I Developed A Playground and Turned It Into An Air Force Training Base

Chapter 145 Resolutely resist black hearted businessmen

Century Amusement Park reopened today, and it was rumored that Tang Yi's Lover's Island would be beaten up.

Although a large group of people are swearing on the Internet, there are still many people who come to visit on the opening day.

The most important reason is that they are thousands of yuan cheaper than Tang Yi's playground.

For ordinary tourists, this is a very deadly condition.

Tang Yi was also invited here, because the other party mainly focuses on VR experience, so it is an indoor playground.

"Haha, Mr. Tang, I didn't expect you to come."

"Since it was Mr. Li's kind invitation, how could I not come? 35

Just after entering the door, the sharp-eyed person in charge of Century Amusement Park saw Tang Yi and the others.

And also brought a lot of reporters around.

The other party is completely learning the business model of Lover's Island, but the ability is completely unable to keep up, so it can only be broadcast live on the whole platform.

"Mr. Tang, what is the purpose of your coming here this time?"

"Compared to Lover's Island, what do you think is the advantage of Century Amusement Park? Does Lover's Island have any shortcomings? 95

These reporters were obviously prepared with questions and wanted to catch Tang Yi by surprise. They also dug a big hole on the 26th question and waited for the opponent to jump.

They were not ready, and Manager Han was a little worried.

But Tang Yi didn't care at all.

"I just came in. You ask me such a question at this time. I can only say that this gate is not bad."

"He's handsome.

There were many people around, and when they heard Tang Yi's answer, they all burst into laughter.

"As for the purpose, I was originally unwilling to come, after all, Lover's Island and Century Amusement Park are in a competitive relationship, and we will inevitably be smeared and reported by some people when we come, which is not good.

"But Mr. Li has a very good personal relationship with me. He must have me come to visit and guide me. I am to blame, so I came here."

"Everyone, please don't report too much on me, so as not to overwhelm the guest.35

Tang Yi resolved all the embarrassment with just a few words, and made a beautiful counterattack.

This made Mr. Li and the others standing beside him very embarrassed.

But embarrassment was useless, Tang Yi kindly called Mr. Li to take pictures in front of the media and live broadcast.

Just as Mr. Li was still waiting for an opportunity to find his way back, there was a sudden commotion outside.

A bus stopped at the entrance of the playground, and then dozens of people got off the bus.

"Huh? Is this Leng Ruxue?"

"What? The guy who won the figure skiing championship?"

"Really are.

Some people in the audience screamed excitedly, and a large number of people didn't even bother to watch Tang Yi, and they all gathered around.

President Li also stepped forward and hurriedly introduced that they were special guests invited by Century Amusement Park.

People who use to experience the latest VR technology.

"Mr. Li is too shameless, he is completely imitating the way we operate Lover's Island.

Manager Han looked at the distance angrily and complained in a low voice.

"It's okay, our strength cannot be imitated by others."

"Let's go in and walk."

In the hall, there is a VR cabin in the exhibition area, which is shaped like an egg, and people can sit in it for an immersive experience.

The equipment looks a bit bloated. From Tang Yi's point of view, the playground is not meant to imprison people somewhere.

“It doesn’t look like a playground anymore, it looks more like some kind of science museum. 35

Tang Yi asked in a low voice: "Our Valentine's Island is an outdoor and indoor playground, but it must not be like this.

"I agree."

They arrived first, and then the Leng Ruxue women's team also walked in favorably.

The emcee invited her to come forward and introduce the advantages and experience of the VR cabin by the way.

A large screen is connected above each cabin, and you can see all the scenes of the experiencer's immersive experience.

"Mr. Tang, look.

Manager Han handed over the content of one of the live broadcast rooms to Tang Yi.

"Hey, although I was attracted by the mechas on Lover's Island a few days ago, I heard that mechas cannot be used for tourists. Compared with those, I prefer VR cabins.

"That is, the mode of Lover's Island is still the traditional mode after all, such as the big pendulum, roller coaster, simulator, it is just more thrilling and expressive, but compared to the VR cabin, it is a little less interesting. 35

"What do you mean upstairs? Can virtual reality compare to real reality? I'm a lover's island."

"Everyone, stop arguing, I'll be fair, I hope Lover's Island will withdraw from similar projects.""

Seeing the big from the small, the netizens are now divided into two groups, one group still supports Lover Island, and the other group has been attracted by the VR cabin.

Tang Yi didn't take it seriously, we still need to see how the actual installation works.

Leng Ruxue is an ice beauty. Although she listened carefully to the master of ceremonies to explain the functions and usage, she was more meticulous and did not stick to her words.

"Okay, I understand, I'll try."

After listening to the introduction, Leng Ruxue sat in the cabin and put on heavy glasses.

After entering the real and virtual scene simulation, there is a ski resort, and Leng Ruxue has fully mastered it after trying it a few times.

Can perform a variety of ultra-difficult trick skiing in the game.

"Amazing, I'm already eager to try it."

"It was too much fun.

"I'm going to take refuge in Century Amusement Park, which is YYDS.

The tourists stood outside and looked forward to it. Mr. Li saw that the atmosphere was about the same, so he came to the stage.

"Everyone, the VR cabin is located in the two major parks at the back, and now we have withdrawn a total of three immersive story experiences, I hope you will like it.

Tang Yi held the flyer in his hand, which briefly introduced the three scene experiences given by the VR cabin.

They are 823, Screaming Pen Fairy, Golden Treasure and Conquer the Ocean.

The game is very simple, it should be role-playing after immersion experience.

And Tang Yi just sneered after seeing it.

"Mr. Tang, what tricks do you see?"

"I thought the World Amusement Park was really so conscientious, and the ticket price for such a high-tech playground was so low. It turned out to be half price for admission and charges for props."9

"These stories are not meant to be successfully cleared with one life. If you fail to die in the stories, you may need to spend additional money to buy life-continuing privileges.

Tang Yi hated the way such games made money.

"And Leng Ruxue doesn't seem to be using the VR cabin for the first time. She is very skilled in entering and operating."

"We don't need to investigate, this Century Playground project is a semi-finished product, and it was launched in a hurry just to divert the traffic from Lover's Island.

Tang Yi, who understood this, turned around and walked out.

"Manager Han, remember, although our Lover Island also wants to make a profit, it's not about killing the chickens to get the eggs and stealing the money from the pockets of tourists. 35

"Such a thing is not acceptable.

Tang Yi and the others had just left, and countless reports had already spread.

Mostly, Mr. Tang was frowning, the lover's island was crushed, and where should the traditional playground go.

Click into it, and all the cookie-cutter content is touting the Century Playground and belittling the Lover's Island.

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