Chapter 124 Orphanage

Lin Yi got off the bridge, looked at a group of hundreds of mountain people riding ponies, and asked Ma Gui, "Who are these people?"

No matter how he dresses or looks, he doesn't look like a decent person.

 But if you look closely, there is not much difference. It is just because the clothes are a little strange and the face is painted with various colors.

Ma Gui said, "Your Majesty, this one also lives in the mountains. He looks similar, but he likes to apply some fancy things on his face, as if it can prevent mosquito bites.

 According to people in Baiyun City, they could not go down the mountain once a year in the past.

Since the road was opened, we have come here twice, and all the leather and mountain products have been taken away by merchants from Nanzhou. "

The mountain people riding ponies seemed very nervous when they saw so many people on the bridge, and they held the wooden sticks, iron forks, and wooden guns in their hands tighter.

Chen Xinluo, the government agent who maintained order on the bridge, glanced at Lin Yi, walked up to the mountain man and shouted, "You all know the rules of Sanhe!

Whoever dares to stir up trouble will be punished! "

Most of the mountain people were ignorant and could not understand the official language. Only an old man with dark skin and pale hair got off his pony and said to Chen Xinluo, "Sir, don't worry, we are only buying some goods."

Chen Xinluo said, "That's good. Just remember to stay safe."

The old man cupped his hands and said, "Yes, sir, please rest assured."

Then he chattered for a while towards a man who looked like a man next to him.

Lin Yi tilted his ears and didn't understand a word.

 Just ignore it, as long as these people don't cause trouble.

Yu Shi and Duan rode ahead. After a while, there were many wild animals hanging on both sides of the horses.

Lin Yi followed behind, holding a bow and arrow in his hand. He drew the bow when he saw a wild animal, but unfortunately he missed his aim. No matter it was a wild boar or a deer, he ran away without giving any face.

He finally shot an arrow, which was only a foot away, and couldn't even catch the rabbit's tail.

 “Grandma is a bear!

 So what if I let you shoot an arrow?

 Star anise, chopped green onions, and chili peppers are all prepared for you! "

Lin Yi was so angry that he threw away the bow and arrow.

Ma Gui had quick eyes and quick hands and caught it directly in his hand.

“Your Majesty, what do you think of this?”

The guard presented the treasure as if he were holding a colorful bird.

“Scarlet-breasted parrot, is it in good condition?”

Lin Yi was about to take it happily, but as soon as it reached his hand, the parrot fluttered into the air again.

 Bao Jin jumped into the air and caught it in his hand again.

This time Lin Yi didn't answer, just smiled and said, "Pretend, let's see what other birds there are, catch more, and go back and raise them."


 Bao Jin immediately jumped deep into the forest.

 The other guards also went to catch birds after getting Magui's permission.

When Lin Yi returned to the house, he took a closer look and saw that there were spotted owls, thrushes, white pheasants, golden-eyed babblers, ospreys, brook robins, cuckoos, sunbirds, and even two white-ridged pigeons.

 There are even many that cannot be named.

Since he couldn’t name them, he estimated that many of them were extinct or endangered in modern society.

If we put it in my previous life, not only would I not have to buy or rent a house, but I would also have endless amounts of soap to pick up.

Lying well in the yard, Qi Peng came over in a wheelchair and handed over a note.

Lin Yi didn’t even raise his eyes.

 He actually doesn’t care much about the outside world.

 “Your Majesty,”

Qi Peng reluctantly put the receipt into his sleeve and said with a smile, "Prince Yong personally led an army of 300,000 people into Yuezhou. Han Hui was defeated and fled in a hurry."

 “This third child is quite capable.”

Lin Yi continued, "Then what?"

“Nine out of ten houses in Yuezhou are empty, and more and more people are fleeing to Sanhe and Nanzhou. According to my estimates, there will be at least 50,000 to 60,000 people one after another.”

Qi Peng said, "Moreover, Hongzhou has been decaying for a long time, and more and more people are going to Sanhe."

 “Hey, to put it bluntly, it all costs money,”

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Let's talk to Master Shan."


As soon as Qi Peng pushed the wheelchair out of the yard, Lin Yi suddenly said, "Thank you."

Qi Peng was stunned.

He turned around and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, you're welcome. This is what I should do."

Fang Pi trotted in and said that Du Yinniang was here.

Lin Yi nodded.

When Du Yinniang came in, she saw Ye Qiu practicing in the yard. She frowned at first. She didn't want to see this person anyway.

But then he was surprised again. Ye Qiu, who was focused on practicing martial arts, actually turned a blind eye to her.

 She stood in the yard for a while.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"you've changed."

  “Your skin can no longer disturb my heart,”

 Ye Qiu said coldly, "Please go by yourself."

After hearing this, Du Yinniang didn't know whether to be happy or angry.

  From the day she met Ye Qiu, Ye Qiu always looked at her like a dead person, and every time he said that he would kill himself, the person who disturbed his sword heart.

 Now, she can still feel his disdain and contempt.

 However, his murderous intention can no longer be felt.

 “Congratulations, Mr. Ye, for stabilizing your sword.”

 Ye Qiu said coldly, "Having a sword in your heart is better than not having one."

Du Yinniang was confused when she heard this and couldn't figure out what she meant. She simply stopped talking and continued to follow Fang Pi who was leading the way.

 Entering the front yard, the man and the prince were still looking the same lazy way.

 “See the prince.”

 “Sit down,” Lin Yi pointed to the tea cup on the table and said, “Drink tea.”

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Tell me, what do you mean when I ask you to come?”

Lin Yi has never trusted people like Du Sanhe. He only knows that once he is found, nothing good will happen.

“Your Majesty, since your Majesty has built roads to Yuezhou and Nanzhou, opened sea routes, and built shipping companies, there have been fewer and fewer merchant ships docking in Nanzhou.”

Du Yinniang sat opposite Lin Yi, gently twirling the tea cup with her slender fingers and said with a smile, "The navy of Nanzhou has arrived in the South China Sea."

 “Nanzhou Navy?”

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Are you looking for trouble?"

Du Yinniang said with a smile, "The bustling world is all for the benefit of coming; the bustling world is for the benefit of the going.

 I hope the prince will respond. "

Lin Yi said, "Are you still afraid?"

Du Yinniang said, "My father travels across the sea and dare not be an enemy of the imperial court."

Lin Yi rubbed his brows and waved his hand. Du Yinniang bowed and stepped back before finishing her glass of water.

 “Your Majesty.”

 Qi Peng came in again pushing a wheelchair.

“Who is the chief envoy of Nanzhou marrying, the third son or the prince?”

Lin Yi asked casually.

Qi Peng said, "Wulin, the chief envoy of Nanzhou, is very upright and cannot pay private visits. His grease is not moisturizing, and his sleeves are filled with breeze."

 “No one touches it, which is expected,”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "But he's not a good guy.

I heard of his reputation when I was in Ankang City.

It is said that he strangled his own daughter to death just because her seven-year-old daughter took a piece of cake from a neighbor's house, and even sang this song for scholars all over the world. "

 (End of this chapter)

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