I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 103: information

Chapter 103 News

Of course, if you have learned two or three moves of Lingbo Weibu in school or on the playground of the health center, you can also try to escape and see who is faster, you or the black leather knife.

 After all, you are not the only one who went to labor camp with injuries.

How many people in the world can withstand a group fight at the third, fourth or fifth level?

 In short, no matter what rank you are, anyone who acts arrogantly in Sanhe or Baiyun City will not end well in the end.

 So, this made those masters lose their temper.

Being pointed in the nose and scolded by ordinary people, but the scolding can't stop you from taking action, you will be as aggrieved as you want!

  There is no way to settle the score happily!

 The most aggrieved people are those who are accustomed to buying and selling without capital. Money comes easily and money is spent quickly.

Every day I feel like I don’t have enough money to spend, and this feeling is even worse after I came to Baiyun City.

If you are short of money, you have to check out the rich and powerful houses, so that you can visit them at night.

 It’s a pity that during the crackdown, there is a curfew!

  It’s so late at night that I can’t even go out!

 Can only hide in the inn.

 So poor that one has to go to the streets to beg for food.

They never imagined that they would have such a miserable day.

Looking at the peaceful Baiyun City.

 Lin Yi was naturally very satisfied.

What's more, in just a few days, Bian Jing's road construction team has added hundreds of free laborers, all of whom are martial arts practitioners and are more useful than ordinary people.

Lin Yi saw with his own eyes that a man could carry a load weighing three to four hundred kilograms and chop down a waist-thick tree with one knife.

 It is really the best choice for building bridges and roads!

Shan Qi said, "To establish momentum, to create prestige, to form personal relationships, to use force to violate the prohibition, they should be punished. Your Majesty only allows them to go to labor camps. It is really kind!"

Lin Yi said with a smile, "It's a bit arrogant to be arrogant, but if the crime is not serious enough to lead to death, it's better not to harm Tianhe."

Shanqi said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Lin Yi left the Chief Secretary's office and met Jiang Chou holding a sword at the door.

 This person came to Sanhe together with the good cause.

 Because he was taciturn, Lin Yi was not impressed by him.

 “Isn’t it hot under the big sun?”

Lin Yi asked curiously.

“The prince is joking, the sun is scorching hot, how can it not be hot?”

When Jiang Qiu smiled, the scars on his face were crowded together, making him look even more frightening.

“Then why don’t you hide in the shade instead of standing in the sun?”

Lin Yi asked.

Jiang Qiu cupped his hands and said, "I'm waiting for brother Shanyin to come back."

Lin Yi said, "Just wait slowly."

He didn’t even know where the good cause had gone, it seemed as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

But he didn't bother to ask more questions.

 If he were not here, he would have less to worry about.

When the road from Baiyun City to Yuezhou was halfway through construction, the news that Wadan's 100,000-strong army occupied Yongzhou reached Lin Yi's ears.

Zhao Zhan, the prefect of Yongzhou, was surrounded by Wadan's army and died fighting hard.

"Damn it, Wa Dan is so cruel. Although Zhao Zhan is a civil servant, he is also a fierce general."

Lin Yi looked at Qi Peng.

Every time the news about Qi Peng is one or two days ahead of his sister.

Qi Peng cupped his hands and said, "Chen Yao, the official and supervisor of the Zhenbei Army, refused to save him."

 “Where is King Yong?”

A look of joy flashed across Shan Qi's face.

 In the end, he still looked grief-stricken.

Qi Peng glanced at Lin Yi and saw that he was silent, so he said to Shan Qi, "King Yong is still in Hongzhou and has asked himself to return to Yongzhou to quell the rebellion. The Holy Emperor may not have announced that Yang Changchun, who has never been defeated, will be appointed as the governor of Yongzhou's military affairs. Set out for Yongzhou with 100,000 troops."

 “Yang Changchun?”

Shan Qi’s brows knitted together.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Who is this?"

Shan Qi cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I've probably never heard of this person. He was a Jinshi, but he was actually a scholar and not proficient in martial arts.

