I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 116: decisive force

Chapter 116 Decisive Power

Hong Ying said, "Your Majesty, you haven't eaten well at sea these days. You have lost weight recently."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him and said, "You kid, can you stop telling lies with your eyes open? How fat have I become?

What does it mean to be fat? "

 Sometimes, it hurts to hear the truth.

 However, hearing too many lies is not a good thing.

I am a human being, and I will float up even if I don’t think so.

Hong Ying said seriously, "Your Majesty, I am telling the truth, you have lost weight these days.

 If you really want to take a stroll, it’s better to leave it for another day.

It has just rained now, and the mountains are wet and the roads are slippery. It is not easy to walk, and it is very hard. "

 “If the road is not easy to walk, then you will suffer.”

Lin Yi eats everything.

 It means not being able to endure hardship.

 Otherwise, I would have been a loser from Peking University and Tsinghua University in my previous life!

Including this life, it is the same. I know that after I learn martial arts, I can fly around, but as a prince, even though he is not favored, he still cheers me and cheers me when I go out!

 You can lie down, why do you have to stand up and suffer that fatigue?

Hong Ying said, "The prince said yes, how about we go fishing?"

Lin Yi said, "I won't go, my sunburn hasn't healed yet."

  My originally fair face turned quite dark after spending some days at sea.

  No matter what, you still have to save some face.

 You can’t end up being embarrassed in front of others.

Since I can’t climb the mountain and I don’t want to fish, I just lay down under the grape vines with my teapot in my arms. If I have nothing to do, I pick two grapes from the vines. They are natural and pollution-free. I don’t wash them and just stuff them into my mouth.

 After eating, spit out the grape skins and play with them.

It’s a pity that I can’t vomit far without Dumb’s ability.

He was curious, after learning martial arts, would he be able to urinate further?

Wen Zhaoyi was teaching the little girl under two years old how to step on the horse. The little girl cried pitifully, but she didn't feel soft at all.

Lin Yi couldn't bear to look at it, so he simply said to Mingyue, "Take your children out to play. If you don't play much when you are young, you won't have the chance when you grow up.

 A child, why do you need so many requirements? "

After Wen Zhaoyi let Mingyue hold the child, she sat next to Lin Yi and took a sip of tea. "If you don't work hard when you are young, will you be like you?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "What does it have to do with me? Don't take everything with me."

Wen Zhaoyi said, "My junior sister fell to King Yong, so you are not nervous at all.

 King Yong is a decisive person. Once he ascends the throne, he will not think about brotherhood.

 Aren't you worried?

 At that time, neither your position nor that of the king may be secure. "

Lin Yidao, "Shouldn't it be the prince and my other brothers who should be worried?"

It is true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the **** is.

Wen Zhaoyi said, "You have a big heart."

Lin Yi said in confusion, "Didn't you say that my emperor always dreamed of destroying Jizhao'an?

Jizhao'an helped Lao San so blatantly, weren't you afraid of breaking a taboo?

 Besides, Lao San suddenly became the standout.

 Whether it’s me or my other brothers, it’s not a good thing to attack them in groups, right? "

Wen Zhaoyi said coldly, "Jizhao'an's behavior has always been like this, to show their attitude to the world.

 Once Jizhao'an expresses its attitude, those who are undecided will make a decision.

 Do you think there will be more and more people supporting King Yong? "

Lin Yi’s hands were very dirty from eating grapes, so he washed them with a teapot, wiped them, and then said, “But it’s too early for this newcomer to do it, right?

 I am not dead yet. "

 “King Yong lost Yongzhou,”

Qi Peng suddenly spoke slowly and leisurely, "Mei Jingzhi is a veteran of hundreds of battles, and he is in the same army with King Yong. His appearance is in harmony but his heart is not the same. Otherwise, how could Cao Datong take advantage of it?

If King Yong loses Hongzhou again this time, I am afraid there will be no place for him to stand up.

 No matter what happens, it will not be worse than the current situation. "

"That's true." Lin Yi snorted coldly, "Is this Jizhao'an so awesome?

According to this, wouldn't it be enough to devote all our efforts to cultivating a few more great masters and ninth grades?

Why train troops? Not only do you have to pay them, but you also have to take care of food and drink. It's a thankless effort. "

 “Do you really think that the Grand Master is just a cabbage?”

Wen Zhaoyi gritted his teeth and became even more angry with Lin Yi, "I have already said that there are only a few masters in the world alive!

 There are no more than twenty people who can reach the ninth rank!

There are two great masters in Jizhao Temple, one is the master Jingyi, and the other is the first master Jingkuan.

 There are four other ninth-grade people.

 They do not have the ability to compete for the world, but they have the ability to decide who can compete for the world. "

Lin Yi vaguely understood.

Jizhao'an has no soldiers or generals. Although there are martial arts masters, it is impossible to conquer the world.

 To put it bluntly, Jizhao'an is a force that breaks the balance between the two parties.

 At critical moments, it can be used by special forces to carry out beheading operations.

 “It’s not that big of a deal, right?”

Lin Yi is only thinking about when cannons and muskets that do not explode can be successfully developed!

 “Ignorant fool!”

Wen Zhaoyi waved his sleeves and walked away.

On Lin Yi’s left and right sides were Hong Ying and Qi Peng.

Lin Yi wondered, "Is the Grand Master really that great?"

 Qi Peng looked at Hong Ying, lowered his head and said nothing.

Hong Ying smiled and said, "Your Majesty, when the great master sees you, he will definitely bow his head and bow to you."

 After saying this idiom, he was very satisfied!

In all of Wang Ye's novels, the most frequently used idiom, besides being so terrifying, is bowing before bowing. This shows how much I like this idiom!


Lin Yi clapped his hands and said, "When the time comes, I will definitely let them feel what awe-inspiring righteousness is!"

Hong Ying pondered for a while and then said boldly, "Your Majesty, what is Haoran Zhengqi?"

 This was the first time he heard this word, and he had never read it in the prince's book.

   “It’s hard to say.

 It is Qi, which is extremely large and strong. If it is maintained directly and does no harm, it will be blocked between heaven and earth. "

Lin Yi couldn’t remember what was happening behind him. Looking at Hong Ying who was full of curiosity, he finally said nonsensically, “The heaven and the earth have righteousness and are endowed with manifolds.

 The bottom is the river and the mountains, and the top is the sun and stars.

Anyway, it’s a very powerful thing. As long as you have it, you can follow the rules and ward off evil and maintain integrity! "

 He thought of Liaozhai.

 It’s a pity that I don’t have time to write it now, otherwise I have to write it out.

 Want away evil spirits?

Hong Ying's eyes lit up and he said cautiously, "My lord, are you talking about the sword technique to ward off evil?"

 “Anti-evil sword skills?”

Lin Yi looked at him with pitiful eyes. This kid is reading a novel and is stupid!

It has become so responsible for today, and I can't bear to blame him. I can only perfunctory, "Almost."

 “I understand, little one.”

Hong Ying’s face was full of joy.

Lin Yi wanted to ask, what do you understand?

 But I’m embarrassed to ask.

 There is nothing wrong with just letting him live in his own world.

 Originally, he is a pitiful person.

 He should really take more care of him.

 Not to mention that he has been serving the people around him since he was a child.

 (End of this chapter)

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