I crushed an insect to death, and the system actually said I killed a dragon?

Chapter 200 Did Senior Sword God really sacrifice himself?

Chapter 200 Senior Sword God...really sacrificed?

"This Sword God wishes you a long life in heaven and on earth!!!"

High in the sky!

Qin Yang pressed his palm on the head of the Venerable!

His eyes burst into light like the molten sun.

The star power is chaotic, as if the turbulence in the sea is sweeping across it! !

"You're crazy! Jiang Hai Sword God!"

The Venerable Beast God Sect noticed Qin Yang's aura, and was instantly frightened. He tried to swat his hand away and escape, leaving the high-altitude range.

To know.

The self-explosion of someone who is also in the Supreme Realm can destroy the world and destroy the world. Even I, who is in the Supreme Realm, can't bear it!

For the people of this Jianghai...

Jianghai Sword God can actually do this? !

I have been practicing cultivation for one hundred and fifty years...

How could I die with you! ! !


Thinking of this, His Majesty resisted Qin Yang, and the two star powers clashed, trying to reduce the power and delay, "I have something to discuss..."

But the words have not yet fallen...

Qin Yang looked down at him with indifference, the molten light in his eyes getting brighter...

In the face of death, all living beings are equal.

It felt so good to beat this swordsman just now!

Now I know I was wrong!


This sword god also likes his unruly appearance!

next moment!

boom! ! !

The unity of heaven and earth is activated!

Waves of air rolled across the sky, exploding stars filled the sky, the void collapsed, and star power bloomed from Qin Yang's skull.

All the heat waves poured into the venerable body, as if the sun was approaching!


The roar of the Venerable resounded through the sky until it was drowned in the deafening roar. His throat melted, his skin vaporized layer by layer, and his bones cracked and exploded!

The powerful heavenly body...

Facing the power of self-destruction, he is just as weak as a blank sheet of paper! !

Above Jianghai City, white light shines on the sky, and the dawn comes early!

The strong wind swept in all directions,

The aftermath of the self-destruction of star power fell from the sky, and the high temperature heat wave swept thousands of star beasts, and the beast tide surged and struggled... The white bones were scorched, and white smoke curled up...

Click! !

In the aftermath, the city defense formation burst apart!

The cracks spread along the way, exceeding the conventional blasting power. Even at an altitude of thousands of miles, the power it brings cannot be underestimated!

"No! The aftermath of this power is too strong!"

“Everyone, pay attention to the formation!!!”

Li Daoming roared loudly and raised his hand to use star power to try to make up for it. Other Li family defenders took action one after another to help inject star power.

The majestic star power is poured into it, the formations are melting and moving, each mysterious thread trembles and buzzes, and it is forcibly stabilized by the star power delivered by the Li family.


Still not enough!

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

The power of the aftermath decreased, and the city defense formation was shattered!

The newly restored formation couldn't bear it anymore, and it turned into glass bubbles and was completely destroyed!

next moment.

Bang bang!

Several Li family gatekeepers were lying on the ground, their mental energy drained away, their eyes unfocused, looking blankly at the night in the sky.

"What a terrifying power..."

Blood oozed from the corners of Li Daoming's mouth. He looked down at the shattered array diagram in his hand and felt happy in his heart.

Fortunately, he was able to survive because of the city defense formation to relieve the pressure.


The consequences will be disastrous!

Just being on the ground has so much power.


What a huge area of ​​power is the center of war in the sky?

At this moment, under the aftermath of this self-destruction.

The city defense was shattered...

Most of the beast tide on the ground has turned into scorched bones. It was once a terrifying natural disaster, but now it has been reduced by more than half, and it no longer poses any threat.


No one cares now!

Now Senior Sword God explodes into the sky, affecting everyone's hearts.

Everyone on the city wall looked up at the sky, trying to find Qin Yang's figure, and their eyes swept across the sky.

Looking up,

The white light gradually dissipated and the night became dark.

Ashes flew down from the sky.


On the battlefield, there was still no shadow...

"With no star power, Senior Sword God... this is... taking the initiative to die with the evil cult demon..."

Lin Mofeng sensed the aura above and murmured to himself, already at a loss, "This kind of self-destruction power can only be achieved by my senior..."

He didn't say any more.

Silence is better than sound.

Everyone knew what he meant.

The demon of the supreme realm of the cult is powerful, and the sword god of Jianghai died in person, burning his life for the citizens of Jianghai...

In an instant,

There was sudden silence on the city wall.

The night wind blows, and the fishy wind lingers in the nose.


Li Zixuan raised her head with tears streaming down her face, looking at the ashes filling the sky with white light.

The teacher actually blew himself up for a cult monster?

"Master...he actually blew himself up with the enemy..."

Li Qinghe's eyes were dull and he raised his fingers to the sky.

People are completely confused...

Just now, he said that the Sword God had won a great victory and defeated the Supreme Realm monster, but the current situation was completely unexpected.

"Senior...I haven't spoken to you yet..."

Li Laoban was kneeling on the ground, his face even more painful.

It's as if the whole person has aged a few years.

I have always regarded Jianghai Sword God as my idol, but now that he has self-destructed, everything has turned into a dream.

The other garrison soldiers also looked sad.

