"I don't know, but this reincarnation cannot be resurrected now, at least hundreds of years!"

Cuizi explained.

This is not something Qingming can resurrect if he wants to.

It takes hundreds of years of brewing.

In this world, the only remaining secret art of resurrection from the dead, how could it be possible to resurrect him so easily.

"It's going to be hundreds of years!"

Then rest assured.

"But he will come back with the memory of his previous life."


Dragon Bone Demon was silent for a while, then looked at Bai Ye and asked, "Boss, can you live until then?"

Bai Ye didn't know whether to cry or laugh at the crying appearance of Dragon Bone Essence.

"Boss, we are not the opponents of Qingming. If you die in a hundred years, we will die too?"

Seimei is definitely the strongest person in the world.

Up to now in history, there has never been an onmyoji who is more powerful than Seimei.

Back then, when Dragon Bone Essence faced Qingming, although he said that he did not have such pressure as Bai Ye, Bai Ye was a human being, and he would die sooner or later.

He didn't want Bai Ye to die like this.

"I won't die if you die."

"Although you are very strong, humans have a long lifespan. Would you like me to give you a way to transform into a half-demon?"

Death Ghost turned to look at Bai Ye.

He originally thought that Bai Ye would be free after a hundred years.

For the time being, follow Bai Ye first.

But since he knew that Seimei would be resurrected hundreds of years later.

Immediately he felt something was wrong.

Once Bai Ye is dead.

The revived Qingming will definitely bring his army of monsters back from the underworld.

At that time, he will definitely not be Qingming's opponent.

"Are you going to become a monster?"

Cuizi stared at Bai Ye firmly.

The original cooperative relationship with Bai Ye disappeared after Qingming's death.

She is human just like Bai Ye.

After a hundred years, it will also die.

So, she also has other thoughts in her heart at the moment.

There are so many big monsters here. ,

If it stays in the human world, it must be a disaster.

Even if she doesn't make a move, as a priestess, she will not associate with monsters.

"Cuizi, how about joining me, I will give you the power of eternal life."

"I don't want to be a monster."

"No! It is the eternal life of human beings!"

Bai Ye looked at Cuizi seriously.

He knew very well that the alliance between himself and Cuizi had collapsed.

He wanted La Cuizi to join him.

It is inevitable that this step cannot be crossed now.

See Cuizi still hesitating.

Bai Ye went on to say: "You may save more people. After death, there will be nothing. What's more, after hundreds of years, Qingming will be resurrected. I need you!"

Cuizi was also moved by Bai Ye's words.

Hundreds of years later, Seimei will still cause harm to the world.

If she could survive, she might be able to stop Seimei's plot in the future.

At the same time, when she survives, she can also help more people.

"`~Are you sure?"

Cuizi doesn't want to become a monster, but if she really tells Bai Ye, she is willing to join Bai Ye.

Although she didn't know what Bai Ye was going to do at all.

"Well, then you are welcome to join Cuizi. From today on, time will completely freeze on you."

As Bai Ye said, he raised his hand and an inexplicable wave moved across Cuizi.

In her mind, Cuizi was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

Bai Ye was actually able to stop the passage of time on him.

"Can you manipulate the power of time?"

Cuizi looked at Bai Ye in shock and asked.

The Dragon Bone Essence and the others on the side were equally astonished.

"No, if you can control the time, wouldn't you die too?"

Immortal Fairy Lingyue stared wide-eyed, looking at Bai Ye in disbelief.

Then, there was a flash of excitement in her heart.

If it is true, it is as said.

She felt that her previous idea seemed to be (good) not impossible!

"Boss, are you really not going to die?"

After hearing that Bai Ye would not die, Dragon Bone Essence also had an incomparable sense of security in his heart.

As expected of his boss, the factory!

Even time can be manipulated!

"Well, since you have all joined me, I will also empower you to protect yourself. I will tell you the plan later, and then just follow my plan."

Now is the time to spread the power.

The team has been selected.

He also wants to see what exclusive rewards he can get this time.

"Bao Xian Gui, Four Fighting Gods, Cui Zi, Ling Yue Xian Ji, and Death Ghost, since they are partners, don't attack each other in the future. I know what Cui Zi wants to say, and I will let them restrain themselves. In addition... ..Now let’s talk about why I gathered all of you together......".

Chapter 63 - Rewards for Collaborators, the Jade of Four Souls Appears!


Are you finally going to say what the purpose of finding them is?

In the beginning, they were actually a little strange about Bai Ye looking for him.

But the opponent's strength is too strong.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to resist each other.

And thinking that the other party is just a human being.

It will die in a hundred years.

At worst, just play with Bai Ye for a while.

After Bai Ye died, they were still free.

But now it seems that Bai Ye can manipulate time.

They were completely speechless.

Good guy.

This is not a game!

"The purpose is very simple. You all need to develop your own power. I don't have any other requirements."


That's it?

Originally thought that Bai Ye would give them a very difficult task.

But what he didn't expect was that Bai Ye actually sent them away like this.

"It's that simple. I don't really like to interfere with what other people do. You can develop your own power."

If the plot hadn't even started yet, Bai Ye wouldn't have arranged such a one.

What's the use of arranging so many for them now?

Not at all.

Then just let them do their own thing.

【Ding! Collaborator chooses 030 to complete, reward: demon power (spiritual power) purity evolves once, bloodline purity upgrade (can be shared with collaborators), individual host reward: 30,000 behind-the-scenes points, Qimen Dunjia]

[Qimen Dunjiashu]: The first secret art among the three secret treasures of Qimen, Liuren, and Taiyi. It is the master of art, Qimen Dunjia is based on the Book of Changes and Eight Diagrams, combined with elements such as astrology and calendar, astronomy and geography, eight gates and nine stars, yin and yang, five elements, three oddities and six rites.

in mind.

A stream of information appeared.

Bai Ye couldn't help being a little surprised in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Qimen Dunjia is so strong.

It involves arrays, spells, and the sun, moon, and stars.

It can be said that it is a combination of many.

Share the other two with collaborators.

Their bloodlines and spiritual power have each gone up to a higher level.

"Boss...is this the benefit you said?"

Depend on!

This is too good!

Dragon Bone Essence felt that his strength had risen to a higher level.

And the blood is even more pure.

The purer the monster's blood, the more obvious it will be to improve its own power.

"It's really a good benefit!"

Even the rebellious people such as the Four Fighting Gods and the Death Ghost can't help but sigh at this moment, it seems really good to follow Bai Ye.

People don't just don't interfere with what you do.

And it also increases your strength.

Where can I find such a boss?

There is one in front of you.

"Well, it's a benefit for you. After that, you can go about your own business, just remember what I said."

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