Chapter 74 - Shirley ran into the mastermind behind the scenes?

As the story progresses.

Miyano Shiho 'worked' himself into the place where she was kept in the original book.

After waiting for people to leave almost.

She will escape with APTX4869 as in the original book.

Miyano Shiho: 【Everyone, wish me good luck! 】

Qiu Zixi: 【Don't die! 】

Tony: [Is Xiao Ai going to appear? 】

Uchiha Madara: [People who join the chat skirt generally have good luck, I believe you can survive! 】

Aizen: 【Come on! 】

The people in the chat skirt also blessed Hui Yuanai.

Don't look at the usual quarrels and discord.

But they also hold their own.

After all, everyone is a skirt person.

Miyano Shiho: [Thank you everyone, then I will eat first! 】

Taking out the hidden medicine, she swallowed it in one gulp. After a while, she felt as if her body was about to be torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, the body shrinks until it becomes a child.

Miyano Shiho: [I succeeded! 】

Sure enough, her luck would not be too bad.

Thinking of this, she immediately started to run using the ventilation duct.

Outside, the rain was pouring down.

Walking on the road, this time, the place Haibara Ai went was not Kudo Shinichi's side, but the direction where her sister was.

She wants to live with her sister.

Walking step by step.

Her head is also a little dizzy.


If you faint here, you won't be able to go to your sister's side!

Miyano Shiho reminded himself to cheer up.

But her head was getting dizzy.

Then, with a bang, Hui Yuanai fell down.

But what surprised her was that she didn't seem to fall to the ground, but fell into someone's arms.

"Yo, I accidentally picked up a small apple!"

Under the black robe, a smile flickered on the corner of Bai Ye's mouth.

Didn't you expect to meet the shrunken Miyano Shiho just after you came to Kexue World?

"listen well......"

Miyano Shiho felt that the voice in his ears was very magnetic, and unconsciously he felt better.

Before fainting, she looked up at the person who came, and saw that the person was covered in black robes.

Wouldn't it be someone from the organization? !

Before she could worry, Miyano Shiho couldn't hold on any longer and passed out.


Just as Bai Ye was about to take Hui Yuanai away, a person ran over from afar and said, "Sorry, can you give me this child, this is my child."


In front of him was a middle-aged man with gray hair and a scumbag on his face.

Bai Ye looked at the other party with some deep meaning, then handed Hui Yuanai to her and left.

"It's really strange, isn't Miyano Akemi dead?"

Although he disguised himself as a middle-aged man.

But Bai Ye could see the other party's disguise at a glance.

"Thank you."

Taking over Miyano Shiho from Bai Ye, Miyano Akemi's heart burst into excitement.

It looks like Shiho when he was a child!

Is it really like what I said before, APTX4869 can make people smaller?

The reason why she is here is because of the secret signal given to her by Miyano Shiho earlier.

Seeing such a miraculous scene now, she was shocked and also a little surprised.

After all, if he became a child, wouldn't he be able to leave the organization with his sister?

After reading this, she thanked Bai Ye again and left with Miyano Shiho.

A small apartment.

Miyano Akemi takes care of Miyano Shiho.

After changing her wet clothes, she covered the quilt and went out to prepare some food.

I don't know how long it has passed, in the darkness.

Miyano Shiho woke up in a daze, looking at the dark room, she immediately became vigilant.

Then, the door was pushed open, Miyano Akemi turned on the light, and the dazzling light shone on Miyano Shiho's face, making her unable to open her eyes for a moment.

"Eh? Is Shiho awake?"

"elder sister?"

Listen to this familiar voice.

Her originally tense body softened unconsciously.

"Shiho was really cute when he was young."

Now, the sisters are reunited, and they seem to have countless things to say.

Minmei asked about the stand-in doll.

In this scientific world, there is such a magical existence.

Miyano Shiho couldn't explain clearly either, so he could only find various reasons to fool him.

As she spoke, she seemed to have thought of something, and then asked, "Sister, was there a man in black before I fainted?"

Although she did not see that face.

But she always felt that there seemed to be an inexplicable throbbing in that person.

0····Ask for flowers···0

"Yes, thanks to him, if it wasn't for him, you would have fallen to the ground."

"It's like this..."

Hui Yuanai pondered for a while, and his thoughts were a little distracted.

She always felt that something was not quite right.

Open the chat skirt.

I found that there are countless @own messages.

Row up and have a look.

It's all about asking yourself if you've met the man behind the scenes that changed all the world.

Miyano Shiho: [Why did I meet the mastermind behind the scenes? 】

She was a little confused.

I just came out, but I haven't met anyone yet, so...

and many more! ?

That person is behind the scenes?

Qiu Zixi: [No way, you haven't met? 】

Tony: [Impossible! Absolutely impossible! The chat skirt here reminds you that you have met, as long as you provide clues, you will be rewarded, so hurry up! 】


Miyano Shiho:【I think I may have met it, but I was about to faint before, so I just took a look. It was raining heavily and he was covered in a black robe, so I couldn't see his face, I just heard it Sound, very...very...]

Yakumo Zi: [What is it? I'm dying of anxiety! 】

This is Chi Guoguo's clue!

Miyano Shiho: 【It's very sounds good...】

That's all she remembers.

As for the other party's information, she didn't know anything about it.

I thought that person was from the Black Organization, but I didn't expect it to be the mastermind behind the scenes.

It doesn't sound like it.

Qiu Zixi: 【Can this be considered evidence? 】

【Ding! not count! Please provide valid evidence! 】

The chat skirt directly overturned this statement.

Just kidding.

Is it useless at all?

Miyano Shiho: [I didn't know before, what should I do now, go back and have a look? 】

Tony: [You may be confused, and people may not be there when you go back at this time, what a pity! 】

This opportunity was wasted.

Speaking of it, it is indeed a pity!

The opportunity to find out who was behind the scenes was wasted.

Blue Ran: [I think it's okay, after all, she has no strength, but I'm a little puzzled, if he knew the plot, why would he return you to your sister? Could it be that he doesn't know the plot? 】talent.

Chapter 75 - The first collaborator, the three Maoyan sisters!

Miyano Shiho: [My sister was disguised before, so maybe...maybe you don't know? 】

In fact, she couldn't find a reason.

After all, when my sister came here before, she said that she was pretending to be a middle-aged uncle.

So, did the other party not recognize it?

Aizen: [You misunderstood me, what I mean is, if he knew the plot, how could he hand you over to Akemi Miyano? After all, the scene where you become smaller is part of the plot. 】


Aizen said so.

Miyano Shiho suddenly realized something was wrong.

Qiu Zixi: [Could it be that he doesn't know the plot? 】

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