I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 110: The saint comes out

Chapter 110 The Saint Appears

The number one swordsman who was once the most invincible swordsman in Daliang Kingdom has actually been reduced to the point where he is now allowed to be beaten and scolded by others!

 The more I think about it, the more angry I get!

 However, there is nothing you can do.

Who makes his own skills inferior to others?

Sun Yi said, "I am a great master. Isn't it just a joke to beat you?"

 I'll give you a good beating. I'm showing mercy. Just be content. "

 Ye Qiu said unconvinced, "That's because I'm not ready."

Sun Yi smiled and said, "How about you go in and try again?"

 Ye Qiu said proudly, "I am invincible even under the great master!"

Sun Yi said calmly, "So what?"


 Ye Qiu turned his head and stopped paying attention to Sun Yi.

 He was hurt too.

 There are actually two great masters in one and the palace!

It’s really scary.

 He was very lucky that he did not break into the palace when he traveled around the world. Wouldn't that place be even scarier?

Wen Zhaoyi practiced cultivation and came out of seclusion.

Lin Yi specially asked the kitchen to prepare a large table of dishes.

 “I’m glad that my sister is out of isolation. I’d like to give you a toast.”

Lin Yi raised the cup.

Wen Zhaoyi took a sip of wine and said, "What's so gratifying? Isn't it like this every year?"

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Sister Wen has been in seclusion for the past few days. She probably hasn't eaten well or drunk well. She has lost a lot of weight."

 He thought that seclusion meant not eating or drinking, which was similar to fasting.

Wen Zhaoyi was in seclusion. Although she could not go out, she still ate and ate more. Big fish and meat were indispensable every day.

 What’s amazing is that I didn’t gain weight.

 Thinner than before!

Lin Yi looked at his belly and wondered if the other party had secretly taken some weight loss pills!

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "I haven't seen you visit me even once?"

Lin Yi said, "The main reason is that I'm afraid of disturbing my sister's retreat."

Wen Zhaoyi snorted coldly and ignored him.

  Turning to look at Ye Qiu who was cutting flower branches at the door.

 After Ye Qiu shuddered all over, he slowly turned his head, not daring to look at him.

Wen Zhaoyi asked, "Where did you pick this up from?"

This woman is actually more terrifying than the dead eunuch!

Lin Yi smiled and said, "He cut down my beloved lychee tree. He has no money to pay for compensation, so he can only do hard work here.

Oh, by the way, Xiao Yingzi, remember to go back and get his fingerprints signed for ten or eight years. "

Hong Ying smiled and agreed.

 Ye Qiu looked filled with despair after hearing this.

 But facing two great masters, he really didn’t have the courage to say “no”!

 He is not stupid!

Lin Yi was preparing to go fishing after finishing his meal.

 For fisherman, once you are addicted, you don’t care whether it is hot or not.

Sun Yi suddenly ran in and said that Shan Yin was back.

Shan Yin, who has a bruised nose and swollen face, is followed by the charming and leisurely Ye Jinyu.

Lin Yi looked at the two people in surprise.

“It’s really fate that you guys can bump into each other on the way.”

Lin Yi joked while holding the tea cup.

Shan Yin smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, it's really hard to say enough!"

He went to Chuanzhou to find his uncle Shanjin. He only knew that Chuanzhou was the home of Jizhao'an, so he never expected to be so unlucky as to meet Ye Jinyu directly!

This girl is so haunting that she can be encountered wherever she goes!

Lin Yi looked at Ye Jinyu again. This girl was wearing a bamboo hat and a green round-neck robe, covering her neck to her feet.

However, the moment he entered the door and went up the steps, Lin Yi realized that she was barefoot, and he hadn't paid much attention to it before.

“Girl at night, if you don’t have shoes, why are you barefoot? It’s so hot. It doesn’t burn your feet, but it also stings them.

 Do you have no money to buy shoes?

 I will give you a pair. "

 “Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, I don’t need it.”

 Ye Jinyu gritted his teeth.

Lin Yi seemed not to notice, holding the teacup and continued, "Why are my feet so white when I walk barefoot?

  Do you have any recommendations for good whitening methods? "

 As a believer in science, he naturally wants to sincerely seek advice when encountering something that is not scientific at all.

 “Your Majesty, please respect yourself!”

Ye Jinyu’s face turned red.

Shan Yin was secretly happy that this woman was finally deflated!

Looking at Lin Yi with admiration, the prince is worthy of being a prince!

This way of teasing women is different from others!

Lin Yi asked curiously, "Do you mean that I don't respect myself anymore?

 You can insult my taste, but you cannot insult my character! "

 “Don’t dare!”

Seeing Mingyue's penetrating gaze, Ye Jinyu finally restrained his tone and said, "The daughter is here to ask the prince a question on behalf of the master."

Lin Yidao, "Your master is a great master. What do you have to ask me?"

“The Huang River bursts its banks and there is a severe drought in Yuezhou,” Ye Jinyu said word by word. “What should we do if the world is in chaos and the people starve to death?”

 “Why not eat ground meat?”

Lin Yi blurted it out without thinking.

 This is a score question!

Ye Jinyu was stunned for a long time after hearing this.

 No matter what, she never thought that the legendary "ignorant and ignorant" prince would answer like this!

 This is not only uneducated but also simply ignorant!

“My lord, do you really think so?”

 “Why do I think so and what do you do?”

Lin Yi didn't like this aggressive tone and snorted coldly, "Come on, let's see you off."

Mingyue raised her hand and said, "Miss Ye, please."


Ye Jinyu held up his hand and when he walked to the door, he took his sword from Bao Kui's hand.

 He and his master entered the palace, but they never handed over their swords!

Lin Yi saw her fading away and said angrily, "I am really the boss of the day, and I am the second child, doing inexplicable things."

Wen Zhaoyi, who never said a word from beginning to end, smiled and said, "It's actually not too late for you to chase me back now."

 “Why should we pursue it back?”

Lin Yi asked curiously.

Wen Zhaoyi said, "You dare to say what you just said because you don't understand Jizhao'an."

Lin Yidao, "Aren't you just a great master? What's so great about him?"

Wen Zhaoyi sighed, "Don't you have the slightest idea about the great unification?"

Mingyue, Zixia and others looked at each other, left the house, and quietly closed the door.

Lin Yidao, "Are there any benefits to being an emperor?"

Wen Zhaoyi said, "You alone have the final say in this world, isn't it enough?"

Lin Yi pursed his lips and said, "I'm not interested. I have to worry about money every day when I open my eyes."

 This is a true portrayal of his father, Emperor Delong.

Since he ascended the throne, the national treasury has never been rich. As the emperor, he looks at the scenery from a high position, but when the people below him ask for money, their scalps still feel numb.

Wen Zhaoyi said slowly, "Do you know if Jinyu went to King Yong or the prince that night, how they would treat each other?"

Lin Yidao, "What will happen?"

Wen Zhaoyi said, "We walked backwards to greet each other and treated him as a guest."

Lin Yi asked in confusion, "What is the reputation of Jizhao'an?"

"For those who are willing, Jizhao'an is their support," Wen Zhaoyi sighed, "Looking at you, you probably haven't heard of it. When the world is in order, the saints hide, and when the world is in chaos, the saints emerge."

“Why is it so strange for such eloquent words to come out of your mouth?”

 Lin Yi didn't feel right about it.

 (End of this chapter)

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