 Delong served as the minister for ten years, and fought ten battles with Wadan and won ten victories.

 Later, he got on bad terms with Zhao Zhan and retired due to illness.

The Holy Emperor was very angry because of his illness. After demoting him to a common people, he was imprisoned pending judgment.

 I didn’t expect it would be reused now. "

Lin Yi asked curiously, "Very powerful?"

Shan Qi said, "I'm afraid only Lord Zhuguo, the prince's wife, can compare with him!"

Qi Peng said, "This man is on good terms with King Yong."

Lin Yi sighed, "This is what I have to admire about Lao San. He can put down his face and make friends with anyone.

 It’s just that this time Lao San lost Yongzhou, why is he still mad?”

Shanqi said, "Your Majesty, as long as Yang Changchun is gone, there will definitely be no danger in Yongzhou."

 “Yang Changchun?

Really that awesome? "

Lin Yi stood up, yawned and said, "Don't engage in personality worship. There is no true victorious general in this world."

 He couldn't hear the good news about the third child.

 Vaguely, he hoped that the third child would be as unlucky as possible.

He agreed very much with what Dai Wang said. It would be good for anyone to take the throne, let alone the third child.

This guy has the same temperament as his emperor, I don't even recognize him.

 Fortunately, I, the emperor, cannot eat the seeds of a tiger's poison.

 Three days later, Princess Lin Ning’s letter arrived.

Wang Qingbang took a look and said directly, "Your Majesty, this is indeed a Yongzhou matter."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Go back and tell me that there is no need for her to pass on news about matters in the court from now on. I know everything that needs to be known."

Wang Qingbang nodded and went to reply to the letter in person.

 Actually, he can leave these matters to his disciple Fang Bin.

 However, if the prince can trust him, he may not trust his apprentice.

Some things have to be handled by oneself.

Sun Yi walked in, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, Master Zhang is here."

Lin Yi asked, "Which Mr. Zhang?"

Sun Yidao said, "Master Zhang Mian."

Lin Yi said, "Let this old boy come in."


Sun Yi had already reached the threshold, but he was limping, and Lin Yi noticed something strange.


Lin Yi called him to stop.

“Your Majesty, do you have any other orders?”

 “What’s wrong with your legs?”

“It was a small accidental fall”

After finishing speaking, Sun Yi glanced at the expressionless Manager Hong.

 Can you tell the prince that your legs were beaten by the steward?

Just because I didn’t take good care of the lychee tree at the door!

 Seriously, I will not die.

At least the manager still has some respect for the prince.

Hong Kong and the prince's palace can't have people missing for no reason, making the prince suspicious.

 I am afraid that my life will be worse than death!

Lin Yi said with a bored look on his face, "From now on, keep your eyes peeled when you walk, and don't be frizzy."

 When Sun Yi retreated, he continued to murmur, "With so many people being careless recently, it's raining and the roads are slippery?"

 From Shen Chu to Bao Kui and the two idiots, no one can walk normally.

Even Mingyue, although walking normally, has not worn a skirt for many days.

  "I would like to express my sincere greetings to you, Your Majesty. Your Majesty may live a thousand years!"

Zhang Mian knelt in front of Lin Yi with a look of despair.

 “Mr. Zhang, long time no see.”

Lin Yi said happily, "Please sit down, I'm an old acquaintance, don't be so polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Zhang Mian stood up unceremoniously, picked up the tea cup, and took several sips.

Lin Yi said, "I haven't congratulated Mr. Zhang yet. He is promoted to the fourth rank by the Navy."

Zhang Mian smiled and said, "The prince is joking."

 What a genius wants to make this fourth grade!

The commander of the Army and Horses Division at the south gate of Ankang City is only a seventh-rank officer, but he has great authority!

Even the high officials of the court must greet him with a smile when they see him!

What's more, you have to be far away from your wife, children, and parents, and you're all alone.

 He really didn’t know who he had offended to end up in this situation!

 (End of this chapter)

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