Chapter 114 Auction

“Very good, as I said before, the first place will be given fifty taels, the second place will be given thirty taels, and the third place will be given ten taels, and we will continue.”

Lin Yi’s purpose in organizing these activities is very simple, which is to improve production and living tools. Even if there is only a small change in the plow and plowing a little more land than before, it is considered progress.

 This is an agricultural society through and through.

 He is a modern man who has received higher education, has eaten pork, and seen pigs running.

 However, we will never move the modern system here.

 The birth of every system has its own historical background.

 The old is not gone, the new is mixed together, there is no consistent order, mechanical imitation or blind promotion are all copycats, and in the end they are neither fish nor fowl.

 Instead of doing this, it is better to start with some small things and cultivate the "human spirit".

For example, awareness of hygiene, attitude towards learning arithmetic and chemistry, and an enterprising spirit to pioneer and innovate in production and life.

 He wants to improve the atmosphere of this society first.

“Yes,” Xie Zan refilled his tea, took a sip and continued, “The blacksmith from Nanzhou is very powerful, and the knives he forged can be said to be as good as clay.

 Master Bian has already provided money to help him open a blacksmithing workshop. "

“The knives are second. After all, these are used on the battlefield. Sanhe won’t be able to use them for the time being. It would be more practical for them to make more sickles, shovels, chisels, and hammers.”

Lin Yi said while peeling lychees, "Any kind of competition can be held, such as brick-burning, porcelain-making, carriage-making, bow-making, carving, and ship-building are all handicrafts.

 As long as anyone does well, I will not be stingy with money. "

Xie praised, "Your Majesty is wise!"

“Stop talking nonsense, you guys, you still have to use your brains more. Sanhe not only wants to retain people, but also retain talents,”

Lin Yi suddenly remembered something, "Also, let Mr. Bian and the blacksmiths work together to figure out how to prevent the cannons and muskets from exploding."

Ever since Wen Zhaoyi learned the details of Jizhao'an, he felt a little uneasy.

  No matter what, you still need some self-protection power.

He has an inexplicable self-confidence. As long as he has cannons and spears, even copper and iron can be blasted to smithereens!

 “Don’t worry, Your Majesty!”

Xie Zan said seriously, "I must do my best in my humble position!"

There is no need to talk to the prince about this kind of thing.

 This is the main direction of attack for these old men.

Especially He Jixiang, the former governor of Beijing, understood the importance of firearms better than anyone else.

 After receiving his instruction, there were more and more competitions in Baiyun City.

 Not only official, but also private.

 The entertainment industry, which had been hit hard before, is now gradually recovering.

The businessmen who escaped from Hongzhou brought Hongzhou’s advanced business concepts and opened the first brothel in Baiyun City.

 The first Oiran Competition was held in Baiyun City. For a time, Baiyun City became more energetic than before.

Yingying Yanyan, so lively.

Lin Yi's eyes filled with excitement.

He gave orders to the left and right, such a brothel owner is a talented person, so he must take more care of him and don't kill him!

 At the oiran competition scene, the government's police officers also helped maintain order.

 The autumn harvest is beginning one after another, and the big ships from Baiyun City come back one after another, filling the rivers.

Whether it is the residents of Baiyun City or the refugees from other places, they have never seen such a spectacular scene, which surrounded both sides of the Xijiang River.

 “Where are the rats used as flags?”

 “The rat on this flag is really big”

There are always people who can’t help but laugh and point at the flags fluttering in the wind on the big ship.


 The locals who knew the Hewangfu flag coldly snorted, “That’s an otter!

 Not a mouse! "

“Yes, you are all blind, you can’t tell the difference between a mouse and an otter.”

 Some people followed suit.

 “What’s the difference between that and a mouse?”

 Then someone was unconvinced and said, "They are all bearded!"

 It was chaotic and quarreling for a while.

In addition to a large number of Nanyang specialties such as spices, ivory, corals, pearls, etc., the big ship came with it, as well as a long string of Nanyang natives tied with ropes.

  It was publicly auctioned in Baiyun City, with prices ranging from 500 copper coins to 30 taels of silver according to gender and strength.

 The most valuable items are young women and adult men.

Young women could serve as servants and even meet the needs of some wealthy people.

 Adult men are the best laborers. During the autumn harvest, these natives are basically working hard in the fields.

As for the elderly and children, they are not completely useless. They can help dry the corn and look after the children.

Lin Yi himself didn’t expect that the “auction method” he implemented in Sanhe would be so slippery.

Driven by curiosity, he visited the auction house in person and found that some of the so-called "Nanyang natives" were not natives at all. After all, they looked very different and he didn't know where they were robbed.

 He suspected that they were caught from the coast of Ayugu, but there was no evidence.

The Holy Mother's heart broke out, and he originally wanted to ban the breeding of natives in Sanhe.

However, we are afraid that excessive force will be used to damage shipping.

The Chief Secretary can only be asked to promulgate regulations one after another, and the natives must be raised and raised in accordance with the Sanhe Basic Law!

  It's a matter of buying it, but you have to pay wages, and you can't kill people or beat them at will. Otherwise, the natives also have the right to appeal.

 Aspiring scholars can enter the school, and those with superior martial arts can enter the guardhouse.

 In short, everything must not violate the rule of "when you come, you will be a Sanhe person".

For Lin Yi, there is no other way to use "natives" to enrich Sanhe's labor force.

At this moment, Du Yinniang, Tian Shiyou, Ge Laoshan, Liang Gen, Qiu Wujin and others, including Shanqi and Xie Zan, were all sitting at the dinner table in Hewang Mansion.

Lin Yi held the tea cup and said nothing.

Shan Qi suddenly said, "Everyone, according to Liang's law, if you mint coins privately, you should be executed immediately!"

 Seeing that Prince He was silent, he became more confident.

Wealthy families like Liang Gen and Qiu Wujin can no longer be allowed to develop!

Liang Gen and Qiu Wu Jinteng knelt in front of Lin Yi, which shocked Lin Yi.

He stood up, waved his hands and said, "I am too lazy to take care of your affairs with the government."

 After saying that, he took Da Heizi, who was chewing bones under the table, out of the house.

 Everything is going in the best direction.

 He was finally able to find time to continue writing novels.

 After unremitting efforts at this stage, the 300,000-word masterpiece "The Proud God of War" was finally completed.

 “My little admiration for the prince is like a torrential river, endless!”

 Hong Ying is very excited!

 He actually became the first reader of this book!

 Through this book, he finally understood what "where does compassion arise" and "great teachings spread all over the world", the real insight into the mystery!

 Three sleepless days and nights, he read this book seven times.

I really can’t bear to let it go.

 (End of this chapter)

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