She posted what she recently discovered to the chat skirt.

In the past few days, everyone has been paying attention to that person's actions.

It's just a pity that Miyano Shiho didn't find any clues in the news.

Miyano Shiho: [I always feel like my world is worthless, after all, it is a group of ordinary people. 】

Aizen: [Then what is the purpose of the other party going to your world? 】


It will definitely not be as simple as what Miyano Shiho said.

If so.

So what is the purpose of this behind-the-scenes black hand going there?

It won't be so simple to walk in the past.

Qiu Zixi: [I can't imagine that the world the other party goes to will be random? 】

Uchiha Madara: [Before I went, I didn't know what world I was going to? 】

Tony: [I seem to understand something... It's like a parallel world on our side. If you don't know the location, maybe you will send an error? 】

There is Tony out of this world here as a reference.

Naturally, many people also understand the concept of parallel worlds.

Perhaps, they also have this kind of concept, which world the other party goes to is random.

Because there are no coordinates, there is no way to determine the world I am going to.

White Beard: [This is too ridiculous, the other party doesn't know what world he will go to, but these...]

Although it feels right, even so, it always feels like there are some problems.

Aizen: [Actually, it’s not really ridiculous, the main reason is that the other party’s information is too little, we don’t know if the other party is a person or an organization, whether they will stay in that world for a while, or will hide in the back silently Watch the world change. 】

They don't even know what the other party's purpose is.

This is actually an unequal competition in itself.

Qiu Zixi: [When you said that, I suddenly had a bad feeling. 】

Good guy.

I used to be in a good mood.

But after listening to their analysis for a while.

Qiu Zixi suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Uchiha Madara: [There is no need to think too much, no matter what the other party's purpose is, we can't do anything for the time being. Speaking of which, I am dead now, but you can catch one and ask Whitebeard! 】

There is nothing Uchiha Madara can do here.

Otherwise, after resurrection, he can go to Nagato 0...

But at present, there is always a feeling that he is not Nagato's opponent.

After all, the opponent's body has recovered.

The eye of reincarnation is still on him, and Ye Kai can be used without injury.


This would be the case if Nagato hit Yekai in this state.

He estimated that he would go to Huangquan immediately.

In the state of the six realms, no one can take this kick, not even the resurrection of the Thousand Hands Pillar.

Qiu Zixi: [Yeah, old man with a white beard, try to catch someone, so we can know who is behind the scenes! 】

Now, all the people who have changed in the Pirate World know about it.

Crocodile, Enilo, Yamato, Robin, Nami.

As for the other hidden ones, I don't know.

After all, Hancock still has a smile and Lu Qi is currently walking according to the original trajectory.

So White Beard didn't see any clues.

White Beard: [I want to grab it, but I can't do it now. That Enilo can't be found now, and the whole world is spinning around.

His spaceship is very difficult for me to find him.

In addition, Yamato is in the first half of the great route. If I send people out, they will be targeted by the navy immediately.

Then Nami Robin didn't know where to go, Crocodile could try it. 】

After all, the four emperors are still the earth emperors trapped in such a small place as the New World.

If they really want to go out, they will be closely monitored.

His white beard can't go 3.0.

Once it leaves here, Kaido will come over.

Then the other pirates will also be ready to move.

Under normal circumstances, the Four Emperors would not leave their territory.

Except Wano Country, of course.

After all, Wano Country has natural barriers.

Crocodile is the only one looking for someone in the new world.

Crocodile is currently operating in the dark world.

Blue dye: [You can look for it! 】

White Beard: [Okay, it just so happens that I haven't seen him for a long time! 】

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since I defeated Crocodile that time.

But this time, when I found him, I had to ask carefully, what kind of existence was behind them.

With such a passive appearance, there is indeed some uneasiness in my heart.

Chapter 81 - The Visible Witness!

"You can see me, right? Right..."

A familiar voice sounded next to his ear, Jianzi didn't dare to look up, but continued to pretend to look at the phone.

At the moment, she also has some fear in her heart.

I didn't expect this to happen to me.

During the whole time, the originally peaceful life was completely broken because I could see those strange monsters and ghosts.

Because there is nothing special about it other than the eyes.

The strategy of turning a blind eye cannot be done about what it sees.

Because when you encounter a spirit body, you can't scream, you can't look at each other, and you can't show fear.

She is also somewhat uncomfortable at the moment.

"He...hasn't come back yet?"

Jianzi lowered her head, continued to look at the phone, silently began to think about the man she met last time,

That man, like himself, can see ghosts.

But different from himself, those ghosts will surround him whenever they meet him.

Originally, Jianzi wanted to ask the other party for help.

But since he seems to have something to do, he needs to be away for a while.

So Jianzi can only resist by himself for a while.

Wait for him to come back.

"Yo, you're not dead yet!"

The moment Bai Ye saw Jianzi, he couldn't help joking.

You can see the child.

This is not the heroine in the anime.

After the formation of this strange world view after the fusion of various worlds.

She shouldn't be a heroine anymore.

So in the same way, there is the possibility of death.

"It's you!"

Jianzi looked at the young man in front of him, feeling a little excited.

I am saved.

But before, she wanted to test whether she could see the ghost, so she just slipped away.

On Bai Ye, there is an existence that all ghosts fear.

No ghost dares to approach Bai Ye.

Even as long as someone stays with Bai Ye often and gets his breath, many ghosts can feel fear.

This man always gives people an existence that can easily destroy everything.

"It's me, how are you doing recently?"

Bai Ye didn't care so much, and just sat next to Jian Zi.

An unexplained sense of security instantly swept over Jianzi's body.

Sure enough, if he was by his side, even ghosts would be afraid.

"Can you tell me what I told you last time?"

It's scarier now than ever.

Jianzi felt that sooner or later he would die.

How about this, learn from the other party early on how to keep ghosts from approaching you.

Garlic, onions, crucifixes, and charms are all kept at home.

But there will still be ghosts.

"How about we find a coffee shop and chat slowly after you get out of school?"


In fact, Jianzi wanted to have a good chat with Bai Ye at this time.

But when I think of myself, I'm just an ordinary JK girl.

After all, I still need to go to class.

And in school, as long as he stays with Baihe Chuanhua, he seems to be much safer.

"Then please, this is my contact information, can you give me your contact information?"

Last time, Bai Ye walked relatively quickly, and the two sides didn't even exchange contact information.

It's just that Bai Ye said that he would find him.

Now it seems that the other party must be a remarkable person.


With that said, Bai Ye handed over the contact information to Jianzi.

main world.

Bai Ye doesn't need to be behind the scenes, as long as there are changes, there will be rewards.

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