A second ago, he was bathing in the blessings of the spring rain from his predecessors, enjoying the law-tempering body.

The results were instantaneous.

All disappeared.

"Senior, righteousness..."

The superintendent murmured, taking off his police hat and looking blankly outside the city wall.

Only the distant horizon is visible.

The sky turned fish-belly white, and beasts swarmed with broken limbs everywhere.

The dying moans are accompanied by the morning wind, and the mournful screams are heard all over the field.

It was clear that the situation had been completely reversed, the emperor-level star beast was dead, and the beast tide army also suffered heavy losses... But no one could be happy.

They were silent.

The image of the sword god self-destructing fills his mind...

Fuhai Community.

The TV broadcast signal was restored, the scene just now was rebroadcast, and the camera was pointed at the night sky. All I could see was the stars falling down all over the sky, and no one could be seen anymore.

On the city wall, the soldiers guarding the city were crying...

"Master! I didn't expect you to be able to do this!"

Xiaobai looked at the picture on the TV, licked his tail, and looked back at Qin Yang.

"When did you learn to self-destruct? And you secretly learned from other people's cults... Tell me honestly! Have you secretly joined the cult?"

"Tsk, what religion do you want to join?"

Qin Yang rolled his eyes and said perfunctorily: "Only others are allowed to blow up me, but I'm not allowed to blow up others?"



Qin Yang frowned and ignored Xiao Bai, instead focusing on another matter.


What about the system’s rewards! ?

I just killed the Supreme Realm demon, but I lit up fireworks all over the city... This is not a reward, it's unreasonable!

"If I can do the hard work, I must give you some good products, right?"

Think of this.

Qin Yang continued to concentrate, calling the system in his heart.

"System! Come out! Where did you die!!"

"Where's the reward?"

My thoughts just fell.

The long-lost voice from the system finally came——

"Shocked! The host actually defeated the Emperor Senior Realm expert with just one attack. This system is really shocked!"

"Ding, it has been detected that the host has seriously injured an Emperor Senior Realm expert!!"

"Congratulations to the host! You have obtained the emperor-level magic weapon, the sun-shooting bow!!!"

A series of rewards-exploding sounds sounded,

Qin Yang finally felt comfortable and was about to take out the rewards from the system and play...

But that's it.


Qin Yang frowned. Thinking of the system's prompt tone, he suddenly discovered Hua Dian...

The demon was seriously injured...? !

its not right!

When I blew myself up just now.

I watched that powerful man in the Supreme Realm die right in front of my eyes! !

But now you tell me, after enduring such a huge impact, this cult monster is still alive? !


This is where my thoughts come to.

Qin Yang frowned slightly, looking at the camera in the live broadcast, thinking about his thoughts in his heart.

Since the opponent can be promoted to the Supreme Realm and has practiced for so long, it is normal that he must have some means of self-protection.

If you follow the system prompts…..

In other words, this Lao Deng still has something up his sleeve? ! !


The gate of Jianghai City.

Dawn finally rises, and the light advances slowly like a tidal wave.

The scarlet mist was steaming, and the remaining star beasts suffered heavy casualties and were no longer anything to be afraid of.

After the bloody battle ended all night, Superintendent Xingwu began to clean up the battlefield.

The Sword God has left, but after all, more people stand up and continue their lives as usual.

"Team B goes to the city wall to clean up the border!"

The superintendent pinched his brows and pressed hard on the mountain pattern while transmitting a message to the stationed police team, "There is still a shortage of people in the southeast corner..."

"Take a break."

Li Daoming stepped forward, held his shoulders, and said softly, "You have also been fighting hard all night on the wall. It's time for you to have a good rest..."

"It's okay, later."

The commander shook his head slightly and looked down at the star beasts under the city wall, "We'll wait until the wave clears... We can't let Senior Sword God down."

"The citizens of Jianghai will never forget his contribution."

Li Daoming whispered, "When this beast tide passes..."

The words have not yet finished.


Leng Rui's sword energy was so cold that it burst out from the beast tide!

"This is?"

The commander felt a little cold all over. He looked over for movement and found Li Zixuan charging in the beast tide. He said in surprise:

"That seems to be a girl from your Li family?"

"Well... Xuanxuan's mood hasn't been right since just now."

Li Daoming sighed,

"Forget it, let her vent, don't stop her."



Under the city wall,

Swords and swords clashed with each other, and guns and fire roared.

The star warriors frantically chased the star beasts to vent their anger.


The fierce sword light soared into the sky!

Li Zixuan's eyes were dim and she looked like crazy. She raised her sword and slashed the star beasts across the waist, killing them wantonly.

A large number of star beasts screamed,

Then he was beheaded by her sword!


Li Qinghe stood silently behind her, supporting the formation to prevent other star beasts from getting close.

Master means a lot to Li Zixuan. Now she needs to vent the anger in her heart, and all she can do is to stay by her side quietly.


And just then.

City defense wall, in a remote corner.

"Damn Star Beast!!!"

A star warrior wearing a Chinese tunic suit held a war blade and cut off the head of a spider wolf. He was spitting thick phlegm angrily and looking for the next target.


A stream of black blood came out from the crack in the ground.

It rushed into his nasal cavity and instantly merged into his body!

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