Chapter 119 Bank

 It is quiet in the dead of night.

Lin Yi actually couldn't sleep. He looked at the bright moon in the sky through the window, took out the wine and poured it for himself.

“I don’t know whether Qingdao is bitter, whether the snowflakes are still flying, or whether Budweiser has enough staying power.”

 I muttered a few words and almost cried.

 He misses the days of Zhao Xin on the left and the barbarian king on the right so much!


The bright moon added lights, and the room suddenly lit up.

 “You have to go to school tomorrow, so leave me alone,”

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Let me be alone for a while."


  After the bright moon receded, it did not go far, but still stood not far away with hands down.

“Hey, you are taking my words more and more seriously,”

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Go out, didn't you hear me?"

 “This slave knows his sin.”

Mingyue was stunned for a long time. The prince had not lost his temper for a long time.

 After regaining consciousness, he gently closed the door and exited the house.

Lin Yi took two more sips of wine, and the more he drank, the more he drank and the taste became worse.

He is really afraid of letting others see him talking to himself. The key is that others can't understand him, it's like a mental illness.

 The little wine in the bottle finally made him finish it.

 After being bored and sitting alone for a while, I finally went to bed.

 When I woke up, the sun was shining brightly.

  walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to be ninety-nine.

You can see cow dung and sheep **** at intervals on the road. After two consecutive rains, there is an indescribable smell everywhere.

"Are they all so extravagant? Just throw them on the road and don't pick them up and take them home to dry in the sun and burn on the fire?"

Lin Yi didn’t wait for the people below to answer, and then continued, "There is a lot of firewood on the mountain."

The natural resources are too abundant, which is not entirely a good thing!

Unlike Liangzhou, it is said that due to drought, even the bark of the trees has been eaten away.

Shan Qi, who had been following Lin Yi, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, there are more and more people raising cattle and sheep, and there are cattle and sheep all over the mountains and plains.

 The calves have not yet grown up, but the trend of killing cattle in Sanhe is gradually increasing.

 Many people bought cattle from Nanzhou, Hongzhou and Yuezhou and came to Sanhe to kill them. "

 “Why not?”

Lin Yi said in surprise, "By promoting the circulation of goods, not only everyone can make a living, but people in Sanhe can also eat beef. It's a win-win situation."

Shanqi smiled bitterly.

He has long been accustomed to the alternative thinking of this prince.

And I also learned a bunch of specious words along the way.

Nowadays, when writing official documents, promulgating proclamations, and laws, they are also deliberately added.

 The prince must be made to understand that he has understood the "spirit".

In the court, this is called "Shangyi". He has been in the court for these years, and figuring out Shangyi is a basic skill, and he is familiar with the road.

He caught up with Lin Yi and then said, "My lord, according to your wishes, now each household is thirty cents.

 It’s just that the number of foreign refugees is increasing, and just settling them in is a huge expense.

I'm afraid the government office won't be able to survive with this little money. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's a pity that I don't have money. Otherwise, I would make up for it for you and the people. It would be really difficult for you."

 “My lord, you are rich!”

Shan Qi hurriedly said, "The day before yesterday, Tian Shiyou arranged for someone to send 30,000 taels, Du Sanhe 20,000 taels, and Ge Laoshan 5,000 taels."

“That’s my king’s pension money. How dare you make any plans?”

Lin Yi said angrily.


Shanqi was helpless.

Although the taxes, land taxes, and salt collected by the Municipal Shipping Department are all collected by the Chief Secretary, they still cannot make ends meet.

Most of the profits from shipping, such as shipping, are all in Hewangfu!

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Well, let's issue a notice and temporarily cancel this breeding subsidy."

 “The prince is wise.”

Shan Qi was naturally overjoyed.

 Canceling subsidies is not afraid that people will not be able to support them, and it is not possible even if they do not support them now.

 After all, if you raise them, you can sell them and you can kill them!

 The profit from one cow is worth raising several pigs!

 The most important thing is that raising cattle does not cost much.

Lin Yi added, "There are some things that I don't need to worry about. For example, look at this road. Even if no one cleans it, you have to issue notices everywhere, and whoever pollutes it will be cleaned."

Isn’t it bad to **** the cow and sheep excrement into the ground?

 Does it have to be on the main road or in the city?

 Those who refuse to change their ways shall be fined. "

 Fines are useful everywhere.

“Who pollutes and who cleans up?”

Shan Qi thought about it for a moment and said with a smile, "That's what the prince said."

Lin Yi asked, "Did you buy back Qiu Wujin's copper mine?"


Shanqi and Lin Yi sat under the roots of a big banyan tree, "The official was about to ask the prince what to do.

 The common people's business is based on money and goods, but there are many people who cheat and make money. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't cast copper coins for the time being. There are too many thin and rotten copper coins on the market, which are completely deceptive.

 However, banks must be opened.

It is really inconvenient for Sanhe to transport goods between the north and the south without having its own bank. "

“Yes, I understand.”

Shanqi nodded, indicating his agreement.

 “You have to understand what the nature of this bank note is?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's credit. If someone takes the banknote you write, they can exchange it for gold and silver anytime and anywhere."

 “The lower official knows.”

Shanqi said, "I will definitely discuss it with Mr. Xie and come up with a solution."

Lin Yi said, "What do you two old men have to discuss?

 When it comes to poetry, lyrics, and poetry, you are very good at writing articles.

 But this economic approach does not mean to look down on you. If you are not good at it, you have to find a professional. "

“I will definitely ask Miss Mingyue and Zixia for advice.”

Shan Qi was deeply impressed by these two women.

When the Chief Secretary was first established, these two people helped handle all the account books, and even the clerks were trained by them.

However, this accounting method is something he has never seen or heard of before. Even though he is full of knowledge, it is very difficult to learn it from scratch now.

Lin Yi said, "What's the use of just looking for them? They haven't run a bank before.

 You have to look among the people who have escaped to see if anyone has done anything in the bank.

 If you really don’t have one, spend a lot of money to go to Nanzhou or Hongzhou to bring one back. "

He knew a lot about astronomy and geography, but he knew nothing about practical matters.

  I can only help provide a rough framework.

 He will give some advance advice on what it will look like in the end.

 That’s it at best.


Shanqi responded well.

 Sanhe’s dog fighting competition is in full swing.

This event, which was originally a competition for the honor of hometown, has become a bit out of whack.

Smart people actually openly set up bankers, and even set various odds in a simulating manner.

 Forbidden or not?

Lin Yi had doubts.

But when I think about it carefully, I don’t care.

The entertainment life is so monotonous these days, it would be inhumane not to let them have some fun.

 Furthermore, nothing should be done too much, and a group of giant babies who are good at martial arts will eventually be cultivated.

 ps: The Dianniang system is out of control, and it’s not on the shelves yet.

So don’t vote for the monthly vote just yet, it’s a waste.

 The specific launch time is 1 second after 23:59:59 on October 31st.

 After this time, you can invest as you like.

  I won’t write a separate speech for the release. After all, I don’t know how to speak. I just hope that everyone will support the original version at Qidian.

 The eloquent boss can say a few more words for the old man!

 (End of this chapter)

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