took out a blood-stained handkerchief from his wide sleeve and wiped it at the corner of his mouth, "Our family is cultivating the feminine energy, so you should do it yourself.

You go to the prince and take good care of him.

Our family is like this. I'm afraid I'll scare him when I go back.

Tell the prince that our family has something to do, you go first, and our family will catch up in a few days."

 Before he finished speaking, he fainted on the bed.

 “Manager Hong”

No matter how Song Cheng shouted, Hong Ying didn't respond.

In desperation, I gave him a pill.

It was another hot day. Lin Yi got up very early. After breakfast, he still didn't find Hong Ying. He asked everyone in the house, but no one knew where he was.

 Until Songcheng enters.

 “You said he went out to do something?”

“Yes, Manager Hong, he said let us leave first tomorrow.”

Song Cheng said with a smile.

 “He is alone, what can happen?”

Lin Yi asked with a frown.

“This,” Song Cheng said with a sneer, “My lord, you know how I dare to ask.”

“That’s not right,” Lin Yi then shook his head and said, “He doesn’t want to tell me something, so he goes all the way to tell you?”

“Your Majesty, I am also his half-disciple”

Song Cheng explained forcefully.

“To be honest, where is he? I guess he’s not doing business, but something happened, right?”

Lin Yi looked at Song Cheng.

 The more evasive Song Cheng was, the more ominous he felt.

He has seen this kind of scene many times in TV dramas.

“Prince” Song Cheng knelt down.

"It's over." Lin Yi's heart suddenly became anxious.

Lin Yi took a carriage to the courtyard in the suburbs.

“You are so ridiculous. No one knows about it even after you die. You still dare to break into the palace. You are so brave.”

Looking at Hong Ying, who was still half-dead and still smiling apologetically, Lin Yi's heart suddenly became clogged.


Hong Ying gasped, but his eyes were fixed on the porcelain jar held by Lin Yi.

“Hey, if you want it, just take my seal. Why take such a big risk?”

Lin Yi put the jar in his hand into his hand.

After all, he did not say, "Is it worth it to almost risk my life for a lifeline that is no longer useful?"

 He grew up in an orphanage, and most of the friends around him were disabled people.

He understands the psychology of these people. It is annoying for a normal person to say "this is not important, that is not important, it is not a big deal".

 Only in absence can we know true desire.

“I don’t want to dirty your hands.” Hong Ying was still smiling.

“You piece of shit, I’ve treated you like a brother since you were a child, and never treated you like a slave. If you like being a slave, just go and be someone else’s slave.”

Tears welling up in my eyes.

“My lord, don’t blame me. I thought that when I die, I can be a complete person in the future. The baby cannot be left in the palace.”

Hong Ying coughed as he spoke.

Lin Yi hurriedly handed it to him, but couldn't help but cursed angrily, "Then it's too late to get it later. It's not like I'll never come back to Sanhe."

“Your Majesty, I have encountered a demon in my heart.”

Hong Ying sat up straight, leaned against the wall, and said with a sad smile, "The familiar state is lingering, and the demons in the heart are returning. My lord, it was said in your book."

"What the hell?"

Lin Yi was stunned.

 Inner demon?

 In which novel did he say this?

“The little baby is the little inner demon.

 If you don’t get it back, you will never make any progress. "

Hong Ying took a sip from the water glass sent by Song Cheng, "The one who subdues demons first subdues his own mind, and when his mind is subdued, the evil spirits will retreat;

 Those who control horizontality should first control this Qi. When the Qi is flat, the external horizontality will not invade..."

Lin Yi didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and said angrily, "What's the point of returning the inner demons? You can just practice the Tao to cultivate the inner demons."

 Lin Yi is no stranger to Hong Ying's situation.

 In my previous life, there were many people who read online novels and played games and became obsessed with it!

Getting on the plane makes me want to jump off and eat chicken!

“The unparalleled master of the Demon Sect, Evil Emperor Xiang Yutian, is truly gifted.”

Hong Yong said with a yearning look, "However, we still need the help of the Demon Sect Relic.

This relic contains the lifelong skill that the Holy Lord of the Demon Sect poured into it before he died. With the relic, practicing cultivation will not be so difficult.

 The younger one didn’t know where the relic was. "

“From what you say, if there is such a thing, are you actually going to practice it?”

Lin Yi has a headache!

 “Of course not!”

Hong Ying said with certainty, "There is an end to emptiness, and an infinite Dao. A small person will naturally focus on the Dao, and will not do anything to sacrifice the fundamentals to pursue the inferior."

ˆ “”

Lin Yi sighed.

How could he meet such a fool!

 I heard a novel and took it seriously!

If there was a mental hospital, he would be sent to it without hesitation!

 ps: Thank you guys for your great taste.

 (End of this chapter)

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