I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 128: Knife disassembly cow

Chapter 128: Cook Ding and Cai Niu

Even if you rub your hands until they are bald, this thing won’t be able to get the juice out, right?

Hong Ying smiled and said, "Your Majesty, this is a gift from the Liang family."

"It's so hard, but I'm not that strong."

Lin Yi rubbed it in his hand twice, then threw it to Hong Ying and said, "You can play with it, maybe it can be used as a hidden weapon in the future. It should be quite painful to hit someone with this thing.

 It should be better than throwing the needle. "

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Hong Ying happily took it in his hand and said with a smile, "The prince is still wise. If this thing hits someone, the young people will definitely obey."

"Of course."

Lin Yi's eyes were on the pair of old beeswaxes again, but after playing with them for a while, they became boring and threw them aside.

Walnuts still feel better when plated.

 Having been in business for two years, he believes that it will be resolved soon.

Baiyun City suddenly had an influx of tens of thousands of refugees, which made Lin Yi, who was used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, curious about how much they could eat!

  After eating so much of his food, all the white money flowed out like water!

Most of the refugees were resettled by the chief envoys on both sides of the tributaries of the Xijiang River. They were given the most important land. The households were scattered and stretched for dozens of miles.

Lin Yi crossed the Xijiang Bridge and found that there were many wooden sheds on both sides of the road leading to Bird Island.

Although the Chief Secretary can lend property and help build houses, most refugees are unwilling to borrow. After all, they have to pay it back in the end.

 You can only borrow some food out of helplessness when you are extremely hungry.

 Based on their past experiences, they firmly believe that it is easy to "pay it back" by taking advantage of the difficulties.

 Many people are frightened by expensive loans.

Even if the government has allocated land to them, they will not trust the government casually.

The most important thing is that the children are under the supervision of the school and have food, drink and shelter. As for the adults, if they can find a job, they will have enough to eat. If there is no job, Sanhe is rich in products. You can find food to fill your stomach up the mountains and down the river. s things.

   They won’t starve to death.

Moreover, those who are brave will not hesitate to get on board when they see a big ship recruiting sailors. It is said that they can earn one or two silver coins every month!

Baiyun City, which originally had white walls and black tiles, suddenly became a large slum again because of the extra shacks.

Most of the Chief Secretary’s money is used to resettle the children of refugees, build bridges and roads in new resettlement sites, and occasionally set up mobile soup kitchens. After all, not every refugee has the ability to work.

Even though he was saving money in this way, it was still not enough, so Lin Yi subsidized more than 20,000 silver.

These refugees are really gold-eating beasts!

 The only fault is that I have built the road to Yuezhou and Nanzhou. Human nature must be to follow the easy road, and I have reached this point with my eyes closed.

However, there are still many refugees who did not go to Baiyun City. Instead, they were scattered everywhere in Sanhe. They crawled into the mountains and dug out the land. According to Shanqi's estimate, there were at least 70,000 to 80,000 people.

  Settlements have formed in many places, and there have even been conflicts with the local people who originally lived in the mountains, and fights have occurred from time to time.

The Chief Secretary's detectives wanted to take care of it, but by the time they got the news, the grass on the victim's grave was already three feet high.

To Lin Yi, the situation in front of him could be described in one word: chaos.

The scope of the vassal he can manage is still limited to the hundred miles in front of him.

 The farthest one is the Bird Island.

"Whether my words work or not depends on how far the road can be built."

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said, "There are so many refugees. If you are idle, let them build the road."


Shanqi smiled bitterly.

 The Chief Secretary is really out of money.

How can they still live a good life with Bian Jing as a loser?

Lin Yi said angrily, "Don't cry poor!

 At worst, I’ll give you the navy’s money too!

 Stop thinking about taking money out of my pocket! "

Really didn't want to see Shanqi's proud face, so he turned around and left.

 It rained heavily in the evening, and continued intermittently until the morning of the next day.

 “Xianjia Shovel”

 Early in the morning, the butcher would stand at the door of the butcher shop and curse.

 His daughter won the championship and received a reward of twenty taels, which did not make him happy for long.

