I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 126: Exam (please subscribe!)

 Chapter 126 Examination (please subscribe!)

 In an instant, the person's head fell to the ground, and when the blood from the neck spurted out, the others had already taken a step back and proudly raised their hands to the surrounding people.

 Then, another head appeared, rolling on the ground like a watermelon.

One of the executioners was probably too nervous. When he slashed with the knife, the prisoner below him let out an earth-shattering scream, and his head was still hanging on his neck.

The executioner's face was covered with blood. He was so frightened that he stepped back several steps. When he saw the people around him looking at him, he was so embarrassed that he stepped forward again with a fierce expression.

This time I raised the sword and used all my strength!

 There was another miserable cry.

This time the position was cut off.

The prisoner's eyes were drooped, blood was coming from the corners of his mouth, and he could no longer make any sound.

However, his head still did not fall to the ground, and his whole body was still twitching.

 Everyone watching in the audience couldn't bear to watch.

 What kind of hatred or resentment is this?

 Since you chop off someone’s head, why don’t you give them pleasure?

The burly executioner was so embarrassed that he froze on the spot.

In the end, Liu San couldn't stand it anymore. After walking over, he raised the knife and lowered it, and the prisoner's head and body were neatly separated.

Such a small episode was discussed as a topic by people in Baiyun City for two or three days.

 After all, such a thing is too scary.

It’s not scary to die, but it’s just like the prisoner, who will die unnecessarily.

 Shan Qi's face would be disgraced if something like this happened.

According to Liang Law, any death sentence for a prisoner must first be approved by the Ministry of Punishment, reviewed by Dali Temple, and finally executed according to the order.

However, the reality is that if all capital crimes are tried in the capital, there will be a problem of incarceration, long-term imprisonment, and long-term delays.

It is common for prisoners on death row to stay in Zhao Prison for ten or eight years. In the end, they will die in prison before the queen can be executed.

Zhao Prison is overcrowded and ordinary people are not qualified to live there.

Later on, the county and government offices did not include the files, and they were directly put in a cannon, and they would be punished if they died.

The most conspicuous ones are the secret guards and the imperial guards. They are only qualified to imprison people, but not qualified to judge life or death.

 However, they have countless ways to make people die in Zhao Prison.

 When a person dies, all problems are solved.

 By the fifteenth year of Delong's reign, the joint trial of the three divisions gradually became a formality.

The governments of various places do "decide", where will it wait until the autumn.

So, what does it mean that a dignified second-grade official chops off the heads of several people?

The only thing I didn't expect was that this was the first time I chopped off someone's head, and it would be such a big joke and spread. That would be really embarrassing!

 Sure enough, there is a specialization in the art!

 He was considering whether to spend a lot of money to go to the capital to hire a professional executioner.

Winter has already entered, but the banyan trees all over Baiyun City are still full of green.

 The final exam of Sanhe School is coming.

However, there will be no vacation after the exam.

 Except for the Spring Festival holiday, Sanhe does not have summer vacation or winter vacation.

It is impossible for Lin Yi to give them a holiday. After all, these children go to school late enough. If you give them a holiday, what else can they learn?

 It has always been a non-stop cramming education. You can learn as much as you can. If you can't learn, then give up, like Yu Shih and Dui.

Lin Yi attaches great importance to the final exams. He personally sets the questions for the three volumes of arithmetic, inquiry, and chemistry.

Especially arithmetic, he used rare patience and pondered over it for three days before publishing the paper.

 He believed that mathematics was the basis of all subjects.

  It can be said that behind every major progress of human beings, mathematics is the strong support behind it.

 On the day of the arithmetic examination, he was also personally invigilated.

Seeing that Prince He paid so much attention to it, Shan Qi, Xie Zan and others had no choice but to accompany him personally.

The examination room was supervised by ten officers, soldiers and policemen from the guard station, so the students below had no chance to cheat.

Looking at the students scratching their heads and scratching their heads, Lin Yi smiled knowingly.

Who is a student but this is not the case?

Hands behind his back, he left the classroom. Shan Qi followed behind him and complimented him, "Your Majesty's question is indeed very clever."

 “Arithmetic is a good subject,”

Lin Yi smiled faintly and said, "Brothers will betray you, women will leave you, only arithmetic can't be done, and if you don't know it, you just can't do it. No matter how you learn it, you can't do it."

The corner of Shan Qi's mouth twitched, and finally he smiled and said, "This kind of knowledge cannot tolerate any falsehood."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "That's natural. One is one, and two is two. It's useless even if you are anxious. If you can't, you still can't."

Turning to Xie Zan, he said, "For first place in a single subject and first place in the total score, you not only want a prize, but also a big prize.

They must understand what it means to have a golden house in a book. "

Xie Zan said, "I know how to be humble in my humble position."

As for the imperial examination, not only the prince and the prince have no idea about it, but also old men like them have no illusions.

 Sanhe's writing style was not strong, and students could barely read a few words. Even if they were to take the imperial examination, they would just make up for it, wasting money and energy.

Lin Yi continued, "If you have a golden house, are you afraid that you won't have Yan Ruyu?"

 “This is exactly the reason.”

Shan Qi always felt that Lin Yi was a little too direct.

However, the words are often rough and the reasoning is not rough!

Lin Yi pondered for a while and said, "The reward for the first place is not enough. You have to ride a big horse and wear red flowers."

 The old men looked at each other, this is the treatment only the number one scholar can get!

Since He and Wangye had said it, they naturally had no reason to refute, and even responded to He Wangye’s request to “pioneering and innovate”. After the exam, they held a “school competition” in the newly built square on the ruins of Baiyun City.

 Thousands of children from the school, regardless of age, voluntarily signed up.

 However, the only "girls' school" in Baiyun City was dissatisfied.

There are more than seventy girls in the girls' school, ranging from three to more than 20 years old. The principal is Zixia.

 “Thank you, sir, what do you mean?”

 Zixia went to Xie Zan and asked, "Are the students in a girls' school not students?"

“Girl Zixia, they are women. How can this woman compete with men on the same stage?”

Xie Zan’s eyebrows were raised so high that Zixia’s request made him feel incredible.

“Thank you, Sir, I told the prince that men and women are equal.”


After Xie Zan hesitated for a while, he had an idea and pointed at Hong An behind Zixia and said, "As far as I know, Hong An is the apprentice of General Manager Hong and has already entered the fifth rank.

 This may not be fair to other children. "

 Want to talk about fairness?

 Other students don’t have a great master as their master!

 Zixia smiled and said, "She won't participate."

Xie Zan really couldn't shirk it, so he had no choice but to agree.

On the day of the school competition, the huge square in Baiyun City was crowded with people.

  After all, this is a new thing for Baiyun City.

 Furthermore, among the students participating in the competition, there are their own nephews, who will definitely come to cheer.

 However, not everyone agrees with their children participating in the competition.

 The butcher hid the butcher's butcher's knife in his chest!

His daughter, dear, actually wants to participate!

He is uneducated, but it does not mean that he does not understand the relationship between men and women.

 When the time comes, when men and women touch each other with fists and feet, will this girl still be able to get married?

How shameless is his veteran general?

ˆps: Please subscribe! Please vote! You dare to smash it! The old hat dares to explode!

 (End of this chapter)

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