I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 112: The void has its own ten-foot body

Chapter 112 The void has its own ten-foot body

Five thousand guards and more than three thousand civilians were high-spirited and full of energy as the residents of Baiyun City passed each other off.

 However, before walking for half an hour, we had to turn back halfway.

 Ye Qiu has promised He Jixiang that he will definitely bring back the bandit leader!

He Jixiang strictly follows what Lin Yi said to "treat combat readiness training as a real war."

I didn’t feel much after leaving and then coming back. After all, it was like this every time I trained.

 The most disappointed ones are the residents of Baiyun City!

 After all, they have too much expectations!

Last time I went to suppress corrupt people and came back empty-handed, is it like this this time?

What are you doing?

 It made their faces look very dull!

How can we brag to the refugees from other places about how awesome and powerful the guardhouse is?

 It’s so disappointing!

 Ye Qiu rode alone towards Jinji Mountain.

Five days later, he slowly walked forward with a piece of dogtail hanging from his mouth, followed by a group of bandits who looked like beggars.

If it were the past, every family in Baiyun City would have kept their doors closed to avoid getting into trouble.

 However, today is different from the past. With so many officers and soldiers from the guard station and arresters from the yamen, who can still be arrogant?

 In the words of Chief Catcher Bao Kui, in Sanhe, the dragon has to be coiled up and the tiger has to lie down.

Although they hate Bao Kui and disdain the black men headed by Bao Kui, they deeply agree with what he said.

 So, now they have all exposed their true nature: watching.

No matter how big or small it is, they always come forward to watch the excitement.

If they hadn't been stopped by the black man halfway, they could have followed all the way to the Chief Secretary's Yamen.

Shan Qi looked at the hundreds of bandits wearing tattered clothes at the door, and then looked at Ye Qiu on horseback and said, "Bring the culprit Jiang Sixi to the prince, and he will punish him."

The remaining people will undoubtedly be sent to labor camps.

Ye Qiu snorted coldly at a middle-aged man in his forties with an unshaven beard, then rode away.

 The middle-aged man, hunched over, hurriedly followed behind.

 All the way to Prince He’s Mansion.

Sun Yi went in to report.

Lin Yi lay on his back under the grape vines, squinting his eyes and looking at the middle-aged man kneeling behind Ye Qiu.

His face was unshaven and pitted, he was dressed in rags, and there was a knife hanging on his waist.

“What kind of sword-wielding scholar Jiang Sixi is this?”

Lin Yi was very confused.

This is a bachelor?

 And the knife was used!

The middle-aged man kowtowed and said, "Go back to your lord, the common man is indeed called Jiang Sixi, and the swordsman is the master of the family!"

Ye Qiu coughed and said with a smile, "The prince didn't know something. He was kicked out of his house seven years ago. The world is so big and there is no place for him to live, so he went to Jinji Mountain.

Later, when I left Jinji Mountain, this useless disciple actually used my name in vain.

 It really deserves to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts! "

 “Master, have mercy on me!”

Jiang Sixi’s head hit the ground with a loud thud, and the ground was covered with blood. “My disciple is not good at martial arts, so there is really nothing we can do!”

"Get up," Lin Yi waved his hand, "it's unlucky to have so much blood in the yard."

Ye Qiu hurriedly said, "You bastard, you didn't hear what the prince said, get up quickly!"


Jiang Sixi jumped up quickly, letting the blood on his forehead flow around his thick beard and down his neck to his body.

Lin Yi said, "I am bleeding. Go and wash yourself before coming back to see me."

Jiang Sixi followed Sun Yi down, and came back after a while. There was still a **** wound on his forehead.

 Seeing this, Mingyue threw a white silk scarf over.

Jiang Sixi took it and tied it to his forehead.

Lin Yi said, "Jinji Mountain is a land that produces gold, why are you so poor?

Look at you, you're such a coward, you don't even have a pair of shoes. "

 “The prince doesn’t know something,”

Ye Qiu will answer this question, and he is naturally obliged to answer, "Opening a mine is not an easy task. Whether it is a government mine or a private mine, both of them cannot make ends meet."

 Otherwise he could afford to pay for ten lychee trees, not to mention one thousand-year-old lychee tree!

 “Can I still lose money by mining?”

Lin Yi didn’t believe it.

 After all, he doesn’t know much about this aspect.

Ye Qiu said, "Your Majesty, it's not easy to pan for placer gold. What you get in a year is barely enough for people to eat horse chews."

Lin Yi asked, "Isn't there a gold mine? Can't we dig it directly?"

Ye Qiudao said, "It is also dangerous to break through rocks and holes, and it is beyond human power."

 “If manpower doesn’t work, what about explosives?”

Lin Yi doesn’t believe in evil.


 Ye Qiu's eyes lit up, he cupped his hands and said, "Of course!

 Cracking mountains and breaking rocks is no big deal. "

 He has seen how Bian Jing built roads!

Lin Yi looked at Jiang Sixi and said, "I will give you an opportunity to make a fortune, do you think so?"

As soon as Jiang Sixi looked at the master, he was glared back. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "The common people will obey the prince's arrangements."

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction and said to Sun Yi, "Bring him to Shanqina. If there is a gold mine, it would be unbearable for heaven to not mine it!"

Sun Yi retreated with Jiang Sixi.

Ye Qiu looked at Lin Yi, then at Hong Ying who had an expressionless face, and finally left the room cautiously.

 The sunset fills the sky.

 He and Sun Yi were guarding one foot of the bench.

 One is holding a tea cup, and the other is waving a branch in his hand.

“Your apprentice is so old, and you have the nerve to be his master.”

Probably because his family members are here, Sun Yi has been in a particularly good mood recently.

Ye Qiu said, "Kneel down and kowtow, and I can teach you swordsmanship."


 I don’t need your teaching. "

Sun Yi said in a bad mood.

Whether it was Hong Ying or Wen Zhaoyi, as long as they had the shamelessness to ask for advice, these two people were always willing to teach.

Isn’t it good to have two great masters as masters?

You have to find a great master like Ye Qiu to defeat him.

 “My swordsmanship is unique in the world,”

Ye Qiu said proudly, "Once you learn my swordsmanship, you can go anywhere in the world."

Sun Yi said disdainfully, "Let's talk to the palace about when you can get out of here."


 Ye Qiu's wound that was about to heal was torn apart again, and a handful of salt was sprinkled heavily on it.

It broke our hearts.

 His good friend Dui came and looked at the handful of lychees handed over.

 He didn’t answer.

 He thought of the lychee tree again.

 He hates lychee trees the most now!

 To this point, it is all the fault of the lychee tree.

And why do lychees grow on lychee trees? They are so delicious.

Someone likes to eat so much!

 “You can learn how to use a hammer from me,”

Ah-Dai never peeled the lychee when he ate it. After entering his mouth, he rolled his tongue and the lychee skin came out, and then he started chewing it.

“The steward said that my hammer has been trained to the point where it can smash through the void.”


 Ye Qiu asked curiously, "What is void?"

Just when Ah-Dai was about to shake his head to express his ignorance, Sun Yi spoke.

“You don’t even know this, but you still have the nerve to say that you are invincible under the Grand Master?”

Sun Yi said proudly, "The manager said, I don't fight with things, things don't get in my way, I turn around without showing any trace, and I go straight to the wonderful peak, it's just nothing!"

 “Void itself has a body of ten feet!”

Ah-Dai suddenly said loudly.

 (End of this chapter)

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