I Developed A Playground and Turned It Into An Air Force Training Base

Chapter 101 Experts questi1d, this is absolutely impossible!

"Really are!

Qin Wan's face was shocked and her scalp was numb!

Who can imagine that an amusement park is actually building a space station!

You know, hundreds of technologies are required to build a space station!

Aerospace powers like the Free Country, the Dragon Country, and the Xiong Country are basically the power of the whole country. Hundreds of thousands of scientists form a team and then conduct research.

And now?

An amusement park is actually building a space station?

Qin Wan saw Tang Yi and admitted it, but she couldn't accept the reality.

Subconsciously he murmured: "Is it a simulated real space station, a high-simulation room built?"

Now there are some aerospace-themed amusement parks, also in the name of spaceships and space stations.

But the so-called space station of these institutions is actually a room, decorated to look like a space station, and then put some deceitful instruments in it.

To be more reliable, some instruments and equipment used in the space station are also arranged.

At this time, in Qin Wan's mind, she kept recalling the scene she secretly saw just now!

That part of the space station components, as well as a booster module of unknown function, is almost the same as the actual space station components!

This shocked her subconsciously.

But thinking about it now, how is that possible?

In an amusement park, building a space station?

"General Manager Tang, you are so amazing."

Qin Wan is a scientific researcher, but she is used to calling Tang Yi another name, and immediately said with emotion: "Even if it is a simulated part, I believe you will study it for a long time!

"Who said it's a dummy part?"

Tang Yi smiled indifferently and said: "My space station is built, if I borrow the country's expedition rocket, but it is genuine and can be sent to space for work!


Qin Wan was immediately stunned, Qian's face flushed red, her body trembled, and she was speechless for a long time.

On the contrary, Huang Xuan reacted quickly and said excitedly: "Boss Tang, are you kidding me? If this built space station is launched into space, can it really be used as a real space station?"


Tang Yi said with a smile: "There are still 20 or so days, and this place will be built, and you are welcome to visit at that time.


Qin Wan on the side reacted, tremblingly said: "How is this possible!"

"Okay, after all, this project has not been launched yet, and our park is still working on confidentiality. Don't break in casually in the future. 99

Tang Yi exhorted,

"We got it. 35

Huang Xuan and Qin Wan looked at each other, both a little embarrassed, and quickly apologized.

Before leaving.

Huang Xuan hesitated for a long time, then asked respectfully: "Boss Tang, can I post what you just said on the Internet?"


Tang Yi smiled and said, "Remember to help me promote it.

"That's absolutely fine! Thank you so much, Boss Tang!"

Huang Xuan was instantly excited.

After getting such an exclusive news, he almost had a hunch that his position and annual salary would be mentioned this year!

And aside.

Qin Wan also asked: "Chief Engineer Tang, can I send these photos to my tutor for a look. "?"

"Who is your mentor?"

Tang Yi asked back.

"I was studying abroad and my previous mentor was Caitlin from MIT, who is currently working at the NSA in the Free State, where she is responsible for ground testing at Jet Labs in California."

Qin Wan explained, and then waved her hands blushing: "I don't mean anything else, it's just..."

"That's it."

Tang Yi saw the other party's nervousness at a glance, and immediately smiled: "Send it, just in time to let the top foreign scientists take a look at my research results."

Speaking of which, Tang Yi also generously added the other party's V letter and sent some more intuitive photos to the other party.

"Master Tang, thank you."

Seeing this, Qin Wan bowed excitedly and thanked Tang Yi.

Then the two of them reluctantly turned around and left.

the same day.

After Huang Xuan returned, he wrote the press release as soon as possible, and then posted it on the Internet.

【Youyou is preparing for a big exposure of the new project! Visitors will be able to experience the feeling of weightlessness on the space station on Earth! 】

See this amazing gimmick.

Many netizens were outraged.

Then went in for the first time.

The news also introduced the cause and effect in detail, saying that the reporter personally interviewed Tang Yi, the father of the sixth generation machine, the owner of Youyou, and personally confirmed the answer from his own mouth.

What made netizens even more stunned was that.

It is also written above that, according to the revelation given by Boss Tang himself, after the completion of the space station facility, it is comparable to the real space station, and even after being launched into space with a rocket, it can immediately enter the working state!


Hundreds of millions of netizens in Longguo were shocked.

The news spread, and major websites reprinted the news one after another. In less than an hour, the number of hits exceeded 100 million!

And netizens are completely unable to calm down,

follow closely.

This news has also spread abroad, and netizens in the western world have also learned about the latest news.


The world is boiling!