 Because without his knowledge, a new butcher shop suddenly opened across the street!

This is not to compete with him in the ring to grab business!

This street is only so big in total. If others sell more, he will sell less.

 If others sell less, he will also sell less.

 His fault is his fault anyway.

Suddenly he saw Ma Gui, the deputy commander of the palace guards, walking towards him wearing a bamboo hat and leading a horse. He was about to raise his hand to say hello, but unexpectedly, Ma Gui walked directly to the door of the butcher shop opposite and actually said hello to the meaty-faced guy inside. .

“Pork Rong, **** you, why don’t you just stay in the capital and come to this place to join in the fun?”

Hearing this, the butcher’s heart tightened.

 It’s not a second!

 Listening to this tone, it seems that we are familiar with each other.

 It seems that my position as the "meat supplier" of the palace is no longer guaranteed!

Took two steps towards the counter and continued to listen carefully.

The sound of rain outside seemed to be too loud to hear clearly, and the two people walked into the butcher shop opposite.

“It rained on the first day of opening, which is really unlucky.”

Pork Rong sighed at Ma Gui.

Ma Gui smiled and said, "I didn't even dare to recognize you just now. If you say you want to open a murder case, just open it. There is nothing wrong with opening it, but you open the door opposite to others."

That butcher is not someone to be trifled with. Be careful of causing trouble for you. "

 “Can I be afraid of him?”

Pork Rong said with disdain, "I am now in the third grade too!

 You let him try it?

 Besides, I am doing this for his own good.

 I am a person who has been taught by the prince. I told the prince that this is called the aggregation effect. Only when silk sellers, canteen owners, and vegetable sellers gather together can the business prosper. "

Magui sighed.

 As long as they have been "taught" by their prince.

 He has not seen many normal people so far!

Look, a butcher who sells meat actually speaks words that are incomprehensible, and there is no "aggregation effect"!

 He now follows the prince all day long, terrified, for fear that one day he will become like them!

 “Then I wish you a prosperous business,”

Ma Gui wandered to the backyard of the butcher shop with his hands behind his back, looking at a **** pig that had just been slaughtered, covering his nose and saying, "Your wife and children are here?"

Zhu Rong said proudly, "That's natural. I've already asked Miss Mingyue, and the child will be able to go to school tomorrow."

Ma Gui nodded and said, "There are three rules in this Sanhe. If you do something wrong, even though we have friendship, I can't protect you."

 “That’s natural.”

Pork Rong patted his chest and said, "I don't dare to put the prince in the dark.

 Commander Ma, if you are willing to give me a favor, do you think it would be okay for my brother to serve as a host tonight? "

"Who else?"

“Brother Sun Yi, as well as Dr. Hu and his son, we are the old people from the capital.”

 As for Shen Chu, I had looked down on him before, and he didn't have the nerve to invite him.

Ma Gui thought for a while and said, "Okay, I think your pig head meat is good, so I'll prepare it for tonight."

"that's for sure."

●Zhu Rong suddenly whispered again, "I heard that Sanhe can kill cows?"

 “Of course, this is what the prince has approved.”

 “That’s great,” Zhu Zhurong said happily, “I can finally train this butler to handle cattle in an open and honest manner!”

 “A story is a story, don’t take it seriously.”

Ma Gui shook his head and sighed.

He actually took the prince’s story about the butcher’s slaughter of the cow seriously. How could there really be such a powerful butcher in the world!

 That kind of person is not a human being, it can be called a god.

 The flow of novelists is really harmful to people!

Last night, Fang Pi was standing on the roof shouting thunder, saying that he wanted to practice the Thunder King Finger.

This time, it was surprising that the manager didn't beat him. Looking at his face, he was actually a little relieved.

 He really doesn’t understand.

“Fortunately, there is a sober and rational person like me in the palace.”

 He ​​himself didn’t realize that the words that came out of his mouth were also learned from Prince He.

 The rain continued continuously, and it did not stop until the lamp was turned on.

The girls at Chunxiang Tower are all listless. Because of the rain, there are no customers at all!

ˆps: Please support me from the big guys! Please subscribe! Please vote!

 (End of this chapter)

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