I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 1: Visitors from another world

Chapter 1 Visitors from Another World

In the hexagonal pavilion, Lin Yi looked at the scorching sun in the sky, moved his buttocks up on the wicker chair, picked up the tea cup and drank it in a big gulp, drinking it all.

Then he continued to lie on his back with his eyes squinted.

A **** who had been standing opposite him hurriedly picked up the teapot on the table and filled his cup with water.

 “What a day to live! It’s so hot that I can’t help it!”

 Lin Yi sighed one after another at his personal attendant Hong Ying. Even though he had been in this world for eighteen years, he was still not used to living without air conditioning or fans.

 Summer is so difficult!

At present, he is risking "deviating from the orthodoxy" and damaging his "tall" image as a prince. He wears homemade large pants, shirtless, and is still sweating non-stop.

Hong Yingqi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, would you like to get you some more ice cubes?"

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at Hong Ying and said, "Forget it, it's not of much use."

The ice made of saltpeter can barely be used indoors at night. If you put it outside, it will have little effect. At most, it will provide some psychological comfort.

Hong Ying took the mung bean soup from the maid at the side and handed it over and said, "My lord, I feel sorry for you. Please drink some mung bean soup to relieve the heat."

“If you don’t drink, you’ll be full of tea. How can you drink it down?”

Lin Yi waved his hand impatiently. He was not used to people's excessive concern.

Hong Ying saw Lin Yi squinting his eyes and hurriedly said to the maid next to him, "What are you doing here? Quickly fan the prince."

Lin Yi said calmly, "Hey, when we have time and conditions in the future, let's go to the mountains to escape the summer heat."

 Feeling the cool breeze brought by the cattail leaf fan, he felt quite enjoying it.

 In my last life, I grew up in an orphanage without a father or mother.

I stumbled to an ordinary university, maybe the mind did not keep up, maybe the personality defect caused by the acquired environment. In short, he did not have a fortune.

 If nothing happens, he will be like most ordinary people, unable to afford a house, unable to marry a wife, and living in confusion for the rest of his life.

 Unfortunately, something unexpected happened. I was standing on the edge of the curb well, and a car could hit me. From then on, my wheelchair took the place of my feet.

 In any case, if you don’t have the courage to commit suicide, it’s better to live than to die.

 You have to eat to live, but you can’t find a job.

 Fortunately, he still has the identity of a code-word dog. Although he has written four or five books, each with poor results, he always has the illusion that he will become a **** sooner or later!

Sitting in a wheelchair, after passing through the period of decadence, he couldn't wait to open a new book.

 "Super Dad", just the title of the book makes me excited just thinking about it!

Integrating the styles of the crooked-mouthed God of War and the son-in-law at the same time, it is simply a genius setting, it is difficult to think of it or not!

  My fingers were tapping on the keyboard without stopping. I was so excited when I wrote that I wanted to jump out of my seat.

 So well written!

 It is impossible not to make one million a year!

 After uploading 10,000 words that night, I happily drank three bottles of beer, lay on the bed, hugged the pillow, and had the sweet dream of becoming a god!

But I didn’t expect that I would come to this strange world after waking up.

The ninth prince of the Liang Kingdom became a winner from the moment he was born.

Here, no one can bully him at will, he no longer has to worry about work, he no longer has to run around for life, and he is freed from the hardships of buying a house and marrying a wife.

 The most important thing is that you can stand in the sunshine and run again. There is nothing better than this.

Hong Yingqi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you go get ready? Tomorrow we can go to Deen's summer resort to spend some time. I heard that King Jin, King Nanling, King Xin, and the eldest princess are all here."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "This king is going to become a vassal soon, and it will take half a month to go back and forth, so there is no need to bother."

 From the moment he was born, he knew his situation.

The biological mother, Concubine Yuan Guifei, was favored and gave birth to a prince. There were countless pairs of red eyes in the palace staring at their mother and son, wishing they could get rid of them.

He is not guilty, but being in the royal family is the biggest mistake.

 Therefore, he never competed for favor in front of the old emperor to avoid being jealous.

 There are many resentful wives in the palace, many tricks, and many widowed sisters. If you don't pay attention, it will be difficult to survive to adulthood.

 Historically, the mortality rate of princes has always been high.

On the day of the arrest, he grabbed the gold coin without hesitation and held it tightly in his arms.

Even when he reached adulthood, he did not disappoint his brothers and concubines. He regarded wealth as his life, was greedy for pleasure, had no knowledge, no skills, and no ambition.

However, the old emperor was so disgusted with him that he did not let him leave the palace until he was sixteen years old.

According to the rules, the princes and nobles of the Liang Kingdom generally live in the Ankang North City of the capital, but Lin Yi's residence is arranged in the remote South City.

Originally, it was the house of Zhou Tao, the former minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He was implicated in a treason case and was chopped off in the neck by the old emperor. The house ransack was an inevitable result.

 Most of the people living around are civilians.

Lin Yi didn't care. It had been more than two hundred years since the Liang Kingdom was founded. The princes, emperors and grandsons were unknown, and their residences were not wealthy. It was already very good to get a mansion of their own outside the palace.

Moreover, until now, I finally have my own fiefdom.

Of course he would not stay in Ankang, the capital, and go to his own fiefdom. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. He can do whatever he wants. Who can control him?

"Your Majesty," Hong Ying said anxiously, "The temperature of the water and soil in Sanhe is combined with the miasma, which will kill ten to four to five people. It is impossible to leave!"

Lin Yi sneered, "Are you staying in the capital?"

His fief Sanhe is located at the southernmost tip of the Liang Kingdom, with the sea to the east and the barbarian land to the south. The environment is harsh and it is not easy to survive. It has been a place of exile in all dynasties.

 So, since he was named Queen of Sanhe five days ago, countless people in the capital have been laughing at him behind his back!

He didn’t take it seriously. After all, he was a highly educated newcomer!

How can you believe in miasma?

 The so-called miasma should be a complex of multiple diseases, including endemic diseases such as falciparum malaria and schistosomiasis. They are not related to each other. They are probably passed down from person to person and are generally called miasma.

Hong Ying hesitated and said, "But King Xin and King Dai are now."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "They are them, I am me, it's different."

The fifth prince, Xin Wang, and the sixth prince, Dai Wang, had already been granted the title three years ago. The fiefdom was many times better than that of Sanhe, but they still refused to grant the title of vassal.

Once you become a vassal, unless something special happens, you will never be able to return to the capital again in this life.

However, the emperor had no intention of urging.

Hong Ying said in a low voice, "The Imperial Concubine sent someone to tell you this morning that the Holy Dragon's body has just recovered. Your Majesty, you should show your filial piety."

Lin Yi said carelessly, "Anyway, the old man doesn't like me, and I won't be favored by him. What's the point of going away? Let's just go away as a vassal."

 He would not do such stupid things as competing for favors and direct descendants.

 What will happen if you become the emperor?

There is still no air conditioning, no wifi, and no LOL!

Going to the south, becoming a local emperor, marrying several wives, and living a life of drunkenness and dreams, nothing could be better!

 Besides, this is a historical dynasty that he knows nothing about. If he can't be a prophet, why should he fight for the throne?

 (End of this chapter)

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