"Tang from the Dragon Kingdom? This legendary figure personally stated that he is secretly studying the construction of a space station!

"Yes, you read that right, this young man from the Dragon Kingdom, who is talented and comparable to Einstein, is building a space station on earth with his own power!

"God, this is absolutely impossible! It must be a big joke by Longguo netizens and the media!"

"Longguo people are too funny, how can they still believe such a thing? What are their brains used for?"

"A child knows that this is impossible!


Tang Yi has become a figure in the global public opinion circle!

The development of sixth-generation fighter jets, the use of virtual reality technology in his hands, and the recent challenges of special forces from various countries have made Tang Yi popular all over the world.

Many people regarded him as a spiritual idol.

Consider him a great pioneer more charismatic than Aaron Malas!

But this moment.

When the news came out, many people frowned.

first timing.

Experts in the aerospace field from the West have come forward one after another.

Jet Labs base in California.

Caitlin, a world-renowned aerospace engineer and a top spacecraft scientist, sat at her desk and looked at a series of photos and materials sent by a student of the Dragon Kingdom that she had brought with her.

A pair of slightly vicissitudes of eyes gradually revealed a surprised expression.

"Caitlin, what are you looking at?"

Another scientist at the Jet Lab base, Richard, who ranks among the top three in the field of aerospace materials in the world, happened to pass by Caitlin.

Seeing her fascinated, he subconsciously glanced down.


Richard was stunned suddenly, pointed to one of the photos and said casually: "This is the external part of the space station. If I read it correctly, it uses silicon carbide particles reinforced aluminum matrix composite material.

"But what is this? I remember the International Space Station, there was no such modular assembly."

"Currently in operation around the world, and still in the R&D and construction stage, including the Dragon Kingdom's Asgard space station, there are no similar modular components!"5

Richard murmured in confusion.

"Richard, of course you don't know! 99

Caitlin hesitated and said, "Because this is an amusement park equipment, er, if I read it correctly, it is."

"What's the meaning?

This time, Richard was confused for a long time, and finally figured out the reason with Caitlin's explanation.

"So, you tell me, this is a photo from your student?

"And the place where she was filming was the amusement park in Longguo called Youyou. New amusement equipment will be launched soon. What equipment will be used?"

"""That amusement park is building a space station!


Richard screamed in one breath, and he was completely numb.

This news is really amazing!


Other colleagues in the lab also gathered around after hearing these comments.

Then a group of top experts gathered around these photos and began to analyze them.

"If it is that man, theoretically speaking, he has scientific research strength in this area. 35

Caitlin said solemnly: "After all, he promoted the development of the sixth-generation machine business of the Dragon Kingdom."

"As well as his current scientific research strength, I believe that he must be deeply involved in the aerospace field!""

Hearing this, Richard immediately shook his head and said solemnly, "I will not deny that MR. Tang is a genius!"5

"But... God! Caitlin, we're talking about space stations!

"It's not a small amusement equipment in the so-called amusement park, but a space station that can operate independently for hundreds of years in a weightless environment in space!

Afterwards, Richard pointed to some parts of the photo that he thought were wrong, and analyzed: "You look at these details in the photo, which are completely beyond the current research direction of the space station in various countries."5

"In my opinion, this should be a hype! 35

Richard suddenly smiled, let out a long sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Don't forget, this MR Tang, he is a top scientist, but at the same time, he is also a businessman!


In the laboratory, a group of experts showed a sudden realization.


Caitlin frowned slightly: "You still think that this is impossible (Zhao Nuo's) thing, and the equipment in the photo is just a fake? And everything ... is the other party's hype, for the next amusement park new project On the line, and the hype heat?

"Yes, that's the only explanation.

said with approval.

Then a playful smile appeared.

"Anyway, MR. Tang has succeeded."

“But at the same time, he will also be the object of ridicule on all sides.35

Richard pondered: "In the next period of time, I believe that experts from various countries and top aerospace scientific research institutions in the world will stand up and accuse Mr. Tang.

"He's playing tricks on the people and going against the ethics of a scientist!



After some thought, Caitlin said nothing.

He just casually threw the information sent by Qin Wan into a folder, obviously not intending to read it seriously.

at the same time.

The major Western media and scientific research experts from various institutions seem to have found a point of release.

"MR. Tang from the Dragon Kingdom is obviously using the public to carry out a ignorant and ignorant hype!

"Don is a businessman, and doing anything ridiculous for profit is normal to him.

"Haha! Are the people of the Dragon country so naive and ignorant?"

"They actually believe that with the strength of one person, they can actually build a space to stand out? Haha! It's the biggest farce in the world this year! Donkey!

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