Since fifty to one hundred people had to be selected from six hundred people, Tang Yi's choice was very broad.

Don't be in a hurry.

He can choose slowly and choose the person he is satisfied with.

Everyone's inner desires are different.

Tang Yi heard some very ironic, but some were also very moving.

Even he himself couldn't help but be moved.

For example, what want to make grandma's body better, want to work hard to earn money for their children...

For these simple wishes, simple desires, Tang Yi generally respects them.

Learning to respect ordinary people is a very important thing.

The goals or ideals they want to achieve seem very ordinary, but in fact this is the steady happiness they want.

This kind of happiness may not be exaggerated, but it has the warmth of home for them.

In fact, Tang Yi is also very longing.

But now his only goal is to make his amusement park the most powerful amusement park in the world.

The current goal can be said to be just getting started.

Tang Yi still needs a lot of hard work, and has no time to talk about the love and hatred of these sons and daughters.

830 But Tang Yi felt that if he met the right person, he might as well learn more about it.

The so-called founding a family can also be the establishment of a family.

In fact, for Tang Yi, as long as he meets someone he likes, there is no problem.

Tang Yi directly left the resumes of a few people he thought were good, while the resumes of others were thrown into the trash can.

Anyway, he is not interested in these people, and it is impossible for him to become an employee of Youyou Amusement Park, so why bother to leave this pile of waste paper.

Fortunately, this is indeed a mini haunted house.

In fact, everyone who came out from the inside has a different evaluation of this haunted house.

Because haunted houses can see the deepest desires and ideals of people's hearts, what they see in haunted houses is different for each player.

They are able to enjoy life after they have achieved their ideals.

It can almost be said to spy on people's hearts.

Everyone's desires are different, so everyone's evaluation of haunted houses is completely different.

Some people's desires are very shameful, so his evaluation of the haunted house is also quite poor.

But some people's desires are very noble, very warm, very romantic.

He is very happy that these people can complete their ideals in the haunted house.

It takes about ten minutes for each round of interviewers to get in, so it probably takes nearly six hours.

In the end, Tang Yi felt that what he did was simply too right.

He had been here for so long, and he was already hungry. Fortunately, some cakes were prepared on the table to fill his hungry stomach.

The interviewers have almost been interviewed, and Tang Yi has selected about 200 candidates.

These two hundred people were chosen by him carefully.

And he has to remove one-half of the two hundred, and choose about a hundred people.

It is actually a laborious job to filter out one-half of it.

So Tang Yi thought about it and decided to hand over this matter directly to Commander Qin.

Commander Qin asked his men to help Tang Yi, because they have the right to find the personal information of these citizens.

So it is absolutely no problem to leave this matter to them.

Although Tang Yi felt that it was a bit overkill for them to do the work.

But to be honest, Tang Yi thinks these two hundred people are pretty good.

If let him choose, he decides to have choice phobia.

The military resolved things very quickly.

After only about half a day, Commander Qin gave Tang Yi the list.

Good guy, Tang Yi thought they found about a hundred people.

But now that there are only more than 50 people, the screening of the military department is still quite powerful.


"Mr. Tang, this matter is right if you ask us, at first we just conducted a rough screening.

"This time, we used our personality simulation system."

"Guarantee that these fifty people are good citizens with good hearts and will never do anything against the country."

"It won't be a traitor or something."

"Your current technology can never be stolen by outsiders, so we are also very concerned about it.

Commander Qin first expressed his attitude.

Tang Yi nodded.

Now that the staff has been recruited.

And the debris on the island is almost cleaned up now, Tang Yi only went to see it two days ago.

All the stones or weeds here have been cleaned up, and the island is quiet.

Tang Yi stood in the middle of the island and looked around the island, which had been cleaned up very well.

It won't be long before equipment can be placed on top, but the ground still needs some improvement.

Although the cleaning company did a good job, almost all the dead spots were cleaned up, and there were no weeds at all.

But the ground is still a little uneven.

The first thing he has to do is to find someone to level the ground, and the rest of the decoration will have to wait for his research room to come out.

Because he doesn't know how big the research room is, it's still too early to build the path.

But there was one thing that Tang Yi had to do right away.

Now that the staff has arrived, the next step is to get the staff dormitory.

They are on an island, there is no place to live around, they can only stay on the island.

So the staff dormitory is very important, in fact, Tang Yi almost forgot about it.

After Manager Han mentioned it, he wouldn't forget about it.

If you forget about this, and the employees come to the place where you don't live, what should you do?

In fact, the staff dormitory can be regarded as a beautiful landscape in an amusement park.

If the construction is good-looking, it will be quite outstanding. There will be many Internet celebrities and anchors here to take photos, or to shoot videos.

This kind of theme park is popular now, and Tang Yi has to keep up with the trend.

Therefore, even if it is a staff dormitory, it has to be built to look good.

The staff dormitory at Yoyo Amusement Park was quite ordinary and rudimentary before, and this time Tang Yi will never make the same mistake again.

He found a professional construction company.

Right now they haven't decided on a theme, so they need a house that can then be decorated externally.

But it must be able to use it now. This requirement is not difficult for construction companies.

They just need to build an unrenovated house,

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